
Weilai: "I don't understand why anyone still buys a fuel car" The era of fuel vehicles is really coming to an end?

| Lei

At the annual "Nio Day" held on December 18, Weilai CEO Li Bin expressed his views on traditional fuel vehicles in an interview, saying that he "completely does not understand, how can anyone buy oil trucks now", "buying oil cars is nostalgic", "oil cars can smell a little gasoline, what else is good", adding a fire to the already unstable topic of "who is better for fuel vehicles and electric vehicles".

And Li Bin's speech also has to make people think again: is the era of fuel vehicles really over? Are people who buy fuel cars now stupid? In fact, the discussion of "whether the era of fuel vehicles is over" is still one of the most discussed topics in the automotive field this year.

In my opinion, the era of fuel vehicles is not over, and the relationship between "buying fuel vehicles" and "buying electric vehicles" is not as black and white as Li Bin said. You can not understand, but it does not mean that the person who buys the gas car is not normal.

Weilai: "I don't understand why anyone still buys a fuel car" The era of fuel vehicles is really coming to an end?

Has the battery life and charging anxiety of electric vehicles been solved?

False battery life and difficulty in charging are the biggest factors hindering the development of new energy vehicles.

In terms of endurance, there are currently two problems, one is that in addition to some range extended range cars, the mileage of most pure electric vehicles is about four or five hundred kilometers. Daily commuting is OK, and a little farther away you have to consider whether the battery is enough. The second problem is that the mileage of electric vehicles is often "discounted". You said that if it is an electric vehicle with a range of 1000KM+, there are at least eight or nine hundred kilometers of "discount", but those electric vehicles that have a range of four or five hundred kilometers can still be driven by "discounting"?

For example, the official endurance of WEILAI EC6 is 615KM, the actual endurance in winter is only 336.9KM, and the winter endurance achievement rate is only 54.78%; for example, Xiaopeng, the official endurance is 670KM, the actual endurance in winter is only 316.2KM, and the winter endurance achievement rate is only 47.19%.

On this more than 300 kilometers of endurance, why should people open?

Weilai: "I don't understand why anyone still buys a fuel car" The era of fuel vehicles is really coming to an end?

Charging and replacing facilities need to be improved

Battery life discount is good, it is short, if it can be charged at any time, it is nothing, but in terms of charging and replacing, the current construction of China's charging and replacing infrastructure is not perfect enough to meet the needs of electric vehicle users at any time.

Whether it is a province, county, or township, there is a gas station when walking on the highway, but will there be a charging station when walking?

As Shen Hui, CEO of WM Motors, said, WM delivered more than 40,000 vehicles this year, but 20,000 charging piles distributed with cars could not be sent out, because "there are still many communities that are not allowed to install charging piles."

It can be seen that new energy vehicles have developed, but the corresponding policy support and rules and regulations have not fully kept up. Just like the original shared car, there are many people driving, and the volume is not small, but the problem of random placement has never been solved.

Fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles will coexist for a long time

At present, in the Chinese auto market, fuel vehicles still account for 80% and 90% of the share, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles from January to October is only 13%. In the medium and long term, the proportion of fuel vehicles will become smaller, but it will not disappear completely, and the penetration rate of electric vehicles will continue to rise.

Fuel vehicles save fuel in high speed, and electric vehicles run at high speeds and consume electricity. At this stage, many users are still very dependent on many advantages of fuel vehicles. So, it's not time to talk about whether the era of fuel vehicles is over, but it's a fact that both sides will continue to optimize.

Weilai: "I don't understand why anyone still buys a fuel car" The era of fuel vehicles is really coming to an end?

Write at the end

In fact, to prove yourself good, you don't have to belittle others to achieve it. Which day the anxiety of electric vehicles is really solved, then the number of people who buy them will naturally be more, and the most important thing is to do their own. When the market share of electric vehicles reached 80% and 90% one day, I believe that electric vehicle companies did not have time to care about how fuel vehicles were.

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