
After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, how he treated Zhu Yunjiao and his family was particularly cruel

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On June 13, 1944, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, successfully led an army to attack the capital of The Ming Dynasty, Nanjing, and soon after, the news came that Zhu Yunjiao had set fire to the palace, and he himself disappeared immediately. So the question is, in addition to Zhu Yunjiao himself, what is the fate of his family and his supporters? How did Zhu Di deal with these people?

First, filial piety allowed Empress Ma to be of the Ma clan

After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, how he treated Zhu Yunjiao and his family was particularly cruel

Empress Ma was the daughter of Ma Quan, the Shaoqing of Guanglu, who was personally made a concubine of the Emperor's grandson by Zhu Yuanzhang in the twenty-eighth year of Hongwu, and when zhu Yunjiao officially succeeded to the throne, she naturally became an empress!

When Zhu Di's soldiers came to the city, the desperate Zhu Yunjiao chose to set fire to the palace, while Empress Ma, who knew that she would not have a good end, chose to die in the sea of fire and sacrifice her life for the country!

Second, the eldest son Zhu Wenkui

Zhu Wenkui is the eldest son of Zhu Yunjiao, and it is said that when he was just born, the sun and the moon ended, which was a great evil, so Zhu Yuanzhang did not like this child very much.

After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, how he treated Zhu Yunjiao and his family was particularly cruel

After Zhu Yunjiao became emperor, Zhu Wenkui also successfully became the crown prince by virtue of his status as the eldest son, and four years later Zhu Di invaded Nanjing, he disappeared with his father and two of them, and there is also a saying that he was buried in the sea of fire, anyway, he did not die directly under Zhu Di's sword!

Third, second son Zhu Wengui

Zhu Wengui was the second son of Emperor Jianwen, and his brother was born to Empress Ma of Xiaoxuan, who was only two years old after Zhu Di attacked the city of Nanjing.

Although Emperor Chengzu spared his life, he imprisoned him in the Guang'an Palace in Zhongdu from an early age, and gave him an insulting nickname as Jianshuren, but after Zhu Di's death, he was not released!

After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, how he treated Zhu Yunjiao and his family was particularly cruel

When Emperor Mingyingzong Zhu Qizhen was restored, poor him was innocent but had been imprisoned for a long time, so he ordered his release, when he was more than fifty years old, he did not even know such a common animal as cattle and sheep after he came out, and he had no ability to take care of himself, so he died not long after!

Fourth, Zhu Yunjiao's die-hard loyal huang Zicheng

Huang Zicheng was a favorite of Emperor Jianwen's side, and from the time when Zhu Yunjiao was still the crown prince, he followed him to discuss political affairs, especially important matters!

Later, the reduction of the nationality of the clan led to the rebellion of the King of Yan, and Zhu Yunzhao followed Huang Zicheng's advice and replaced the commander from Geng Bingwen to Li Jinglong, resulting in successive defeats at the front!

After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, how he treated Zhu Yunjiao and his family was particularly cruel

After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, Huang Zicheng still plotted to continue to rebel against Zhu Di, and as a result, his whereabouts were exposed and he was quickly arrested! Zhu Di personally interrogated, Huang Zicheng resisted unyieldingly, and was eventually dismembered and killed, and the nine tribes were joined, and the female relatives of the family were sent to serve as official prostitutes!

Fifth, Zhu Yunjiao's die-hard loyalty Qi Tai

Qi Tai, like Huang Zicheng, was a very trusted person of the Jianwen Emperor, and also the main figure who suggested cutting the domain, after Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, he ran outside with the intention of reviving, and finally did not yield, and the disaster was brought to the Nine Tribes!

Sixth, Zhu Yunjiao's die-hard loyal Fang Xiaoru

After Zhu Di attacked Nanjing, how he treated Zhu Yunjiao and his family was particularly cruel

Fang Xiaoru was a famous writer and thinker at that time, and also a minister of the DPRK, and the Jianwen Emperor's crusade against Zhu Di was written by him.

After Zhu Di attacked the city of Nanjing, Fang Xiaoru refused to surrender, and was eventually arrested, and was later dragged outside the Gate of Nanjing Jubao, where ling chi died and joined the Ten Tribes!

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