
The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

author:Overseas Chinese legend

Today is the second day of the new year, and 2022 is long overdue.

In the past year, we have released one or a high-quality educational resource every Sunday, many of which include many movies and documentaries suitable for parent-child viewing, which have been well received by many parents, so we have also specially sorted out the high-quality parent-child film lists released in the past year to share with parents and children.

Winter vacation at home, the whole family to watch together, both companionship and inspiration. Today is the New Year holiday, and I wish you a Happy New Year!

Best Parent-Child Single of the Year 2021


Ranking of Kings

Douban score: 9.3

This animated series can be described as a fire all over the network, and once it was broadcast, it rushed to a super high score of 9.7 and was widely acclaimed.

This cartoon is not a traditional Prince Charming fairy tale, there is no absolute good person and no absolute bad person, and it will not judge a person's good and evil by appearance.

The protagonist is set as a prince, but he is ridiculed and ridiculed by people all over the country; although he has received the best swordplay education since he was a child, his weak body has a very hard time practicing sword wielding; he seems to be not worried about eating and wearing, but God has made a big joke for him - he is a deaf and mute man, he can't hear or speak.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The whole film is instilling a concept in the child from the beginning to the end - brave to be yourself, or why to be brave to be yourself. Coupled with the beautiful and unpretentious style of painting, many people directly call this almost the most watchable cartoon this year.


Clarkson's Farm

Douban score: 9.6

Our children have always lived in the city, rarely have access to nature, let alone farms, and in real life there are many people who do not distinguish between grains and grains.

The farm reality TV documentary is run by BBC celebrity Jeremy Clarkson as a farmer, running a 6,000-acre "open ape farm". Clarkson wanted to play a role here, conceived his own "genius business plan", started a series of fierce operations, made a lot of attempts, but finally found that the reality was far beyond his imagination.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The film is true and light-hearted, and more importantly, in each episode, children can unlock a new agricultural machine and learn how modern mechanized agriculture works.


"Little Boy"

Can you imagine, "When a child is obsessed with something, what kind of imagination and creativity explodes?" ”

This documentary, "Little Boy," may find the answer.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

This is a 6-episode humanistic documentary newly launched by Station B, focusing on 6 talented teenagers who are obsessed with different fields such as art, sports, nature, science and technology, some of whom were born in poor and backward places, some of whom studied in famous schools, each with different origins, different personalities and distinct personalities, but the common denominator between them is that they have done the ultimate in the things they love.

The whole documentary, without scripts, narrations and commentaries, truly presents a different growth story to everyone, so that everyone can see these "little teenagers" who sparkle with love.


China in the Classics

"China in the Classics" is a high-quality cultural program produced by CCTV this year, it is a very creative way of interpretation, set off a wave of national attention to the classics, many parents are even more emotional, such high-quality works hang a number of variety shows, very suitable for taking children to watch together on the weekend.

It focuses on outstanding Chinese cultural classics, tells the stories of classics in a new way, talks to Chinese sages, and shows the birth and circulation of classic books in a thousand years of history.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The program has 11 episodes and introduces 11 classics, including literature, science, philosophy, medicine and other fields. Each issue will tell a classic book, with the help of a historical figure's perspective, telling a big story that spans time and space.

Reading the classics from an early age can educate children culturally, help them understand history and culture, and at the same time train literary attainments, entertain and educate in advance, and bring them into contact with some knowledge of history and literature, which will inevitably be of great benefit to their future learning and growth.


"Life and Death"

Under traditional culture, we are always secretive about death, and even if we go to worship our ancestors, we rarely talk deeply about "death" with our children. But with the development of the child's mind, this is an important topic that cannot be avoided.

The movie "Shengsheng" is to give parents and children a warm life education through the story of the companionship of one old and one young.

If you had only 100 days left in your life, how would you live?

If a loved one dies, how do we explain "death" to our children?

In the face of the growth of our children and the aging of our parents, how should we be calm?

You can find the answers to these questions in "Life and Death". Because this film not only explores death from the perspective of infancy and old age, but also conveys a positive and optimistic attitude towards the lives of those around us.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The most watchable cartoon of 2021

"I Love You Anyway"

Douban score: 7.6

The Netflix animated short won this year's Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.

This is a work about parting and redemption, in 2019 in the United States, there were several school shootings that broke a beautiful family, and the story told in the short film is the epitome of these victim families.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

This is a short film that is sad and warm, the overall style is simple and restrained, using flashback narrative techniques, intertwining reality and memory.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

Without a single line, the couple's inner grief is fully presented, and a series of illustrations depicted in three points completed a moving emotional repair journey.

The parents in the short film finally reconcile and get out of the haze through their common love and thoughts for their daughters.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The great grief of death and loss is unbearable for ordinary people, and the greatest comfort may be hidden in that sentence -

“If anything happens I love you.”

(I love you anyway.) )

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The Magic Flying Book

The dialogue-free animated short, which lasts less than 15 minutes, won the Best Animated Short Film at the 84th Academy Awards, and its eponymous picture book became number One on the New York Times children's bestseller list.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

If "The Magic Flying Book" is just a high-scoring virtual story, the shock it brings to us may be limited.

However, behind the animation story is the personal experience of creator Joyce, which restores the memory of a disaster era. The scourge devastated Joyce's hometown, and when he visited displaced children in a shelter, he witnessed the healing power of reading.

He found that through reading, the children's hearts were soothed.

Morris in the cartoon is the epitome of this group of children, after the sudden devastation of life, books save children's souls and redraw the color of life for children.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

In Reading is a Portable Refuge, William Somerset Maugham writes—

"To develop the habit of reading is to build a refuge for yourself, so that you can escape from almost all the pain and misfortune in the world."

This is the reassurance that reading is prepared for people of every age, no matter when, books can always take on any of our doubts and emotions, and we can always find comfort and answers in books.

22 Vs. Earth

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

Do you remember the emotion that Soul brought to you last winter? Remember the 22nd, the most frustrating part of the life seminar?

Despite the film's happy ending, many people still wonder: what exactly did The 22nd do in the reincarnation pre-requisite class before meeting the protagonist? To answer viewers' questions, Pixar launched 22 vs. Earth" is directed by the original editor of "Psychic Journey", and tells the story of the life of The 22nd before the occurrence of "Psychic Journey".

《22 vs. "Earth" presents the lonely life of No. 22 in a very short space, and his "anti-Earth" personality makes him have to constantly experience the complex emotions of separation. In the film, his close partners complete the practice one by one, but he can only keep sending off his friends, even if the story is only 6 minutes, he can feel the mood of the 22nd expecting someone to be his companion, and he can also get a glimpse of why he resolutely did not go to Earth.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

Gone with the Wind


The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

It's a story of identity and acceptance.

When the father in the film teaches his son to walk, he suddenly discovers the child's ability to "fly", which is surprising, but more frightened, because in the environment they are in, the flying child is completely an outlier.

He tried his best to make his child live like an "ordinary person", with the phrase "Can't you be normal?!" "But it hurt the child fiercely."

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

As adults, we inevitably think like the father in the film that "being like others is equal to normal", always going against the child's nature to ask the child to change in the name of "good for the child", and even with helpless and bored emotions.

As everyone knows, the inability to accept the child's truest appearance is the greatest harm to the child; the inability to conform to the child's nature to raise is the greatest waste of the child's talent.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

Fortunately, the father in the film finally understood the true meaning of parenting, chose to let go of anxiety and fear, accepted the child from the heart, and let the child "be himself".

Dare to let the child be themselves, perhaps this is a lesson that every parent needs to take.


Douban score: 9.0

This 7-minute short film produced by Pixar, the scene of cleaning the moon is full of childlike fun and imagination. The scene of the interaction between the three grandchildren of the moon god actually contains the profound philosophy of family education.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The father and grandfather in the animation are actually typical of the "Chinese parent" image -

"Do it, listen to me"

"No, it should be done"

The reality is that many times, life will suddenly have various accidents, there is no precedent to refer to, and it is impossible to rely on the experience of predecessors to solve new problems.

The little boy in the animation rushes to the stars in spite of the shackles and "destroys the stars" in his own way, which is a symbol of breaking through the conventional thinking of "parents".

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

In fact, every child has unlimited potential, they are all little "thinkers" on the road to growth, and the key to family education is to stimulate the potential of children. As a parent, in addition to paying attention to your own plans and ideas, you should also encourage your children to express their opinions.

The most insightful documentary of 2021

"I have been in the Forbidden City for 600 years"

Douban score: 9.8

Five years ago, a documentary "I repair cultural relics in the Forbidden City" came out, and after five years, a new documentary on the theme of the Forbidden City once again entered our field of vision - "I am in the Forbidden City for six hundred years".

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

Zhu Yu is in the front, about the "Forbidden City Story", "I repair cultural relics in the Forbidden City" has handed over a nearly perfect answer, so can "I am in the Forbidden City for Six Hundred Years" surpass the previous work?

Documentary filmmaker Liang Junjian chose to present it from a different perspective.

This time, the "I" in the story no longer refers to people, but to objects, and the focus is placed on the ancient buildings -

On the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City, present one such work, so that future generations and the Forbidden City can have a "dialogue" across history.

At the same time, think about how we should know such a palace with a long history six hundred years later, take care of it, and pass it on to the next generation.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

Perfect Planet

Following the release of Planet Earth in 2006, the BBC Planet documentary series has had a phenomenal impact around the world, attracting more than 1 billion viewers.

On January 14 of this year, the Planet series launched its latest episode, A Perfect Planet.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The documentary lasted four years, produced by more than 200 staff members, traveled to 31 countries on six continents, experienced 6 volcanic eruptions in the filming location, accumulated more than 3,000 hours of shooting material, and the creative process was full of difficulties and obstacles.

From the earth baptized by the Indian monsoon, to the scorching Hawaiian volcanoes, from the inter-tidal Bahamas to the snowy wastelands of Ellesmere... I believe that every shot will surprise you and your child.

Such a planet documentary with excellent audiovisual experience shows the diversity of the earth's ecology for children, triggering children's perception of life, reverence for the earth, and love for nature.

At the same time, it can also enhance children's aesthetics and inspire children to think about the theme of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature".

Dynasty: Fox Special

The BBC documentary "Dynasty" believes that everyone is no stranger, focusing on the huge ethnic groups of chimpanzees, emperor penguins, lions, wolves, tigers that we are familiar with, from the perspective of dynastic power change, presenting us with an unprecedented animal family war.

And the protagonist of this documentary, the Fox family, their dynasty has only 13 members. Some people say: This is a dynasty, the beginning is almost destroyed, and the back is barely continued, at best it is a tragic tribe. But the experience and fate of this small family, not at all inferior to the large group, thrilling. In just 50 minutes, the documentary tells the story of 50 episodes of palace fighting dramas, with tight rhythms and ups and downs.

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

"I'm Not a Stupid Kid"

Douban score: 9.2

This documentary tracked and filmed three families of children with dyslexia for three years, and as soon as it was broadcast, it attracted a lot of social attention, scoring 9.2 points on Douban.

The creative team translated the title of the film as "The Chosen One", or "Proud Son of Heaven", and the two directors said in an interview-

"These children are unique beings, each life is different, they just happen to be difficult to read and write, they are not stupid children."

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

This is also the fact that the parents in the documentary are finally willing to calmly accept after tossing and turning with their children for a long time.

As Ruo Xi said in the documentary, "Maybe the world is inherently imperfect, and sometimes people may be imperfect." ”

Our children will also be imperfect. They may have dyslexia, they may have hyperactivity, they may have social phobia, they may be frail and sickly... And when children's flaws are gradually revealed, how can parents learn to live peacefully with their anxieties?

In a child who has only one chance to grow up, what role should schools and society play? The documentary quietly answered -

"We can't measure this peculiar life by the ruler we already have, or the ruler on the outside, but we have to be in awe of every life."

"Mr. Bachmann and His Students"

The 2021 parent-child film list and 15 high-scoring films allow children to learn and entertain at home during the winter vacation

The three-and-a-half-hour documentary is a true account of the story of Mr. Bachmann and his students the year before his retirement. One might say that there is any great achievement in making a documentary for a teacher? Has he cultivated a lot of excellent talents?

On the contrary, Mr. Bachmann is only an ordinary member of the teaching staff. However, in his classroom, there is no various success arguments, no high talk, and it is not limited to textbook knowledge and examination content, but only follows the rules and inducements, through "teaching" and "education", to stimulate the curiosity of this group of 12-14-year-old future citizens about different fields of work, themes, cultures and lifestyles.

After more than 3 hours of observing Mr. Bachmann's class and listening to his daily communication with students, my most direct feeling is that if all children have such a highly emotional and patient teacher, many problems encountered in growth can be alleviated.

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