
The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

Wen 丨 Forest Mommy

Whether to have a vaginal birth or a caesarean section is the most concerned thing for pregnant mothers when giving birth, and doctors will generally recommend a vaginal birth first, and when the mother's physical condition does not meet the conditions for a vaginal birth, it will recommend a caesarean section.

Normal delivery is very painful during childbirth, but now with painless delivery technology, it can alleviate the pain of childbirth to a certain extent, so its advantages will be more obvious: fast recovery after childbirth, fewer complications, small wounds, less cost, high breastfeeding rate, and the fetus will develop better through the various functions of the body after the birth canal squeeze, so it is more favored by mothers.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

However, caesarean sections can save the lives of mothers and babies when they are unable to have a vaginal birth for various reasons, or when there is an emergency during the vaginal birth process.

The advice of the mother and the family can play a role in choosing the method of delivery, but everything should be based on the physical condition of the mother at the time of delivery and the condition of the fetus in the womb.

For example, if a woman has these conditions, it is a common indication for caesarean section:

Fetal distress: fetal heart rate is too low or too frequent, meaning that the fetus may be hypoxic and needs to be operated on as soon as possible; placental abruption: placenta is stripped from the uterine wall, the fetus will also be deprived of oxygen, and surgery is needed as soon as possible, in addition to abnormal fetal position, placenta previa, and also need to be delivered by caesarean section; umbilical cord prolapse: blood supply blockage, resulting in acute hypoxia of the baby; too little amniotic fluid: let the baby lack of oxygen, insufficient conditions for normal delivery.

In addition, there are babies with too large heads and necks, too much weight, or twins and multiple births; and pregnancy complications such as hypertension and diabetes, complications, as well as abnormal birth canal, scarring the uterus, and so on.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

In general, in order to have a safe and smooth birth, these conditions need to be met:

1. Fetal position and umbilical cord condition

If before delivery, the fetus is not the head position, but the breech position and transverse position, which belong to the fetal position abnormality, that is, the fetal position is not correct, and it is generally not recommended to have a vaginal birth; secondly, if the umbilical cord circumference is too much before delivery, the umbilical cord is not long enough, and the fetal hypoxia will occur during contractions, and it is generally not recommended to have a vaginal birth.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

2. Placenta and amniotic fluid situation

In addition to abnormal fetal position and umbilical cord affecting delivery, the placental condition also requires attention. Before delivery, the placenta may age in advance, do not support vaginal delivery, or placental abruption, but also more dangerous, in addition, if the post-pregnancy examination finds placenta preposition, it is generally known that this is not suitable for vaginal delivery.

Too little prenatal amniotic fluid may also lead to fetal hypoxia, leading to the need for a caesarean section.

3. Fetal weight

Fetal weight is too large, childbirth is more dangerous, before people think that the larger the fetus weight is better to feed, now everyone knows that more than 8 pounds belongs to the "giant child", the fetal head diameter is too large, the fetal head is too hard, the shoulder fat is too much, will cause difficulties in childbirth, serious may occur difficult birth.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

4. Maternal pelvis

The double top diameter of the fetus is less than 10 cm, so only if the pregnant mother's pelvis is above 10 cm, it will be easier to choose a normal birth. Most pregnant mothers' pelvis is above 10 cm, but there are also individual pelvic abnormalities, resulting in the fetus can not be successfully entered into the pelvis, pregnant mothers can only choose caesarean section.

5. Recovery of scarred uterus

If the first child is a caesarean section, the second and first births are relatively close and you want to have a smooth birth, you need to check the recovery of the scarred uterus. If the recovery is good, the thickness of the lower section of the anterior wall of the uterus is greater than or equal to 3 mm, and the skin elasticity of the uterine scar is good, the pregnant mother can choose to have a vaginal birth.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

6. Birth canal situation and productivity situation

If there are lesions in the birth canal of the mother, such as infection with germs or fibroids, it is not recommended to have a vaginal birth.

In addition, if the maternal productivity is not enough, it will also cause dystocia, which will drag on too long and is not good for themselves and the baby.

Uterine contractility is the main productive force after delivery, and among them, if the mother is nervous and interferes with the central nervous system, it may affect the uterine contraction, that is, affect the productivity. Therefore, pregnant mothers should correctly look at childbirth before childbirth, and do not be too nervous and chaotic.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

We can learn the knowledge of normal delivery in advance, know how to use force, how to breathe, and we can know in our hearts, so that the delivery process can be smoother.

The 6 conditions for safe and smooth delivery can be relaxed if they are met, and the mother who wants to have a smooth birth can look at it in advance

Of course, we also want to open a little, if the physical conditions do not allow natural childbirth, then we do not have to struggle, do not have to cling, as long as the adults and children are safe and healthy in the end, it is enough.

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