
What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

The "subset of the history of the classics" are the four major categories of ancient books that the ancients distinguished according to their contents. Some large-scale ancient book series often include four parts and are named after them, such as "Four Libraries Complete Book", "Four Series", "Four Preparations", etc., which shows the significance of the four parts of the class to ancient books. Jing: Jingshu refers to confucian classics; history: historical books, that is, zhengshi; zi: pre-Qin hundred works, religion; collection: anthology, that is, a compilation of poems. Refers to the ancient texts of the mainland.

Source: "New Book of Tang Dynasty Yiwen Zhi I": "The two capitals each gather four books, with A and B and Propylene as the second, and the four libraries of the subset of the history of the scriptures. Example: Just say a sentence from the sister, no matter ~, everyone thimbles and continues to follow up in turn. Qing Li Ruzhen's "Mirror Flower Edge" seventy-eighth time.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

The four-part method of "classics, histories, sub-collections" is a product of traditional Chinese culture and is applicable to traditional cultural classics. Today, it is still a key for us to familiarize ourselves with ancient books and thus understand traditional culture. Since May Fourth, the mainland has learned from the Western book classification method and classified books according to the modern discipline system. As of October 2013, all kinds of libraries in mainland China still generally use the "Chinese Library Book Classification Method" (referred to as the "Zhongtu Method") revised in the 1990s, but because many ancient books are difficult to be included in the classification system of the Zhongtu Method, the collection and retrieval of general ancient book libraries (libraries) still use the traditional four-part classification method.

Chinese culture has a long history, and it is difficult to count the classics produced by successive generations, according to incomplete statistics, there are still more than 80,000 kinds of books that have survived to this day. The classification and collation of ancient books also began very early, the first large-scale collation of ancient books, began in 26 BC when the Western Han Dynasty became emperor, by Liu Xiang, Liu Xin father and son successively presided over, including search, collation, classification, cataloging, etc., and finally compiled into China's earliest national library catalog "Seven Sketches". The "Seven Sketches" divides the classics collected and sorted at that time into six categories: six arts, zhuzi, bingshu, mathematical techniques, square techniques, and poetry, plus an overview of the nature of the compilation, the general title of "Seven Sketches". The book has long been extinct, but its basic contents have been preserved in Bangu's "Hanshu Yiwenzhi", so the "Hanshu Yiwenzhi" has become the earliest surviving classification of ancient books.

After the Han Dynasty, various official revisions and privately written ancient book classification catalogues continued to emerge, and classification methods were constantly improved. Xun Xun's Book of the Jin Dynasty changed the six to four, namely the Jiabu Lushu (equivalent to the Six Arts), the B Luzi Book (including zhuzi, bingshu, mathematical techniques, and fangji), the C department recorded history books, and the Ding bu was poetry, which laid the foundation for the four-part category. According to the actual situation of the ancient books at that time, the bibliography of the Jin Yuan Emperor compiled by Li Chong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty changed the history books to Part B and the sub-books to Part C, so that the four parts of the classic, history, sub-book, and collection have taken a slight shape.

The final establishment of the four-part system is embodied in the Sui Shu Jing Zhi, which is actually a catalogue compiled by Wei Zheng, a famous minister of the early Tang Dynasty, which officially labels the names of the four parts of the classics, histories, sub-books, and collections, and is further subdivided into 40 categories.

In addition to the above-mentioned quartile and hexagrammatical method, there have been seven, nine and even twelve points of ancient books in the past, but they are not dominant, which shows that after the test of time, the quartile can better solve the problem of complex classification of ancient books, so it has been generally recognized. Of course, the various categories under the four parts have changed throughout the ages, and the "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries" compiled by the Qing Dynasty is divided into four parts and 44 categories, which has greater authority.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

"Warp Department"

The "Classics" are said to be "Five Classics", "Nine Classics", and "Thirteen Classics". The "Five Classics" refers to the five Confucian classics of the pre-Qin era, namely Zhou Yi, Shang Shu, Shi Jing, Li, and Spring and Autumn. Qin Shi Huang burned the book, except for the Zhou Yi, which was preserved as a book of magic numbers, the other four were burned. Han Ru restored it from his own memory, designated it as an official school, and established the "Doctor of the Five Classics", and the name of the Five Classics was formally determined. In the Tang Dynasty, the content of the "Ming Jing" subject examination became the "Nine Classics", namely "Zhou Yi", "Shang Shu", "Book of Poetry", "Zuo Chuan", "Li Ji", "Zhou Li", "Filial Piety", "Analects", and "Mencius". After the Southern Song Dynasty, it was gradually expanded into thirteen Confucian classics, referred to as the "Thirteen Classics". They are: "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Rites", "Li Ji", "Zhou Yi", "Zuo Chuan", "Ram Biography", "Gu Liang Biography", "Analects", "Erya", "Filial Piety", "Mencius".

The "Scriptures" of the Siku Quanshu are divided into ten categories, totaling 695 parts and 10214 volumes. Including Song Jiayou's three-year Zhang Youzhi Seal Book," "Song Gaozong Stone Classic", Tang Wenzong's second year Zheng Qin's "Twelve Classics" (without "Mencius"), Ming Jiajing's Zhishantang "Nine Classics", Ming Chongzhen's "Thirteen Ancient Notes on the Thirteen Classics" jointly published by Jin Pan and Ge Nai, and the "Eleven Classics" (without "Analects" and "Mencius") in Jishuyuan during the Qing Jiaqing period.

The Sutra Department also includes commentaries made by scholars of all generations for the Thirteen Classics, such as the "Zhou Yi Justice" of Wang Bi, the Jin Han Kangbo Note, the Tang Kong Yingda and other justices of the Cao Wei Dynasty, the Biography of Han Kong An Guo, the Tang Kong Yingda and other justice "Shang Shu Justice", the Han Dynasty Mao Heng Biography, Zheng Xuan Notes, Tang Kong Yingda and other justice "Mao Shi Justice", the Han Dynasty Zheng Xuan Notes, tang Jia Gong Yan Shu "Zhou Li Notes", "Ritual Notes", Han Dynasty Zheng Xuan Notes, Tang Kong Yingda and other justice "Ritual Justice", Jin Du Pre-collection Solution, Tang Kong Yingda and other justice "Spring and Autumn Left Transmission Justice", Han He Xiu Xie, Tang Xuyanshu 'Spring and Autumn Ram Transmission Commentary's Commentary', Jin Fanning's Commentary, Tang Yang Shixun's "Spring and Autumn Valley Liang Commentary", Wei Heyan's Commentary, Song Xing's Commentary on the Analects of the Analects, Jin Guo's Commentary, Song Xing's Commentary on Erya's Commentary, Tang Xuanzong's Commentary, Song Xing's Commentary on Filial Piety, Han Zhaoqi's Commentary, Song Sun's Shu's "Mencius's Commentary", etc.

The Sutra Department also includes a number of exegesis, character books, and rhyme books, such as Yang Xiong's "Dialects" of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xi's "Interpretation of Names" of the Han Dynasty, Wei Zhangyi's "Guangya", Wang Niansun's "Guangya Shuzhi", Wang Yinzhi's "Interpretation of the Scriptures", Ruan Yuan's "Commentaries on the Scriptures", Xu Shen's "Explanation of Texts" of the Han Dynasty, Liang Guye Wang's "Re-repairing the Jade Chapter", Song Chen Pengnian's "Re-repairing Guangyun", Song Dingdu's "Collection of Rhymes", and Qing Mao Qiling's "Ancient and Modern Rhymes".

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

"History Department"

The "History Department" of the "Four Libraries" divides the ancient Chinese history classics into 11 categories, including the category of canonical history, chronicle category, chronicle at the end of the book, other history categories, miscellaneous history categories, edicts and discussions, biographies, historical banknotes, records, seasonalities, and geography, totaling 7119 types, 275857 volumes. It can be mainly divided into general history, history of dynasties, history of political affairs, history of institutions, fangzhi, historical geography and maps.

The general history mainly includes the "History of History" by Sima Qian in the Western Han Dynasty and the "Tongzhi" by Zheng Qiao in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The history of the Broken Dynasty includes the Book of Han by Bangu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Book of Later Han by Fan Ye of the Song Dynasty of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Book of The Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Book of Jin by Fang Xuanling of the Tang Dynasty, the Book of Song by Shen Yue of the Liang Dynasty, the Book of Qi by Xiao Zixian of the Liang Dynasty, the Book of Liang and the Book of Chen by Yao Silian of the Tang Dynasty, the Book of Wei collected by Northern Qi, the Book of Zhou by Li Baiyao of the Tang Dynasty, the Book of Zhou by LingHu Dedi of the Tang Dynasty, the Book of Sui by Wei Zheng and others of the Tang Dynasty, the History of the South by Li Yanshou of the Tang Dynasty, the Old Book of Tang by Liu Xun of the Five Dynasties, the Book of Ouyang Xiu and Song Qi of the Song Dynasty New Book of Tang", Song Dynasty Xue Juzheng "History of the Old Five Dynasties", Song Ouyang Xiu "History of the New Five Dynasties", Yuan Dynasty Tokto "History of Song", "Liao History", "Jin History", Ming Dynasty Song Lian "Yuan History", Qing Dynasty Zhang Tingyu and other "Ming History", Qing Dynasty widow Zhao Erxun and Ke Shaochen "Qing History Draft". In the twenty-five histories, except for the "Records of History", the rest are all histories of the Broken Dynasty.

Political history, such as Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian" of the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Tao's "Continuation of Zizhi Tongjian Long Compilation" of the Southern Song Dynasty, Li Xinchuan of the Southern Song Dynasty "Records of the Year Since Jianyan", Tang Xusong's "Records of Jiankang Shilu", Qing Biyuan's "Xu Zizhi Tongjian", and so on.

The history of the system is devoted to the cultural relics of the dynastic dynasties, such as du you's "General Canon" of the Tang Dynasty, Ma Duanlin's "Literature Tongkao", Wang Pu's "Tang Huijiao" and "Five Dynasties Huijiao", Xu Tianlin's "Western Han Huijiao" and "Eastern Han Huijiao" in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Song Ren Li You's "Facts of the Song Dynasty", Song Ren Li Xinchuan's "Miscellaneous Records of the Dynasty and the Wild Since Jianyan", Xu Song of the Qing Dynasty," Sun Kai's "Qin Huijiao", Huang Yan's "Three Congresses", and Long Wenbin's "Minghui Want".

Those who specialize in the legal system of criminal law, such as Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, Li Linfu and other annotations on the "Six Classics of the Tang Dynasty", Tang Changsun Wuji et al. "Tang Law Neglect Discussion", Northern Song Dou Yi et al. "Song Penal Unification", Li Shanchang Liu Ji et al. "Daming Law", Joseon Kim Gi et al. wrote "Direct Interpretation of Daming Law" (the content includes "Hongwu Twenty-two Years Law", "Direct Introduction to the Law", "Military and Political Regulations", "Constitutional Program", "Officials Regulations", Hongzhi "Punishment Regulations", "Jiajing New Cases", Jiajing "Regulations on Re-amendment of Punishment", "Zongfan Regulations", "Jialong New Cases", "Jialong New Cases", " There are 25 kinds of rare Ming Dynasty legal texts such as the Imperial Decree of the Emperor and the Imperial Decree of the Emperor ming). During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Santai and others compiled the "Laws of the Great Qing Dynasty" and the laws in the Manchu archives of Shengjing, the "Mongolian Laws", the "Fanyi Cases of Qinghai in Xining", and the "Rules for the Return of The King's Return to Xinjiang".

Fang Zhi, which centers on recording regions, customs, and products, was first recorded in the Records of Lou Di by Gu Qi of the Wu people in the Three Kingdoms period. According to the "Sui Zhi History Department Geography Category", those who specialized in drawing the terrain of each prefecture after that included the "Zhou Map Record", "Jizhou Map Classic", "Qizhou Map Classic", "Youzhou Map Classic", etc.; those who recorded customs included "Chen Liu Customs" and "Northern Wilderness Customs"; those who recorded mountains and rivers included "Hengshan Zhi" and "YoumingShan Zhi"; those who recorded various local builders included "Three Auxiliary Yellow Maps" and "Luoyang Palace Book"; and those who recorded temple viewers included "Luoyang Jialan Record" and "Huashan Jingshe Record". During the Sui Dynasty, Shangshu Province compiled the "Records of Local Customs of The Products of various counties", "District Yu Tuzhi", and "Zhuzhou Tujing Collection", which were the first to compile the nationwide Fang Zhi Tujing. Later, there was the "Yuanhe County System" revised by Li Jifu in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Cun, Zeng Zhao, and Li Dejiao of the Song Dynasty jointly edited and revised the "Records of the Nine Domains of Yuanfeng", the "Records of the Taiping Huanyu" revised by Le Shi, the "Great Yuan Yi Tongzhi" revised by Zama La Ding and Yu Yinglong in the early Yuan Dynasty, the "Great Ming Yi Tongzhi" revised by Li Xian and others during the Ming Dynasty, the Kangxi "Great Qing Unification Zhi" of the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong "Great Qing Yi TongZhi" and the "Jiaqing Reconstruction of the Unification Zhi". Privately edited national geographical maps were Sung Ren Zhu Mu's "Fang Yu Range Rover" and Qing Gu Zuyu's "Minutes of Reading History of Fang Yu". Privately edited local chronicles include the Jinren Changju 'Huayang Guozhi', Zhu Changchang's Wujun Tujing, Liang Kejia's Sanshan Zhi, Fan Chengda's Wu Junzhi, Luo Yuan's Xin'an Zhi, Gao Xiangsun's Records of Qicheng, Chen Qiqing's Chicheng Zhi, Chang Tang's Zhi of Shuishui, Yuan Dynasty Yu Qin's Qi Cheng, Ming Dynasty Kanghai's Wugong County Zhi, Han Bangjing's Chaoyi County Chronicle, Qing Dynasty Zhang Xuecheng's Hezhou Zhi, Bozhou Zhi, Yongqing County Zhi, Dong Fangli's Chang'an Zhi, Xianning Zhi, Zheng Zhen and Mo Youzhi's Zunyi Zhi, Hong Liangji's Jing County Chronicle", "Chunhua Zhi", "Changwu Zhi", Wu Yi "Yan shi zhi", "Anyang zhi", Duan Yujie "Fu Shun zhi", Qian Kun "Chaoyi zhi", Li Zhaoluo "Fengtai zhi" and so on.

The History Department also includes a large number of scholars' collective interpretations, indexes, examinations, and supplementary notes for the above-mentioned historical books, such as Pei Xiao's "Commentary on the Collection of Historical Records" of the Song Dynasty, Sima Zhen's "Historical Record Index", Tang Zhang Shoujie's "History of Justice", Qing Shen Qinhan's "Hanshu Shu Evidence", Qing Quanzuwang's "Hanshu Geographical Records Doubts", Qing Xusong's "Supplementary Notes on the Western Regions of the HanShu", Song Xiongfang's "Chronology of the Supplementary Later Han Dynasty", Qing Hang Shijun's "Supplementary Notes on the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms", Song Wujian's "Correction of errors in the New Book of Tang", and Qing Li's "LiaoShi Collection".

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?


The Siku Quanshu lists the anthology of people who created a doctrine or established a school in Chinese history into the "sub-department", including philosophy, religion, science and technology, medicine, agriculture, military, law, books, miscellaneous works, and many other aspects. In fact, everything that cannot be accommodated by the scriptures, histories, and collections is included in the sub-department, which is very complex. The "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries" divides it into fourteen categories, such as Confucianism, Bingjia, Dharma, Peasant, Physician, Astronomical Calendar, Magic Number, Art, Genealogy, Miscellaneous Scholars, Books, Novelists, Interpreters, and Taoists, with a total of 930 classics and 17566 volumes. Among them, the "Miscellaneous Family" category also includes some notes from the poetry reviews that are now classified as literary in the book classification, such as Yu Wenbao's "Record of Blowing Swords", Zhou Mi's "Qi Dongye Language", and Wang Shizhen's "Chibei Occasional Talk".

The "Zi" books have published the "Ten Sons Quanshu" and "Twenty-two Sons", of which the "Integration of The Sons" published by the World Book Company in the 1920s is the most complete, which includes twenty-six sons such as LaoZi and Zhuangzi, and mostly uses Qing Confucian school books. The twenty-six sons' classics are: "Analects", "Mencius", "Xunzi", "Laozi", "Zhuangzi", "Liezi", "Mozi", "Yanzi", "Yin Wenzi", "Guanzi", "Shangjunshu", "Shenzi", "Han Feizi", "Sun Zi", "Wuzi", Lu Jia's "New Language", Liu An's "Huainanzi", Huan Kuan's "On Salt and Iron", Yang Xiong's "Fayan", Wang Chong's "On Balance", Xun Yue's "Shen Jian", Wang Fu's "Theory of Hidden Husbands", Ge Hong's "Baopuzi", Liu Yiqing's "New Language of the World", and Yan Zhitui's "Yan's Family Training".

The Confucian categories in the Middle Subdivision of the Siku Quanshu are: Wang Su's "Confucius Language", "Xunzi", Lu Jia's "New Language", Huan Kuan's "On Salt and Iron", Jia Yi's "New Book", Liu Xiang's "New Order", Yang Xiong's "Fa Yan", Xun Yue's "Shen Jian", Wang Fu's "Theory of Latent Husbands", Xu Gan's "Treatise on the Middle", Fu Xuan's "Fu Zi", Wang Tong's "Zhongshu", Tang Taizong's "Di Fan", Lin Shensi's "Continuation of Mengzi", "Shen Mengzi", Sima Guang's "Jia Fan", Zhang Zai's "Zhang Zi Quanshu", Zhu Xi's "Second Journey Testament", Lü Benzhong's "Tong Mengxun", Zhu Xi's "Zhu Xi" Yanping Answers Questions", "Recent Thoughts", "Miscellaneous Studies", "Primary School Notes", Li Jingde's "Zhuzi Language Class", Zhen Dexiu's "University Yanyi", "Reading Secretaries", "Heart Classic", "Political Classic" and so on.

The soldiers include Lü Wang's "Liutao", Sun Wu's "Sun Tzu", Wu Qi's "WuZi", Sima Rang's "Sima Fa", Wei Shu's "Wei Shuzi", Huang Shigong's "Three Strategies", "Su Shu", Li Jing's "Li Wei Gong Qing", Li Quan's "Taibai Yin Jing", Zeng Gongliang's "General Outline of The Wu Jing", Xu Dong's "Tiger Classic", Tang Shunzhi's "Wu Bian", He Liangchen's "Record of Arrays", Zheng Ruozeng's "Jiangnan Jingluo", Mao Yuanyi's "Wu Beizhi", Qi Jiguang's "Ji Xiao New Book", and "Record of Military Training".

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

The types of legalists are: Guan Zhong's "Guan Zi", Deng Zhen's "Deng Zhenzi", Shang Martin's "Shang Zi", Han Fei's "Han Feizi", He Ning, He Meng's "Doubtful Prison Collection", Zhang Jing's "Supplementary Prison Collection", Zheng Ke's "Prison Breaking Turtle Jian", Song Ci's "Record of Washing Injustices", Wang You's "Record of No Wrongs", Gui Wanrong's "Tang Yin Bi Incident", etc.

The types of peasant families are: Jia Sixun's "Qi Min Zhi Shu", Chen Xu's "Agricultural Book", Yuan Dynasty official's "Nongsang Jijiao", Lu Mingshan's "Summary of Nongsang's Clothing and Food", Wang Zhen's "Nongshu", Zhu Xun's "Saving The Wild Materia Medica", Xu Guangqi's "Complete Book of Agricultural Politics", Xiong Sanba's "Taixi Water Law", Bao Shan's "Wild Vegetable Bolu", and Qianlong's second-year official's "Examination of Teaching Time".

The types of doctors are: Wang Bing's "Huangdi Su Qing", Wang Bing's "Lingshu Jing", Yue Ren's "Difficult Scriptures", Huang Fumian's "Jia Yi Jing", Zhang Zhongjing's "Outline of Jin Kui", "On Typhoid Fever", Ge Hong's "Elbow Backup Emergency Fang", Chao Yuanfang's "Theory of the Origin of Chao's Diseases", Sun Simiao's "Qianjin Fang", "Yinhai Jingwei", Wang Tao's "Secret Essentials of the Outer Platform", The Unknown "Copper Man Acupuncture Sutra", Xi Xizi's "Mingtang Moxibustion Classic", Shen Kuo's "Su Shen Liangfang", Chen Zhi's "New Book of Shouqin Pension", Dong Ji's "General Requirements for The Treatment of Athlete's Foot", "Hostel Preparation", Liu Wenshu's "Su Qing Into the Style of Luck Theory", Chen Lin's compilation of "Shengji General Record Compilation", Tang Shenwei's "Evidence Class Materia Medica", Wang Yin's "Quansheng Zhi Fan Fang", Song Tai Medical Bureau's engraving "Pediatric Health General Micro Theory Fang", Xia De's "Health Ten Quan Fang, Strange Disease Fang", Zhang Gao's "Medical Theory", Wang Zhizhong's "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Shisheng Jing", Chen Ziming's "Women's Great Perfection Recipe", Wuming's "Birth and Education BaoQingfang", WuMing's "Birth Treasure Zhufang", Yang Shiying's "Ren Zhai Zhi Zhi Zhi", Wu Ming's "First Aid Immortal Fang", Zhang Congzheng's "Confucian Affair", Li Gao's "Spleen and Stomach Theory" , "Lan Room Secret Collection", Wang Haogu's "Medical Fortress Yuanrong", "Tang Liquid Materia Medica", Wei Yilin's "World Medicine To Achieve Effectiveness", Qi Dezhi's "Surgical Essence", Dai Qizong's "Pulse Recipe Publication Error", Zhu Xu's "Pu Ji Fang", Xu Yongcheng's "Jade Machine Micro-Righteousness", Xue Ji's "Xue's Medical Case", Wang Ji's "Acupuncture question", "Surgical Li Li", Jiang Wan's "Famous Doctor Case", Sun Yikui's "Chishui Xuanzhu", Wang Kentang's "Criterion for Treatment", Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Linhu Pulse Science", Miao Xiyong's "Shennong Materia Medica", Zhang Jiebin's "Class Classic", Jingyue Quanshu", Ortai "Medical Sect Jinjian", Yu Chang's "Medical Door Law", Zhang Deng's "Typhoid Tongue Book", Wei Zhixiu's "Case of Continuing Famous Doctors", Xu Dachun's "Lantai Rail Fan", "Typhoid Formula", "Medical Source Flow", etc.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

Astronomical algorithms include: Zhao Shuang's "Zhou Yi Arithmetic Classic", Su Song's "New Yi Xiang Fa Essentials", Wang Yinglin's "Six Classics astronomical compilation", Zhao Youqin's "Original Gexiang New Book", "New Book of Reconstructing Gexiang", Zhu Zaiyu's "Shengshou Perpetual Calendar", Xing Yunlu's "Ancient and Modern Legal Calendar Examination", Xu Guangqi's "New Law Arithmetic Book", Kangxi Xuanye's "Shuoxiang Examination", "Mathematical Essence", Xue Fengzuo's "Heavenly Society", Mei Wending's "Complete Book of Arithmetic", "Da Tong Zhi", "Chinese and Western Classics and Stars Are Different and Different Examinations", Jiang Yong's "Arithmetic", Wuming's "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", Qin Jiushao's "Arithmetic", Qin Jiushao's "Arithmetic" Nine Chapters of Mathematics", Li Ye's "Measuring Garden Sea Mirror" and so on.

The types of magic are: Yang Xiong's "Taixuan Jing", Wei Yuansong's "Yuanbao", Sima Guang's "Hidden Void", Shao Yong's "Huangji Jingshi", Zhang Xingcheng's "Yi Tongchang", Huang Daozhou's "Three Easy Dongjie", Yu Jicai's "Lingtai Secret Garden", Li Chunfeng's "Guanxiang Play Zhan", southern Song Dynasty's "Qianxiang Tongjian", Liu Ji's "Book of Qing Astronomical Divisions", Qu Yun Siddha's "Tang Kaiyuan Zhanjing", HuangDi's "House Classic", Guo Pu's "Burial Book", Mr. Qingwu's "Burial Classic", Dongfang Shuo's "Lingqi Classic", Jiao Yanshou's "Yi Lin", The Unknown "Six Ren Daquan", Hu Xu's "Book of Six Ren", Hu Xu's "Book of Houses", Guo Pu's "Book of Burial", Mr. Qingwu's "Burial Classic", Dongfang Shuo's "Lingqi Classic", Jiao Yanshou's "Yi Lin", The Unknown Family's "Six Ren Daquan", Hu Xu's "Book of Six Ren", Hu Xu's "Book of Six Ren", Hu Xu's "Book of Houses" Detailed Examination of Bu Fa", Oni Guzi's "Book of Li Xuzhong's Life", Wuming's "Origin of Star Life", "Three Lives of The General Society", Wan Minying's "Astrology Dacheng", Wang Pu's "Taiqing Shenjian" and so on.

The categories of art (calligraphy and painting) are: Sheikh's "Catalogue of Ancient Paintings", Yu Yiwu's "Book", Yao Zhi's "Continuing Paintings", Pei Xiaoyuan's "History of Zhenguan Public and Private Paintings", Sun Guoting's "Book Genealogy", Zhang Huaihuan's "Book Break", Dou Quan's "Shushu Fu", Zhang Yanyuan's "Records of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties", "Records of The Essentials of the Law Book", Zhu Jingxuan's "Famous Paintings of the Tang Dynasty", Wei Xu's "Mo Xue", Jing Hao's "Painting Landscape Endowment", Song Gaozong's "Han Mo Zhi", Liu Daool's "Five Generations of Famous Painting Supplements", "Song Dynasty Famous Painting Review", Huang Xiufu's "Yizhou Famous Painting Records", Guo Ruoxuan's "Picture Seeing and Hearing Zhi", Guo Xi's "Lin Quan Gao Zhi", Zhu Changwen's "Ink Pond Compilation", Mi Fu's "History of Painting", "Book History", "Baozhang To be Visited", "Famous Sayings of Haiyue", Wumingshi's "Xuanhe Painting Notation", Han Huan's "Complete Collection of Landscape and Water", Dong Tao's "Guangchuan Shubao", Dong Tao's "Guangchuan Shubao", Deng Chun's "Shuji", Jiang Kui's "Continuation of The Book", Yue Ke's "Baozhen Zhai Fa Shu Zan", Chen Si's "Book History", "Shuyuan Jinghua", Dong Geng's "Book Record", Li Yan's "Bamboo Spectrum", Tang Yuan's "Book Book", Sheng Ximing's "Law Book Examination", Xia Wenyan's "Picture Painting Treasure Book", Tao Zongyi's "Book Book", Tao Zongyi's "Book Book". Book History Will Be", Zhu Cunli's "Coral Wood Difficulty", "Iron Mesh Coral", Yang Shen's "Ink Pond Trivia", Fengfang's "Book Tips", Wang Shizhen's "Calligraphy and Painting Trek", Tang Zhiqi's "Painting Matters", Xiang Mu's "Calligraphy Yayan", Pan Zhishu's "Calligraphy Off the Hook", Zhu Mouxi's "Painting History Will Be", Yu Fengqing's "Yu's Calligraphy and Painting Inscription", Zhang Ug's "Qinghe Calligraphy and Painting Ship", "True Handwriting Daily", "Fashu Famous Paintings and Reading Tables", "Nanyang Law Book Table", "Qinghe Calligraphy and Painting Table", Wang Keyu's "Coral Network", Sun Yuezhi and other "Peiwenzhai Calligraphy and Painting Notation", In the ninth year of Qianlong, he wrote "Secret Temple Zhulin", "Shiqu Treasure Book", Zhou Lianggong's "Reading And Painting Record", Sun Chengze's "Gengzi Pinxia Record", Wu Qizhen's "Book of Calligraphy and Painting", Wang Yuxian's "Preparation for The Examination of Painting Events", Feng Wu's "Calligraphy Andography", Gao Shiqi's "Jiangcun Pinxia Record", Bian Yongyu's "Examination of Calligraphy and Painting in Shigutang", Li Yan's "Painting Record of the Southern Song Dynasty", Ni Tao's "One Record of The Six Arts", Zou Yigui's "Xiaoshan Painting Notation", Jiang Ji's "Transmission of Mysteries", and so on.

The categories of art (Qinqi Moyan Wine Tea Ding Ware) are: Zhu Changwen's "History of the Qin", Yan Hao's "Songxianguan Musical Notation", Cheng Xiong's "Songfengge Qin notation", Wu Qiuyan's "Xuegu Compilation", Zhou Lianggong's "Biography of Yinren", Zhu Xiangxian's "Yindian", Gu Congde's "Yin Xue", Nan Zhuo's "Karma Drum Record", Duan Anjie's "Miscellaneous Records of Lefu", Yan Tianzhang's "Xuanxuan Chess Classic", Liu Zhongfu's "Chess Tips", Tao Hongjing's "Ancient and Modern Sword Records", Yu Li's "Dinglu", Lü Dafang's "Archaeological Map", Wang Li's "Xiaotang Collection Ancient Record", Wang Yi's "Xuanhe Bogutu", Lü Zhen's "Ancient Records of Xuanhe Bogutu", Lü Zhen's "Archaeological Map" Xuande Ding Yi Spectrum, Qianlong Fourteenth Year Official's "Western Qing Ancient Book", Wang Zheng's "Illustrations of Various Instruments", Su Yijian's "Four Genealogies of Wenfang", Tang Ji's "Shezhou Yan Spectrum", Mi Fu's "History of Yan", Wuming's "Sheyan Saying", "Duanxi Yan Spectrum", Gao Xiangsun's "Yan Notes", Qianlong's Forty-three Years Official's "Western Qing Yan Spectrum", Li Xiaomei's "Ink Spectrum", Chao Ji's "Ink Classic", Lu You's "Ink History", Shen Jisun's "Ink Law Collection", Qianlong Sixteenth Year Official's "Qianlu", Anonymous "Xiang Spectrum", Chen Jing's "Xiang Spectrum", Zhou Jiaxin's "Xiang Cheng", Du Xie's "Ink Spectrum" Yunlin Stone Spectrum", Lu Yu's "Tea Classic", Cai Xiang's "Tea Record", Huang Ru's "Tea Tasting Record", Xiong Fan's "Xuanhe Beiyuan Tribute Tea Record", Song Zi'an's "Dongxi Tea Trial Record", Lu Tingcan's "Continuation Tea Classic", Zhang Youxin's "Sencha Water Record", Zhu Yizhong's "Beishan Wine Classic", Dou Ping's "Wine Spectrum", etc.

The categories of art (grass, wood, poultry and fish) are: Ouyang Xiu's "Luoyang Peony Record", Wang Guan's "Yangzhou Peony Spectrum", Fan Chengda's "Fan Cun Plum Spectrum", Fan Cun Ju Spectrum, Liu Meng's "Liu Shi Ju Spectrum", Shi Zhengzhi's "Shi Shi Ju Spectrum", Shi Zhu's "Hundred JuJu Collection", Zhao Shigeng's "Jin Zhanglan Spectrum", Chen Si's "Begonia Spectrum", Cai Xiang's "Litchi Spectrum", Han Yanzhi's "Orange Record", Dai Kaizhi's "Bamboo Spectrum", Shi Zanning's "Basket Spectrum", Chen Renyu's "Fungus Spectrum", Wang Hao's "Guangqun Fang Spectrum", Shi Kuang's "Poultry Classic", Fu Qi's "Crab Spectrum", Gao Xiangsun's "Crab Spectrum", Yang Shen's "Different Fish Tuzan", Hu Shi'an's "Different Fish Tuzan Notes", "Different Fish Tuzan Supplement" and so on.

Miscellaneous family categories include: Zhou Mane's "Mane", Mo Zhai's "Mozi", Cheng Ben's "Zihuazi", Yin Wen's "Yin Wenzi", Shen to "Shenzi", Lu Ling's "Guanzi", Wang Jipei's "Corpse", Gongsun Long's "Gongsun Longzi", Ghost Guzi's "Ghost Valley", Lü Buwei's "Lü's Spring and Autumn", Liu An's "Huainanzi", Liu Xin's "Liu Zi", Yan Zhitui's "Yan Family Training", Dong Zhenggong's "Continuation of Yan's Family Training", Zhao Rui's "Long and Short Classics", Tan Qiao's "Huashu", Ban Gu's "White Tiger Tongyi", Cui Bao's "Ancient and Modern Notes", Wu Zeng's "Can Change Zhai Manga" , Wang Guanguo's "Xuelin", Hong Mai's "RongZhai Essay", Wang Yinglin's "Chronicle of Sleepy Studies", Gu Yanwu's "Rizhilu", He Zhuo's "Yimen Reading Secretary", Qian Daxin's "Ten Driving Zhai Yang New Record", Zhao Yi's "Qixia Cong kao", Yao Nai's "Notes on Xi Baoxuan", Wang Niansun's "Reading Magazine", Yu Zhengxi's "Draft of Decoction", Wang Chong's "On Balance", Ying Shao's "Customs and Customs", Feng Yan's "Fengshi Wenzhi Record", Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Pen Talk", Su Shi's "Notes on Qiuchi", "Dongpo Zhilin", Shi Honghui's "Cold Fasting Night Talk", Zhu Ben's "Qu Huan Old Stories" , Ma Yongqing's "Lazy True Son", "Yuancheng Quotations", He Xue's "Chunzhu Jiwen", Ye Mengde's "Shi Lin Yan Language", "Summer Escape Record", Zhao Yanwei's "Yunlu Manhua", Zhang Shinan's "You Eunuch Chronicle", Lu You's "Notes on the Old School", Luo Dajing's "Crane Forest Yulu", Zhang Duanyi's "Gui'er Collection", Yu Wenbao's "Blowing Sword Record", Zhou Mi's "Qi Dongye Language", Ye Ziqi's "Grass and Wood", Fang Yizhi's "Physics Knowledge", Sun Chengze's "Chunming Dream Yulu", Wang Shizhen's "Chibei Occasional Talk", "Ju Yilu", "Xiangzu Notes", "Notes on Xiangzu", FenGanyu Dialect", Ma Zong's "Yilin", Wumingshi's "Cyanosis Collection", Zeng Yu's "Class Theory", Tao Zongyi's "Saying Qi" and so on.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

Miscellaneous and similar books include: Lu Shen's "Yushan Waiji", Lu Kai's "Ancient and Modern Talking about the Sea", Zuo Gui's "Baichuan Xuehai", Mei Chun's "Continuing Baichuan Xuehai", Sima Tai's "Continuing Baichuan Xuehai", Cheng Rong's "Hanwei Series", Shen Jiefu's "Compilation of Records", Hu Wenhuan's "Gezhi Series Preliminary Compilation", "Hundred Famous Family Books", Mao Jin's "Jin Arrest Secretary", Wu Zhen's "Ancient and Modern Yishi", Shang Mao's "Barnyard Sea", "Continuing Barnyard Sea", Chen Jiru's "Secret Notes", Fan Qin's "Twenty Strange Books", Hu Weixin's "Two Beijing Testaments", Bao Tingbo's "Lack of Knowledge", Gao's school journal "Continued Knowledge Is Insufficient Zhai Series", Zhang Haipeng's school magazine "Xuejin Seeking Sources", Qing Shengzu's "Integration of Ancient and Modern Books", Ouyang Inquiry's "Art and Literature Cluster", Yu Shinan's "Beitang Shuqian", Xu Jian's "Chu xue ji", Lin Bao's "Yuanhe surname compilation", Bai Juyi's "Baikong Liu Ti", Wu Shu's "Matter Class Endowment", Li Fang's "Taiping Imperial Catalogue", Wang Qinruo's "Yuangui of the Imperial Household", Gao Cheng's "Chronicle of Things", Ren Guang's "Book Narrative Guide", Ye Tingjue's "Fragments of Hailu", Deng Mingshi's "Ancient and Modern Surname Book Dialectics", Tang Zhongyou's "Imperial Classics Atlas" , Sun Fengji's "Chronicles of Officials", Lü Zuqian's "Detailed Explanation of the System of Past Dynasties", Zhu Mu's "Chronicles of Events and Literatures Gathered Before, Later Collections, Sequels, Bezels, New Collections, Outer Collections, And Testaments", Pan Zimu's "Memories of yuanhai", Zhang Ding's "Manuscripts on the Words and Deeds of the Mingxian Clan", Chen Jingyi's "Quanfang Beizu's Former Collections and Later Collections", Zhang Ruyu's "Shantang Kauso Former Collections, Later Collections, Sequels, And Other Collections", Xie Weixin's "Ancient and Modern Combinations of Things" Yuhai's Guide to Lexicology," "Elementary School Cyanos," "Surname Rush to The First Chapter," Song Ren's Anonymous "Hanyuan New Book Pre-Collection, Later Collection," Beiji Sequel, Yin Shifu's "Yunfu Qunyu", Tang Shunzhi's "Jingchuan Barnyard Compilation", Ling Dizhi's "Genealogy of Ten Thousand Surnames", Xu Yuantai's "Yu Lin", Feng Qi's "Economic Compilation", Gu Qiyuan's "Saying Strategy", Chen Yaowen's "Records of Heaven", Zhang Huang's "Book Compilation", Chen Yumo's "Biaozhi", Peng Dayi's "Mountain Hall Examination", Dong Sizhang's "Guangbo Wuzhi", Li Qing's "History is the Same", Kangxi's Forty-nine Years of Official Compilation Yuanjian Class Letter", Kangxi 58 years official "Compilation of Characters", Kangxi 60 years of official writing of "Classified Character Jin", Kangxi 60 years of official writing of "Zi Shi Essence", Kangxi 43 years of official writing of "Pei Wen Yun Fu", Kangxi 43 years of official writing of "Yun Fu Shi Yi", Chen Yuanlong "Ge Zhi Jingyuan" and so on.

The types of shi monks are: Shi Sangyou's "Hongming Collection", Shi Daoxuan's "Guanghong Ming Collection", Shi Daoshi's "Fayuan Zhulin", Shi Zhisheng's "Kaiyuan Interpretation", Shi Zanning's "Biography of a High Monk of Song", Chao Yuan's "Records of Broken Gold in The Fazang", "Collection of Daoist Temples", Shi Huihong's "Biography of the Monk's Treasure, Biography of the Supplementary Monk's Treasure, Linji's Purpose", "Lin Xianlu", Shi Puji's "Five Lantern Society Yuan", Shi Xiaoying's "Luohu Yelu", Shi Jue'an's "Shi Shi Ji GuLuo", And Shi Nian Chang's "Buddha's Tongzai", etc.

Taoists include: Huangdi's Yin Fu Jing Xie, Zhu Xi's Yin Fu Jing Kao Yi, He Shang Gong's Lao Zi Zhu, Wang Bi's Lao Zi Note, Su Rui's Tao Te Ching, Wu Cheng's Tao Te Ching Notes, Jiao Zhen's Lao Zi Yi, Yin Xi's Guan Yin Zi, Lie Yu Kou's Liezi, Jiang Sui's Chong Fei to De Zhen Jing Xie, Guo Xiang's Zhuangzi Notes, Wang Yun's New Biography of the South China True Classics, Chu Boxiu's Nanhua Zhenjing Yi Hai Wei, Jiao Zhen's Zhuangzi Yi, Wen Zi Wenzi, Du Daojian's Wen Zi Yi, Liu Xiang's Biography of Lie xian, Wei Boyang's Zhou Yishan Tongqi Tong Zhenyi", Chen Xianwei's "Zhou YiShan Tongqi Xie", Ge Hong's "Baopuzi Inner and Outer Chapters", "Biography of the Immortals", Tao Hongjing's "True Truth", Wang Shiyuan's "Kang Cangzi", He Yue's "Notes on Kang Cangzi", Zhang Zhihe's "Xuan Zhenzi", Tang Wuming's "Incompetent Son", Shen Fen's "Biography of The Continuation Immortals", Zhang Junfang's "Seven Signatures of Yunji", Wang Dao's "Notes on the Ancient Wen Dragon and Tiger Classics", And Bai Yunzhai's "Detailed Notes on the Daozang Catalogue", etc.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?


The Collection Department of the Siku Quanshu divides it into five categories: Chu Ci, BeiJi, Zongji, Poetry Commentary, and Song and Song, and collects a total of 1282 poems and 26757 volumes, including the total collection of writers of all generations, various point schools of beiji, the collection of interpretations, and the poetry commentary. Some of these poetry reviews and note-taking novels are included in the sub-section of the Miscellaneous and Taoist categories.

The Chu ci categories include: Wang Yi's "Chu Ci Chapters and Sentences", Hong Xingzu's "Chu Ci Supplement", Zhu Xi's "Chu Ci Collection Notes", Wu Renjie's "Leaving the Grass and Trees", Xiao Yuncong's "Leaving the Saotu Map", Jiang Ji's "Notes on the Chu Ci of the Mountain Belt Pavilion", Dai Zhen's "Qu Yuanfu Twenty-five Articles", Zhang Shi's "Qu Ziguan", Fang Ji's "Qu Zi Zhengyin", Ma Qichang's "Qu FuWei" and so on.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

The total collections of literature are: Xiao Tong's "Selected Notes on Ancient Poems", Feng Weina's "Ancient Poetry Chronicles", Shen Deqian's "Ancient Poetry Sources", Wang Shizhen's "Selected Ancient Poems", Xu Ling's "Yutai Xinyong", Guo Maoqian's "Collection of Poems of Lefu", Du Wenlan's "Ancient Ballads", Won Ji's "Ancient Wenyuan", Sun Xingyan's "Continued Ancient Wenyuan", Xu Jingzong's "Wenguan Cilin", Li Fang's "Wenyuan Yinghua", Peng Shuxia's "Wenyuan Yinghua Dialectic", Yuan Jie's "Zhenzhong Collection", Yin Yan's "Heyue Yingling Collection", Rui Tingzhang's "Guoxiu Collection", Gao Zhongwu's "Zhongxing Jian Qi Collection", Yao He's "Extreme Xuan Collection", Wei Zhuang's "You Xuan Collection", Wei Yu's "Cai Tuning Collection", Wu Ming's "Search for Jade Collection", Yao Xuan's "Tang Wen Zhi", Guo Jie's "Tang Wen Zhi Supplement", Wang Anshi's "Tang Hundred Family Poems Selection", Yuan Haoqing's "Tang Poems Advocating", Gao Tang's "Tang Poetry Collection", Hu Zhenheng's "Tang Yin Tong Signature", Kangxi's Forty-six Years of Imperial Ding "Quan Tang Poems", Qing Shengzu's "Ancient Wen Yuanjian", Tang Tang's "Three Hundred Poems", Wang Shizhen's "Tang Xian's Three Obscure Collections", Hong Mai's "Ten Thousand Tang Poems", Chen Xun's "Shi Bi Xing Notes", Mao Kun's "Tang song eight big literary notes", Zeng Guofan Eighteen Poetry Notes", Qianlong Three-Year Imperial Ding "Tang Song Wen Alcohol", Qianlong Fifteen Years Imperial Ding "Tang Song Poetry Alcohol", Wu Zhizhen et al. "Song Poetry Notes", Yang Yi's "Xikun Remuneration Singing Collection", Kong Yanzhi's "Hui Ji Ying Collection", Northern Song Ren's "Selected Sacred Song Texts", Pu Jizhong's "Miscellaneous Songs of ancient and modern years", Sang Shichang's "Palindrome Collection", Wei Qixian, Ye Di's "Five Hundred Family Broadcast fang encyclopedias", Zhen Dexiu's "Authentic Articles", Xie Fangde's "Article Track Fan", Chen Renzi's "Selected Writings", The Anonymous "Three Kingdoms Literature Category", Chen Si's "Two Song Dynasty Famous Sages", Chen Si's "Two Song Dynasty Famous Sages". , Zhu Yao's "Ancient Fu Discernment Body", Fu Xi's "Yuan Fengya", Gao Tong's "Tang Poetry Collection", Cao Xuetong's "Selected Poems of Shicang Dynasty", Wang Zhijian's "Four Six Laws of the Sea", Li Zhaoluo's "TheMatic Notes", Mei Dingzuo's "Ancient Music Garden", "Eastern Han Wenji", "Two Jin Dynasty Literary Records", "Song Wenji", "Southern Qi Wenji", "Liang Wenji", "Chen Wenji", "Northern Qi Wenji", "Later Zhou Wenji", "Sui Wenji", "Shi Wenji", He Fuzheng's "Selected Articles of Discernment", Lu Shiyong's "Ancient Poetry Mirror, Tang Poetry Mirror", Zhang Pu's "Classic Poetry Mirror", Zhang Pu Han Wei Six Dynasties One Hundred and Three Famous Family Collections, Fang Hui's Yingkui Law Essence, Wang Xiang's "Thousand Family Poems", Lü Zuqian's "Song Wenjian", Zhuang Zhongfang's Southern Song Dynasty Wenyuan, Chen Qi's Southern Song Dynasty Qunxian Collection, Jianghu Collection, Jianghu Hou Collection, Liao Wenhui, Yuan Haowen Zhongzhou Collection, Fang Qi's "Hefen Zhulao Collection", Guo Yuangui's "Quanjin Poems", Zhang Jinwu's "Jin WenZhi", Gu Sili's "Selected Yuan Poems", Su Tianjue's "Yuanwen Class", Qian Qianyi's "Poetry Collection of the Dynasties", Zhu Yizun's "Ming Poetry Synthesis", "Ming Poetry Chronicle", Shen Deqian's "Selected Poems" Ming Poems", Chen Jisheng's "Posthumous Poems of the Two Dynasties of Heavenly Revelation and Chongzhen", Cheng Minzheng's "Huang Ming Wen Heng", "Xin'an Literature", Huang Zongxi's "Ming Wen Hai", Zhou Lianggong's "Selected Poems of Lai Gutang", Xu Shichang's "Evening Qing Qing Poetry Collection", Chen Yan's "Modern Poetry Copy", Wei Yuan's "Imperial Dynasty Classics Compilation", Shen Pufen and other "Qing Wen Hui", Chen Yuanlong's "Collection of Dynasties", Yan Kejun's "All Ancient Qin and Han Three Kingdoms Six Dynasties", Hu Zhenheng's "Quan Tang Poems", Jiaqing Thirteen Years Compilation "Quan Tang Wen", Kangxi 45 Years Compilation "Selected Poems of Pei Wen Zhai Yong Wu", Chen Bangyan's "Poetry of Inscriptions and Paintings in Past Dynasties", Kangxi's Fifty Years of Compilation of "Quanjin Poems", Li Tiaoyuan's "All Five Dynasties Poems", Qianlong's Twelfth Year Official's "Huangqing Wenying", Yao Nai's "Ancient Literary Dictionary", Wang Shizhen's "Selected Ten Thousand Absolute Sentences of the Tang Dynasty", Chen Zhuo's "Song and Yuan Poetry Society", Yu Xian's "Shengming Hundred Family Poems", Zeng Zaozhuang's "Quan Song Wen" and other "Song Wen", Zeng Zaozhuang's "Song Wen Chronicle", Fu Xuanqun and other "Quan Song Poems".

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

Dunhuang Tang Dynasty wrote "YunYu Collection miscellaneous songs", Zhao Chongzuo's "Huajian Collection", Wumingshi's "Zunqian Collection", Huang Dayu's "Meiyuan", Zeng Yu's "Lefu Yazi", Huang Sheng's "Selected Words of Hua Ling", Wuming's "Class Compilation Caotang Poetry Yu", Zhou Mi's "Wonderful Good Words", Zhao Wenli's "Yangchun White Snow", Yuan Haoqing's "Zhongzhou Lefu", Tan Xian's "ZhongzhongZi", Chen Yaowen's "Hua cao zhi compilation", Shen Chenyuan's "Poetry Of Past Dynasties", Zhu Yizun's "Word Synthesis", Wang Pengyun's "Inscriptions of the Four Seals", Zhu Xiaozang's "Jiangcun Series", Jiang Biao's "Song YuanMingjia Words" , Wang Chang's "Continued Word Synthesis", Huang Xianqing's "Re-continuation Word Synthesis", Sun Mo's "Sixteen Family Words", Mao Jin's "Song Sixty Famous Family Words", Lin Dachun's "Tang Five Pronouns", Tang Guizhang's "Quan Song Ci", Zeng Zhaomin's "Quan Tang Five Pronouns", Wang Yiqing's "Lexicon", "Qu Notation", Shu Menglan's "Baixiang Lexicography", Ge Zai's "Cilin Zhengyun", Cha Peiji's "Complete Book of Lexicology", Wan Shu's "Lexicon", Zhou Deqing's "Zhongyuan Yin Rhyme", Zang Jinshu's "Hundred Kinds of Songs of Yuanren", Wu Changshou and other "ShuangzhaoLou Film Journal Song Jin Yuanming's Original Words", Zhao Wanli's "Song Jin Yuanming's Words", Zhao Wanli's " School Edition Song Jinyuan RenZi".

Other collections belonging to the collection are: Yang Xiong's "Yang ZiYun Collection", Cai Yong's "Cai Zhonglang Collection", Kong Rong's "Kong Beihai Collection", Cao Zhi's "Cao Zi Jian Collection", Ruan Zhi's "Ruan Infantry Collection", Lu Ji's "Lu Shiheng Collection", Lu Yun's "Lu Shilong Collection", Tao Qian's "Tao Yuanming Collection", Bao Zhao's "Bao Shanjun Collection", Xie Yan's "Xie Xuancheng Collection", Xiao Tong's "Zhaoming Prince Collection", Jiang Yan's "Jiang Wentong Collection", He Xun's "He Shuibu Collection", Yu Xin's "Yuzishan Collection", Xu Ling's "Xu Xiaomu Collection", Li Jing, Li Yu's "Southern Tang Second Main Words", Feng Yanwei's "Yangchun Collection" , Hanshan "Hanshan Subset With Collection", Wang Ji", Wang Bo", Wang Bo", Yang Jiong's "Yingchuan Collection", Lu Zhaolin's "Lu Sheng's Collection", Luo Binwang's "Luo Cheng Collection", Chen Ziang's "Chen Shi's Relic Collection", Zhang Shuo's "Zhang Yan Gong Collection", Zhang Jiuling's "Qujiang Collection", Li Yong's "Li Beihai Collection", Song Zhiqing's "Song Zhi Qing Collection", Li Bai's "Li Taibai Collection", Du Fu's "Du Gongbu Collection", Gao Shi's "Gao ChangShi Collection", Cen Shan's "Cen Jiazhou Collection", Meng Haoran's "Meng Haoran Collection", Chu Guangxi's "Chu Guang Xi Poem", Yuan Jie's "Collection of Du Gongbu", Gao Shi's "Gao Chang Shi Collection", Cen Shan's "Cen Jiazhou Collection", Meng Haoran's "Meng Haoran Collection", Chu Guangxi's "Chu Guang Xi Poem", Yuan Jie's "Collection of Du Gongbu". Cishan Collection" (次山集), Yan Zhenqing (燕鲁公集), Jiaoran (杼山集), Liu Changqing (杼山集), Liu Changqing (杼华集), Wei Yingwu (魏 Suzhou集), Du Lonely and Biling (毘陵集), Qian Qi (Qian Zhong's Collected Writings), Lu Zhen's "Hanyuan Collection", Gu Quan's "Huayang Collection", Quan Deyu's "Quan Wen Gong Collection", Han Yu's "Han Chang Li Collection", Liu Zongyuan's "Liu Hedong Collection", Liu Yuxi's "Liu Guests' Anthology", Zhang Yuan's "Zhang Siye Collection", Huang Fuxiang's "Huangfu Holding The Main Text Collection", Li Ao's "Li Wen Gong Collection", MengJiao's Meng Dongye Collection, Jia Dao's "Yangtze River Collection", Lu Tong's "Collection of Yangtze River" Yuchuanzi Poetry Collection, Li He 'Changgu Collection", Wang Jian 'Wang Sima Collection', Li Yi 'Li Junyu Poetry Collection', Lu Lun 'Lu Hubu Collection', Shen Yazhi's Shen Xiaxian Collection, Li Sheng's "Retrospective Journey Collection", Li Deyu's Huichang Yipin Collection, Bai Juyi's "Bai's Changqing Collection", Yuan Shu's "Yuan's Changqing Collection", Du Mu's "Fan Chuan Anthology", Yao He's "Yao Shaojian's Poetry Collection", Li Shangyin's "Li Yishan Poetry Collection", Fan Nan's Collected Works, Wen Tingjun's "Notes on Wen Feiqing's Collection", Xu Hun's "Ding Ji Collection", Sun Qiao's "Sun Kezhi Collection", Pi Rixiu's "Collection of Poems of Li Yishan", "Fan Nan's Collected Works", Wen Tingyun's "Notes on Wen Feiqing's Collection", Xu Hun's "Ding Ji Collection", Sun Qiao's "Sun Kezhi Collection", Pi Rixiu's "Collection of Poems of Li Yishan", "Fan Nan's Collection", Wen Tingjun's "Notes on Wen Feiqing's Collection", Xu Hun's "Ding Ji Collection", Sun Qiao's "Sun Kezhi Collection", Pi Rixiu's "Collection of Poems of Li Yishan", "Fan Nan's Collection", Wen Tingjun's "Notes on Wen Feiqing's Collection", Xu Hun's "Ding Ji Collection", Sun Qiao's "Sun Kezhi Collection", Pi Rixiu's "Collection of Poems of Li Yishan", "Fan Nan Anthology", Wen Tingjun's "Notes on Wen Feiqing's Collection", Xu Hun's "Ding Jiao Collection", Sun Qiao's "Sun Kezhi Collection", Pi Rixiu's "Collection of Poems of Li Yishan", "Fan Nan's Collection", Wen Tingjun's "Notes on Wen Feiqing's Collection", Xu Hun's "Ding Jiao Collection", Sun Qiao's "Sun Kezhi Collection", Pi Pi Ziwen Wei, Tortoise Meng's Fu Li Ji, Kasawa Series, Zheng Gu's Yuntai Compilation, Sikong Tu's Sikong Table Sacred Collection, Du Xunhe's Tang Feng Ji, Han Wei's Han Nei Han Bei Ji, Xiang Yi Ji, Zhang Hu's Collected Poems of Zhang Chengji, Luo Yin's Collected Poems of Luo Zhaozhi, Qi Ji's White Lotus Collection, Wei Zhuang's Huan Hua Ji, Xu Xuan's Riding Provincial Collection, Liu Kai's Hedong Collection, Kou Zhun's Kou Zhong's Collected Poems, Wang Yu's Small Animal Collection, Lin Kui's Hejing Poetry Collection, Yang Yi's Wu Xin Ji, Zhang Xianyi's Zhang Ziyi's Ziye Ci, Liu Yong's Collection of Movements", Yan Shu's "Zhuyu Ci", Song Shu's "Song Yuanxian Collection", Song Qi's "Song Jing Anthology", Han Qi's "Anyang Collection", Fan Zhongyan's "Fan Wenzheng's Complete Collection", Yin Su's "Henan Collection", Cai Xiang's "Cai Zhonghui Collection", Sima Guang's "Heirloom Collection", Su Shunqin's "Su Xueshi Collection", Li Qian's "Xujiang Collection", Liu Chang's "Gongshi Collection", Liu Qi's "Pengcheng Collection", Zeng Gong's "Yuanfeng Manuscript", Mei Yaochen's "Wanling Collection", Fan Zuyu's "Fan Taishi Collection", Wen Yanbo's "Lu Gong Collection", Shao Yong's "Kik Collection", Zhou Dunyi's "Zhou YuanGong Collection", Ouyang Xiu's "Ouyang Wenzhong Gong Collection", "Drunken Weng Qin Fun Outer Compilation", "Six Words", Yan Jidao's "Xiaoshan Lefu", Su Xun's "Jiayou Collection", Wang Anshi's "Linchuan Collection", Wang Ling's "Guangling Collection", Su Shi's "Dongpo Complete Collection", "Dongpo Lefu", Su Rui's "Luancheng Collection", Huang Tingjian's "Valley Collection", "Valley Qin Fun Outer Compilation", Chen Shidao's "Houshan Collection", Qin Guan's "Huaihai Collection", "Huaihai Jushi Long and Short Sentences", He Zhu's "Dongshan Words", Shen Kuo's "Changxing Collection", Chao's "Chicken Rib Collection", Chao's Qin Fun Compilation, Zhou Bangyan's "Piece of Jade Words", Li Zhiyi's "Guxi Jushi's Former and Later Collections", "Guxi Ci", Mao Huan's "Dongtang Ci", Zong Ze's "Zong Zhongjian Collection", Li Gang's "Liang Jie Collection", Li Qingzhao's "Shuyu Ci", Zhao Ding's "Zhongzhengde Collection", Ye Mengde's "Shilin Jushi Jiankang Collection", "Shilin Ci", Xiang Ziyan's "Wine Edge Words", Zhu Dunru's "Taiping Qiao Singing", Chen Youyi's "Jianzhai Collection", "WuzhuoZi", Wang Tingjue's "Luxi Collection", Sun Qin's "Hongqing Jushi Collection", "Neijian Zhimu Compilation", Zheng Qiao's "Jiayi Manuscript", Yue Fei's "Manuscript of Jiayi", Yue Fei's " Yue Zhongwu Wang Anthology, Zhang Yuangan's Luchuan Return Collection, Lü Benzhong's Donglai Poetry Collection, Hu Yin's Feiran Collection, Zhang Xiaoxiang's Yuhu Collection, Yuhu Ci, Zhou Zizhi's Taicang Rice Collection, Zhupo Ci, Zhu Xi's Obscure Collection, Lu Jiuyuan's Xiangshan Collection, Zhou Bida's Wenzhong Collection, Xin Zhiyi's Jiaxuan Long and Short Sentences, Wang Qian's Xueshan Collection, Lü Zuqian's Donglai Collection, Wang Shipeng's Meixi Collection, Hong Shishi's Panzhou Collection, Hong Mai's Wild Articles, Fan Chengda's Shihu Collection, Yang Wanli's Chengzhai Collection , Lu You's "Weinan Anthology", "Jiannan Poetry Manuscript", "Fang Weng Ci", Ye Shi's "Water Heart Collection", Won Ji's "Nanjian Jia Yi Manuscript", Dai Retro's "Shiping Collection", Zhang Yu's "Nanxuan Collection", Chen Liang's "Longchuan Anthology", "Longchuan Ci", Xu Zhao's "Fanglan Xuan Collection", Xu Jie's "Erweiting Collection", Weng Volume's "Xi wei Collection", Zhao Shixiu's "Qingyuan Zhai Collection", Liu Guo's "Longzhou Collection", "Longzhou Words", Wei Yiweng's "Crane Mountain Collection", Zhen Dexiu's "Xishan Anthology", Jiang Kui's "Baishi Poetry Collection", "Baishi Daoren Songs", Yan Yu's "Longzhou Collection", "Longzhou Words", Wei Yiwen's "Heshan Collection", Jiang Kui's "Baishi Poetry Collection", "Baishi Daoren Songs", Yan Yu's "Song of Baishi Daoren", Yan Yu's "Longzhou Collection", "Longzhou Words", Wei Yiwen's "Heshan Collection", Jiang Kui's "Baishi Poetry Collection", "Baishi Daoren Songs", Yan Yu's "Song of Baishi", Yan Yu's "Longzhou Collection", "Longzhou Words", Wei Yiwen's "Heshan Collection", Zhen Dexiu's "Xishan Collection", Jiang Kui's "Baishi Poetry Collection", "Baishi Daoren Songs", Yan Yu's "Song of Baishi Daoren", Yan Yu's "Song of Yan Yu" Canglang Collection", Liu Kezhuang's "Houcun Collection", "Houcun Long and Short Sentences", Dai Retro's "Stone Screen Words", Fang Yue's "Autumn Cliff Collection", Shi Dazu's "Meixi Words", Wu Wenying's "Dream Window Words", Zhu Shuzhen's "Broken Intestine Words", Wen Tianxiang's "Wenshan Collection", Liu Chenweng's "Xuxi Collection", "Xuxi Words", Jiang Jie's "Zhushan Words", Zhou Mi's "Grass Window Words", Zhang Yan's "White Clouds in the Mountains", Wang Yisun's "Bishan Lefu", Wang Yuanliang's "Hushan Class Manuscripts", Xie Ao's "Eyelid Collection", Lin Jingxi's "Lin Jishan Collection", Zhao Bingwen's "Fushui Collection", Wang Ruoxuan's "Collection of Fushui", Wang Ruoxuan's "Collection of Hushan", "Collection of Daifa", Lin Jingxi's "Collection of Lin Jishan", Zhao Bingwen's "Fushui Collection", Wang Ruoxuan's "Collection of "Bishan Lefu". The Collected Works of the Relics of The Elders of Yannan Province, Yuan Haowen's Collection of Relics of the Mountains, the Collection of Relics of the Mountains, the Collection of Zhanran Jushi of Yelü Chucai, the Collection of Mu'an collections of Yao Xuan, the Ancient Records of Daoyuan Studies, the Manuscripts of the Daoyuan Garden, the Complete Works of Jiewen Angong, the Collection of Wild Gates by Jie daisi, the Collection of Wild Mountains by Sadula, Yang Weizhen's Collected Works of Dongweizi, the Tieya Lefu, the Retro Poetry Collection, Fang Hui's Sequels to Tongjiang, Hao Jing's Collection of Lingchuan, Zhang Yanghao's Guitian Manuscripts, Dai Biaoyuan's Collection of Yuanyuan, Hu Qi's Purple Mountain Collection, Zhao Mengfu's Songxuezhai Collection, Wu Cheng's Wu Wenzheng Collection, Liu Yin's Ashram Collection, Wang Yun's Qiu Jian Collection, Liu Minzhong's Zhongjian Collection, Fan Diji's Poetry of Fan Deji, Xu Youren's Zhizheng Collection, Guitang Small Manuscript, Gong Kui's Yunlin Collection, Gong Shitai's Playing With Zhai Collection, Song Lian's Complete Collection of Song Scholars, Liu Ji's Sincere Bo Anthology, Gao Qi's Complete Collection of Gao Taishi, Wei Zao Collection, Tao Zongyi's Nancun Poetry Collection, Fang Xiaoru's Sunzhi Zhai Collection, Xie Jin's Wenyi Collection, Yang Shiqi's Dongli Anthology, Yang Rong's Yang Wenmin Collection, Yu Qian's Yu Zhongsu Collection, Li Dongyang's "Collection of Huailutang", Cheng Minzheng's "Huangdun Collection", Zhu Yunming's "Collection of Huaixingtang", Li Mengyang's "Empty Collection", He Jingming's "Dafu Collection", Yang Shen's "Sheng'an Collection", Wen Zhengming's "Futian Collection", Tang Shunzhi's "Jingchuan Collection", Li Panlong's "Cangming Collection", Wang Shizhen's "Four Drafts of Yizhou Mountain People", "After Reading", Wang Daokun's "Taihan Collection", Gao Gong's "Gaoxin Zheng Complete Collection", Zhang Juzheng's "Taiyue Collection", Zong Chen's "Zongzi Photo Collection", Gui Youguang's "Zhenchuan Anthology", Mao Kun's "Maolumen Collection", Xie Hazel's "Four Ming Collection" , Tu Long's "Collection of Fists", Jiao Zhen's "Collection of Yuanyuan", Hu Yinglin's "Shaomu Shanfang Manuscript", Zuo Guangdou's "Floating Qiu Collection", Zhong Yu's "Hidden Xiuxuan Anthology", Tan Yuanchun's "Yue Guitang Collection", Yuan Zongdao's "Bai Su Zhai Class Draft", Yuan Hongdao's "Collection of Mr. Yuan Zhonglang", Yuan Zhongdao's "Ke Xuezhai Collection", Li Kaixian's "Li Kaixian Collection", Tang Xianzu's "YuMingtang Complete Collection", Li Zhen's "Li Shi Burning Book", Wu Cheng'en's "Saving Manuscripts of Mr. Sheyang", Zhang Dai's "Lang Huan Collection", Chen Zilong's "Chen Zhongyu Gong's Complete Collection", Zhang Huangyan's "Zhang Cangshui Collection", Xia Wanchun's "Xia Wanchun Collection", Qing Gaozong's "Four Collections of Gaozong Poems, Yu Collection", "Gaozong Wenchu Collection", Song Wan's "Complete Collection of Anyatang", Qu Dajun's "Weng Shan Poems Outside" and Wenwai", "Daoyuantang Words", Cao Zhenji's "Kexue Words", Fu Shan's "Frost Red Niche Collection", Gu Yanwu's "Tinglin Poetry Collection", Huang Zongxi's "Nanlei Wencheng", Wang Fuzhi's "Jiang Zhai Poetry Collection", "Chuanshan Testament", "Drum Collection", Qian Qianyi's "Beginner's Collection", "Youxue Collection", Wu Weiye's "Meicun Collection", Hou Fangyu's "Zhuang Repentance Hall Collection", Lü Liuliang's "Collection of Jiang Zhai", "Chuanshan Testament", "Drum Collection", Qian Qianyi's "Beginner's Collection", "Youxue Collection", Wu Weiye's "Meicun Collection", Hou Fangyu's "Zhuang Repentance Hall Collection", Lü Liuliang's "Collection of Jiang Zhai". Lü Wancun Collection", Gu Zhenguan's "Bullet Finger Words", Shi Yanzhang's "Xueyutang Anthology", Wang Shizhen's "Complete Collection of Belt Scripture Hall", "Essence of Yuyangshan People", Wang Wan's "Yaofeng Wenqi", Peng Sun's "Songguitang Complete Collection", Zhu Yizun's "Exposed Book Pavilion Collection", "Exposed Book Pavilion Words", Zhang Ying's "Wenduan Collection", Mao Qiling's "Xihe Anthology", Chen Weisong's "Chen Review 46", "Chen Jialing's Complete Poetry and Words", Naran Sexde's "Nalan Words", Hong Sheng's "Barnyard Collection" and sequels, Kong Shangren's "Huhai Collection", Zha Shenxing's "Jingyetang Collection", Dai Mingshi's "Nanshan Collection", "Hidden Fiction Collection", Wei Xi's "Wei Shuzi Anthology", Zhao Zhixin's "Raoshan Tang Collection", Li Yan's "Fan Xie Shanfang Collection", Fang Bao's "The Complete Collection of Mr. Fang Wangxi", Liu Dakui's "Haifeng Poetry Collection", Yao Nai's "Xi Baoxuan Poetry Collection", Qian Daxin's "Qianyantang Collection", Zhao Yi's "Oubei Collection", Hong Liangji's "Hongbeijiang Poetry Collection", Jiang Shiquan's "Zhongyatang Collection", Yuan Ming's "Xiaocang Mountain House Collection", Quan Zuwang's "Que Qiting Collection", Zhang Huiyan's "Ming Ke Anthology", "Ming Ke Ci", Huang Jingren's "Two Dangxuan Poetry Collection", Yun Jing "Dayun Shan Fang Collection", Wenting style "Yunqi Xuan Ci Notes", Jiang Chunlin 'Shuiyun Lou Ci", Wu Jingzi "Wenmu Shan Fang Collection", Ruan Yuan's "Study Room Collection", He Zhuo's "Collection of Mr. Yimen", Li Yan's "Fan Xie Shan Fang Ci", Gong Zizhen's "Ding'an Complete Collection", Wei Yuan's "Ancient Weitang Anthology", Yu Fan's "Chun Zai Tang Complete Collection", Wang Pengyun's "Bantang Final Draft", Wang Minyun's "XiangqiLou Complete Collection", Zhu Xiaozang's "Jiangcun Language", Huang Zunxian's "Renjing Lu Poetry Grass", Liang Qichao's "Drinking Ice Room Collection", Qiu Jin's "Qiu Jin Collection", Liu Shipei's "Collection of Drinking Ice Rooms", Qiu Jin's "Qiu Jin Collection", Liu Shipei's " Uncle Liu Shen's Testament", Wang Guowei's "Mr. Wang Jing'an's Testament", Zhang Binglin's "Zhang's Series" and so on.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

Poetry criticism categories include: Cao Pi's "Treatise on Classics and Essays", Lu Ji's "Wen Fu", Zhong Rong's "Poetry", Zhi Yu's "Essay Flow Theory", Liu Xun's "Wenxin Carved Dragon", Ren Fang's "The Origin of the Article", Jiaoran's "Poetry Style", Wu Jing's "Lefu Ancient Titles to Be Solved", Meng Qi's "Benshi Poem", Sikong Tu's "Twenty-Four Poems", QuanZhao Jingjing's "Wenjing Secret House", Ouyang Xiu's "Liuyi Poems", Sima Guang's "Continuing Poems", Liu Xun's "Zhongshan Poems", Chen Shidao's "Houshan Poems", Ruan Yue's "Poetry Of the General Turtle Before and After", Wei Tai's "Poetry Collection", Wei Tai's "Poetry Collection", Wei Tai's "Poetry Of The First Collection" Linhan Hermit Poetry, Wu Qian's Yougutang Poetry, Xu Yan's Yanzhou Poetry, Lü Benzhong's Ziwei Poetry, Wang Cheng's Four or Six Words, Zhang Biaochen's Coral Hook Poetry, Ye Mengde's Poetry of Shilin, Wu Ke's Poetry of the Hidden Sea, Zhu Ben's Poetry of Fengyuetang, Zhang Jie's Poetry of Shihantang, Chen Yanxiao's Poetry of Gengxi, Ge Lifang's Yunyu Yangqiu, Huang Che's Poetry of Gongxi, Ji Yougong's Chronicle of Tang Poetry, Wu Yu's Poetry of Guanlin, Zhou Zizhi's Poetry of Zhupo, Hu Zai's Poetry of Yuyin, Hou Ji", Zhou Bida's "Erlaotang Poetry", Yang Wanli's "Chengzhai Poetry", Yan Yu's "Canglang Poetry", Wei Qingzhi's "Poet Jade Crumbs", You Yuan's "Quan Tang Poetry", Jiang Kui's "Baishi Daoren Poetry", Liu Kezhuang's "Houcun Poetry Before, After-Collection, Sequel, New Collection", Wang Zhuo's "Biji Manzhi", Zhang Yan's "Etymology", Shen Yifu's "Lefu Zhi Fan", Wu Ziliang's "Jingxi Forest Even Talk", Cai Mengbi's "Caotang Poetry", He Xiwen's "Bamboo Village Poetry", Zhou Mi's "Haoran Zaiya Talk", Fan Huiwen's "Night Talk about the Bed", Cai Zhengsun Shi Lin Guangji's First and Later Collections, Wang Ruoxuan's "Poetry of Xuannan", Xin Wenfang's "Biography of Tang Caizi", Wang Zhao's "Xiuzi Jianheng", Zhu Cheng's "Poetry of Liantang", Li Dongyang's "Poetry of Huailutang", An Pan's "Poetry of Yishan", Yang Shen's "Addendum to Poetry", Wang Shimao's "Yipu Yu", Hu Yinglin's "Poetry of Shi Xue", Hu Zhenheng's "Tang Yin Decoy Signature", Wu Jingxu's "Poetry of Past Dynasties", Xie Hao's "Poetry of Siming", Wang Fuzhi's "Poetry of Jiang Zhai", Ye Xie's "Original Poem", Wang Shizhen's "Yuyang Poetry", Lang Tinghuai's "Biography of Shiyou's Poems", Zhao Zhixin's "Poetry of Zhao Zhixin" Tan Long Lu, Shen Deqian's "Speaking Poetry", Li Yan's "Chronicle of Song Poetry", Yuan Ming's "Suiyuan Poetry", Zhao Yi's "Oubei Poetry", Hong Liangji's "Beijiang Poetry", Zhang Zongxun's "Cilin Chronicle", Sun Mei's "Four-Six Cong Words", Weng Fanggang's "Shizhou Poetry", Li Tiaoyuan's "Fu Dialect", Zhang Xuecheng's "Wenshi Tongyi", Chen Hongqi's "Quan Tang Wen Chronicle", Lü Huang's "Introduction to the Ancient Literature of Chuyuelou", Zhou Ji's "Miscellaneous Works of Jiecunzhai", Pan De and "Yang Yizhai Poetry", Fang Dongshu's "Zhaoyi Zhan Yan", Liu Xizai's "Art Overview", Chen Tian's "Miscellaneous Works of Words" Chronicle of Ming Poetry", Zheng Fangkun's "Poetry of Quanmin", "Poetry of the Five Dynasties", Liang Qichao's "Poetry of drinking ice room", Chen Yan's "Poetry of the Stone Relic Room", "Chronicle of Liao Poetry", "Chronicle of Jin Poetry", "Chronicle of YuanShi", "Hui Feng Words", Wang Guowei's "Words of The World", He Wenhuan's "Poetry of Past Dynasties", Ding Fubao's "Continuation of Poetry of Past Dynasties", "Poetry of Qing", Guo Shaoyu's "Continuation of Qing Poetry", Tang Guizhang's "Dictionary of Words", etc.

What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?
What texts are included in the "Scriptures, Histories, Sub-Books, and Collections"? You know what?

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