
Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

For every parent, the child is the best gift from God and the most perfect angel in his mind.

However, as children enter society, they also face a variety of interpersonal social problems, and many parents will pass on "life experiences that they think are right" to their children.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

Especially for younger children, the concept of parents will have a crucial impact on them.

Some time ago, I saw a very interesting scene. A very quiet little girl plays with the little ones and is in a state of complete compromise.

Obviously, I like to play paper-cutting very much, when other friends offer to do other games, the little girl who smiles, puts down the scissors in her hand, and plays games with other children.

When the game began, the role of the shark was unclaimed, and the eyes of the other children asked, although the little girl did not like it in her heart, but also silently accepted.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

When there is a conflict and conflict with any child, no matter who is responsible, the little girl will take the initiative to apologize.

When they saw this scene, most netizens were extremely sour in their hearts and replied one after another: Like their childhood selves.

Many netizens define the behavior of the little girl as a flattering personality, willing to aggrieved themselves, which makes the people around them extremely distressed.

Most children with a flattering personality tend to have the following characteristics in life.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

[Children with "flattering" personalities have these characteristics]

1. There is no opinion

Most children with flattering personalities do not have any opinions in the process of interacting with people.

Whenever a fellow traveler has any advice, they always follow it unconditionally.

Their obedience to the advice of others does not mean that they do not have ideas in their hearts, but they are habitually obedient to others, hoping to make their relationships smoother.

Everything is based on the will of others, so it seems that they have no opinion.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

2. Wronged yourself

Most children with a flattering personality are very easy to wronged themselves.

Most of the time when making decisions, they go with the flow, thinking about more people, but ignoring the truest feelings in their hearts.

It is this kind of behavior that keeps themselves in a state of grievance.

As we all know, it is extremely difficult to make a child with a pleasing personality happy.

In order to avoid their children falling into the environment of pleasing personality, in the process of child cultivation and education, the following methods can make children respect their own ideas, avoid everything being taken by others, and ignore their inner feelings.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

【Ways to avoid children becoming "flattering" personalities】

1, the child's ideas, need to be guarded and respected

In order to avoid children from developing a flattering personality in later life, the daily education of parents is the most important thing to pay attention to.

When parents interfere too much in their children's opinions, they will not only make children develop an unconfident personality, but even make them develop a flattering person.

Parents are too strong, which is one of the reasons for inducing children's flattering personality.

Therefore, in the process of growing up, parents should respect their children's decisions as much as possible.

Every decision a child makes is for a certain reason, a decision made from the heart.

If they are questioned and hit by their parents for a long time, they will constantly doubt themselves, and in order to please their parents, they will make constant concessions, and in the long run, they will develop a flattering personality.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

2, do not easily blame children

In the process of growing up, making mistakes is inevitable, and once the child makes mistakes, blame the child without asking.

It will only make them constantly compromise and apologize to others when they encounter mistakes or problems.

In the long run, it will also make their flattering personality more serious, and it will make them lose their sense of self-identification, and even make them lose themselves in the process of growing up.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

3, do not over-ask the child

In the process of growing up, even if parents are eager for their children to become talented, they should not constantly make various requirements for their children.

When the pressure is too great, in order to please and make the parents satisfied, the child can only be wronged and complete, once the grievance emotion is excessively magnified, it will not only affect psychological problems, but also will be a flattering personality, accompanying them for a lifetime.

Children please others, mostly from the beginning of pleasing their parents, how to avoid becoming a flattering personality?

【Author's Message】

Most children with flattering personalities don't live happily ever after.

If there is a greatest impact on children, it is the education that parents hear about.

In order to let the child's future be in the hands of the hand, not to be inflamed and not to aggrieved themselves, in the child's education, parents must pay attention from an early age.

To avoid developing a flattering personality, parents must do the above, only in this way can children grow up truly happily, so that they can make decisions for themselves in life.

Topic: What factors do you think will be affected by the cultivation of a child's flattering personality? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences below.

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