
The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

"The benevolent see the benevolent, the wise see the wise", this sentence actually applies to our history, because history cannot be directly repeated, we can only draw from the text historical data, and the text has a great characteristic, that is, the "modification" role, the ruling class will delete and modify for its own interests, and the historian will evaluate according to its own likes and dislikes, so even if it is the correct history, although it can reflect the truth, it is not completely true.

And even if it is true, it is very likely that there will be omissions, after all, people are not all-knowing and all-powerful creatures, a pair of eyes can only see in front of the eyes, so there is a situation where these 4 people are "missing" and "mysteriously disappeared", which makes people wonder: Where did they go?

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

1. Yang Guifei

Born in 716 AD, Yang Guifei was sent to the family of her third uncle Yang Xuanxuan in Luoyang because of her father's death at the age of 10, and in 734 AD, because of the love of Li Mao at first sight because of the appearance of Tianxian, she became the Princess of Shou, and the two were extremely affectionate. However, this kind of love did not last long.

In 737 AD, Li Mao's mother Wu Huifei died, as Tang Xuanzong's favorite concubine, her death was a big blow to Tang Xuanzong, at that time Tang Xuanzong did not even want to go to the dynasty, and at this time Yang Guifei was famous, someone secretly told Tang Xuanzong about her, so Yang Guifei, as Li Mao's princess, was recruited into the palace by Li Mao's father Tang Xuanzong and opened a dog blood drama.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

At the beginning, Yang Guifei was extremely favored by Tang Xuanzong, so Bai Juyi wrote "Three thousand harem beauties, three thousand pets in one", Du Mu wrote "A red dust concubine laughs, no one knows that it is a lychee coming", Li Bai wrote "The famous flowers pour into the country and the two are happy, and the king often looks at it with a smile", and she has been degraded several times and favored several times, so she is considered to be the existence of the country and the people.

In 755, An Lushan attacked Chang'an on the grounds of the Qing Emperor's side, and Tang Xuanzong had to flee with Yang Guifei, but when the soldiers mutinied at Ma Songpo, demanding the execution of Yang Guifei and Yang Guozhong, although Tang Xuanzong tried desperately to keep Yang Guifei, but the soldiers refused, believing that the chaos of An Shi was Yang Guifei, so they pressed forward step by step, and finally Tang Xuanzong let her hang herself under the pear tree of the Buddhist hall with white silk.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

But strange things came, after the Anshi Rebellion, Tang Xuanzong was busy collecting corpses, but he couldn't find Yang Guifei's body, so the tomb of Yang Guifei that we see now is actually just a crown tomb. And the popular folk saying is that Yang Guifei is actually not dead, just at this time, Japan also found two Yang Guifei tombs, after investigation is not suddenly out, but has always existed.

The Japanese scholar Watanabe Ryusuke believes in the "Secret History of Yang Guifei's Resurrection" that Yang Guifei went to Yangzhou with the help of dancers and musicians, and then met the Japanese envoy Fujiwara Naobi, and then was brought to Japan, where she helped the Emperor Takaaki with her wisdom, so that she was loved by the people, especially women, so that many people still claim to be the descendants of Yang Guifei, for example, the Japanese first-class actress Yamaguchi Hyake claimed to be her descendants, and also came up with a family tree, but no one dared to believe it. The whereabouts of Yang Guifei were also confused.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

2. Xi Shi

Xi Shi is a very famous beauty in the Warring States period, but also one of the four great beauties of ancient China, her birth is more artistic than Yang Guifei, although we can be sure that there is indeed such a beautiful woman in history, but her birth and death years are unknown, only known to be Yue people, at that time because the Yue Kingdom was attached to the State of Wu, Xi Shi was trained to go to the State of Wu as a traitor, and defeated the court with beauty.

In 494 BC, Xi Shi was discovered by Fan Li, brought into the Yue Palace by Wen Zi, and then trained by the Yue King for three years, and finally was presented to the King of Wu. Of course, King Wu was very fond of Xi Shi, and he also built a large pool, set up a green dragon boat, built a sound corridor, and sang songs day by day, basically without the heart of the early dynasty, so that Xi Shi successfully completed her beauty plan. However, in 482 BC, after completing the Beauty Plan, where Xi Shi went, no one knows.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

There are two versions of her and Fan Li's ending. One is of course a comedic ending, with the Book of Yue saying that she and Fan Li escaped to Taihu Lake and retreated into the mountains and rivers; another said that King Yue originally wanted to keep Xi Shi, but Fan Li was afraid that he was as addicted to female sex as King Wu, so he tricked Xi Shi into leaving Shen Lake.

There are also three versions of her Sinking River. One said that the angry Wu people sank into the river after being destroyed by the country, which can be seen in the description of "Xi ShiYu" in the "Chronicle of The Strange Objects of the Eastern Slope"; the second is that she was deceived by the Yue King, believing that she was indeed a good hand in the disaster of the country and the people, afraid that she would not be able to control and avoid it, and simply shen Jiang yong extinguished the trouble; the third is that the wife of the Yue king Gou Jian gave Shen Jiang, because Gou Jian wanted to put Xi Shi into the palace, and The wife of Gou Jian was afraid that she would bring disaster to the country, so she first went to force her to sink into the river, which is said in the "Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty".

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

All in all, from these rumors, Compared with Yang Guifei, Xi Shi is actually less likely to be alive, after all, if such a beautiful woman has movements, she should definitely not be so obscure and without a trace. But if you can't find her grave for a day, if you can't find her body, the living one probably shouldn't be abandoned.

3. Zhu Yunjiao

Zhu Yunjiao was born in 1377, as the heir personally elected by Zhu Yuanzhang, he was actually different from Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang killed decisively, but Zhu Yunjiao was weak in nature, but he was very popular with Zhu Yuanzhang, so he successfully succeeded to the throne in 1398 at the age of 21.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

But after succeeding to the throne, he was not so lucky, the country was changeable, the throne was difficult to defend, Zhu Yuanzhangfu closed his eyes, he was surrounded by wolves, at that time in order to strengthen his power, he had to suppress the king of the domain, the Zhou king Zhu Xu, the acting king Zhu Gui, the Xiang king Zhu Bai, the Qi king Zhu Yu and the Min king Zhu Yu were successively overthrown by him, and there was only one powerful Yan king Zhu Di, who could not start for a long time.

At first, neither side took advantage of anything, Zhu Yunjiao was jealous of the military power in Zhu Di's hands, Zhu Di's son was pinched by Zhu Yunjiao, but Zhu Yunjiao always had no way to take Zhu Di, Zhu Di took advantage of Zhu Yunjiao's weak heart, and in 1398 and 1399, he was throwing around and rolling, doing whatever it took, so that Zhu Yunjiao could not bear to imprison his son, and then let him go back. When this was put back, Zhu Di did not have a handle on Zhu Yunjiao's hand.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

In August 1399, Zhu Di launched the "Battle of Jingnan" in the name of the Qing Emperor's side, and the imperial court and the Yan King confronted each other for three years, but in the end, how could the imperial court compare with Zhu Di, who had been stationed at the knife edge for many years and licked blood, and his practical experience was much higher? In 1402, Zhu Di invaded jinchuan gate and led his soldiers into the palace, followed by a fierce fire, and only three corpses were collected in the palace, and the eunuch said that they belonged to the emperor, empress, and his eldest son Zhu Wenkui.

But in fact, no one knows who it is, at that time, Zhu Yunjiao's archival documents and living notes were all destroyed, private accounts were all banned, even his personality and the development of the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty were not clear, and Zhu Di also secretly sent Zheng He to the West to find Zhu Yunjiao, so everyone thought that he was not dead.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

4. Xu Fu

Xu Fusheng's death year is not clear, only that he is an alchemist of the Qin Dynasty, a person in the palace who specializes in divination and other superstitious undertakings, and is also the imperial physician of Qin Shi Huang, but he is also a "person who went to the sea" who was trusted by Qin Shi Huang in seeking immortal medicine.

In 219 BC, Xu Fu said that there are three immortal mountains in this world, namely Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou, and these mountains are inhabited by immortals, and may be able to seek immortal medicine, so Qin Shi Huang couldn't wait to let him bring three thousand virgins and virgins to ask for immortal elixirs, of course, on the way to eat and drink is not, so Xu Fu also brought a large number of assets out, what grain, clothing, medicine and cultivation tools, but this time did not find anything.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

In 210 AD, Qin Shi Huang was still not dead hearted to ask for immortal medicine, so that Xu Fu went to sea again, but Xu Fu had the heart to shirk, and when he toured east to Lang Di, he said that there were mackerels to stop them, and he wanted to send archers to reinforce, Qin Shi Huang could not let him push away, and immediately sent shooters to kill a big fish, Xu Fu could only clip his tail and set off with his virgin boy and girl.

This time it is said that they went to Japan, the "History" records that they felt that the climate there was very pleasant, so Xu Fu did not want to go back, established himself as the king there and developed, and in many historical materials in Japan, it is also recorded that Xu Fu came to Japan, such as the "Japanese National History", "Orthodox Record", etc. In Japanese legends, they think that Xu Fu went to the new palace in Kumano, Kishu, so people there regard Xu Fu as "Si Farming God" and "Si Yao God", and many people say that they are descendants of Xu Fu.

The 4 people who suddenly disappeared in Chinese history, a total of 2 men and 2 women, where did they go?

But in any case, these historical materials are different, can not confirm their authenticity, in the information about the Qin Dynasty does not mention the whereabouts of this Qin Shi Huang incomparably new alchemist Xu Fu, where he went in a big way, whether he found the Immortal Mountain, has always been a mystery in the hearts of future generations, and it is a more fantastic mystery.

What suddenly found it interesting was that unlike South Korea, which liked to say that Chinese culture came from them, Japan preferred to say that they were descendants of the ancient Chinese, they had descendants of Yang Guifei and descendants of Xu Fu, and at a time when The Chinese dynasties were extremely brilliant, they also believed in the saying "descendants of Wu Taibo", but these disappeared with the decline of the Qing Dynasty.

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