
Men treat you as a wife, there will be such acquiescence, don't know

Men treat you as a wife, there will be such acquiescence, don't know

Text/Xi Xi Huan

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Whether a man is really moving or not, what is the mentality when interacting with women, in fact, even if the man does not say, if the woman is careful enough, she can get the answer she wants from his words and deeds.

Many women say that a man's heart is very cold and hard, and if he is not emotional, then even if the woman gives everything for him, it will not be exchanged for a trace of his tenderness.

In fact, this is not because men are cruel, but men will always have a preference in their hearts to leave to the person they love the most.

When a man is sincere with a woman, he will become different, will change his principles, will become more careful, and will be willing to do a lot of things that he is not originally interested in.

It is said that love will change a person, whether a man or a woman, after really falling in love with a person, he will involuntarily go to the other party, because he likes and cares in his heart, so he would rather be the person who pays more, as long as the other party is happy and happy.

And after a man really falls in love with a woman, he will change a lot, so women have to understand that only men who treat you as wives will allow you to do these things.

Men treat you as a wife, there will be such acquiescence, don't know

01 Allows you to enter his social circle

There are many women who do not understand one thing in the process of interacting with men, obviously establish a relationship, but they do not seem to know each other, because he will never bring himself to contact the people around him, whether they are relatives or friends.

When Gao Xiao met her boyfriend, she had just come out of the last failed relationship, because she still had resistance to feelings in her heart, so she actually had concerns when her boyfriend pursued him.

In the interaction with her ex-boyfriend, Gao Xiao belongs to the active party, which was the family she actively pursued, and after establishing the relationship, she is also the one who pays more.

To tell the truth, although Gao Xiao had not yet graduated from college at that time, she was rushing to get married, so for that man, Gao Xiao could be said to have paid all her sincerity, and even when the man was short of money, she would save money and give him all the living expenses.

But what made Gao Xiaohan feel cold was that men would never take her to dinner with his friends, and as for her family, they never introduced her.

Once, the man and Gao Xiao were eating out, met one of his friends, saw each other look at their eyes, Gao Xiao just wanted to introduce himself, but was stopped by the man, the man told people, Gao Xiao is just his ordinary friend.

This sentence made Gao Xiao finally understand that it turned out that men had never taken themselves seriously, so he would isolate himself from the social circle.

And the later boyfriend, when he first established the relationship, he couldn't wait to take her to meet her friends, and he would solemnly introduce her to her family.

Sometimes Gao Xiao felt very touched when he looked at the man's serious appearance, and the man told her that he really wanted to be with her, and in his heart, Gao Xiao was already his wife, so he hoped that his happiness could be witnessed by the people around him.

Men are often very rational, so he knows very well where the woman in front of him is in his heart, and if he is really taking your wife, then he will definitely allow you to enter his social circle, rather than ignoring your feelings and isolating you.

Men treat you as a wife, there will be such acquiescence, don't know

02 Allow you to joke about his troubles

There will always be a most special love, let the man be willing to give the woman he loves the most, maybe he is not smiling in the eyes of others, is very cold, even does not know how to humor, but in the face of his beloved woman, he will become different.

Men are all good-looking, especially when something bad happens to him, and he longs for no one in the world but himself to know.

Especially if someone around him teases him about this matter, it is likely to anger a man, but if he treats you as a wife, it is completely different.

The man who treats you as a wife in his heart will have more tolerance for you because he cares about you, even if you joke about his troubles, he will not be angry, because he will be happier when he sees you happy.

In his heart, nothing is more important than your happiness, so his face, his self-esteem, will give way for your happiness and happiness.

The man who does this must be genuinely moved, although he cares about his image in your heart, he is more willing to tolerate and accept all your willfulness.

All women should know that if a man has been silently laughing and watching you make trouble around him, joking about his troubles, it shows that his feelings for you are not the same, and what you need to learn to do is not to be inching forward, but to take into account his feelings as well, which is the meaning of your two-way rush to each other.

Men treat you as a wife, there will be such acquiescence, don't know

03 Allow you to spend his money

I once saw a joke that said that when a woman looks at a man most charming, it is when he pays, and even many women will take whether a man is willing to spend money for himself as a proof of whether he loves himself or not.

Although this theory is somewhat general, a man who sincerely treats you as a wife must allow you to spend his money.

Some people will say that if a man has to spend money on her every time he has a girlfriend, then the biggest loss in the end is himself, so only if he really recognizes whether this woman is worth spending the rest of his life hand in hand with himself, can he be willing to spend money on her.

Money is an external thing, although feelings can not be measured or defined by money, but if a man is not willing to spend money on you, and even will be worried about you in terms of money, then in addition to the factor that he is stingy, there is only another reason, that is, he does not really accept you in his heart.

Only if he is willing to accept you from the bottom of his heart and is willing to accommodate you for the rest of his life, he will feel that it is natural for you to spend his money, and even for your happiness, he will work harder to make more money, just to give you a better life, so that you can get a more relaxed and rich life here.

The man who falls in love with you is naturally willing to join hands with you into marriage, and you spend his money, which will make him more fulfilled, and will also make him more motivated to work hard and earn more money to provide security for your happy life.

Although a man's heart is sometimes very deep, it is not difficult to guess, because whether he loves you or not, you will always find the answer from his actions, from the details of your relationship, and after having the answer, after determining that he wants to cherish your heart, what you need to do is to cherish the relationship.

Men treat you as a wife, there will be such acquiescence, don't know


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