
Half a century after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Gong of Song became a high monk, but he still could not escape death

In the tenth year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1274), Emperor Duzong of Song died of illness and was succeeded by the crown prince, that is, Emperor Gong of Song, known in history as The Young Emperor and the Young Emperor.

When Emperor Gong of Song ascended the throne, he was only four years old, so he was assisted by Empress Dowager Xie at that time. Emperor Gong ascended the throne at a young age, and the Jiangshan he had inherited from Emperor Duzong of Song was already in ruins. In the first month of the second year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1276), the Yuan Dynasty army attacked the city of Lin'an from the south, and the general trend of the Southern Song Dynasty court had gone.

Half a century after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Gong of Song became a high monk, but he still could not escape death

Therefore, Empress Dowager Xie immediately sent the chancellor Yang Yingkui to the place where the Yuan army was stationed to present the jade seal of the country, and in the name of Emperor Gong, she presented a surrender table to the commander of the Yuan army, Boyan, and the surrender was very humble and pitiful.

The lowering table said: "The Song Dynasty's traitorous subjects have mistaken the country, the number of days has been exhausted, the fortunes of the Yuan Dynasty are prosperous, and I am willing to lead hundreds of officials to claim that the subjects are subordinate to the Great Yuan." Now, on the orders of the empress dowager, I would like to cut off the imperial title and dedicate the two Song Dynasty prefectures and counties of Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Liangguang, Sichuan, and Lianghuai to the Great Yuan Dynasty, praying that the Yuan Dynasty will not be cut off for three hundred years of pitiful Song Dynasty, so that the descendants of the Zhao clan will have a reliance in the future, so that the people of the Song Dynasty can enjoy the day in peace. If this is the case, then the great kindness of the Yuan Dynasty will never be forgotten, and it will be reported every day. ''

Although this descending table is written very sadly, full of the bitterness of a dynasty that is about to perish, the Yuan Dynasty still did not spare the little emperor.

Boyan soon captured Lin'an City, and then Yuan Shizu issued an edict ordering the Song Emperor to go to Dadu to meet him. Empress Quan rushed to Dadu with Emperor Gong escorted by his entourage, and Empress Dowager Xie said that she was ill.

Emperor Gong was only seven years old at the time and didn't understand anything. Empress Quan was only a woman and a Taoist family, and she only knew how grateful yuan shizu was for not killing, and she didn't know what national integrity she had. Therefore, this orphan and widow mother arrived in Dadu and was especially looked down upon by the Yuan Dynasty. They placed Emperor Gong and Empress Quan under house arrest in the deep palace garden, inflicting insults on them, and not allowing them to have the slightest contact with the outside world.

At that time, the four palace ladies who accompanied Empress Quan to Dadu could not bear the abuse of the fierce Yuan Dynasty people, and within a few days of arriving in Dadu, they all hanged themselves.

One of the palace ladies also left a desperate poem: "Neither insult the country, but survive the humiliation." The world eats Song Lu and is ashamed to be a northern subject. The death of a concubine is kept in a virginity. Loyal and filial piety, hoping to renew himself. ''

Yuan Shizu looked down on Empress Quan, who endured humiliation and stealing life, so he cut off the heads of the four palace women and hung them at the door of Empress Quan to show humiliation. Empress Quan cared for the young Emperor Gong and could not bear to commit suicide.

However, since the southern Song Dynasty's retainers had already established Zhao Liang as Emperor Duanzong at this time, the old and treacherous Yuan Shizu made Emperor Gong the Kaifu Yi Tongsan Division, the Inspection Department Of charge, and the Duke of Yingguo, making an example for the people of the world. Yuan Shizu hoped to use Emperor Gong's potential appeal to form a constraint on Emperor Duanzong and incidentally recruit those Song generals who had not yet been annexed.

Later, Empress Quan proposed that the water and soil be dissatisfied, and asked Yuan Shizu to move to the south. Empress Yuan Shizu was particularly sympathetic to Empress Quan's plight and interceded for Empress Quan, but Yuan Shizu was worried about the outside world and did not agree. However, he did not intend to kill Empress Quan and Emperor Gong of Song at that time. Legend has it that Yuan Shizu had prepared to let Emperor Gong and Empress Quan slowly pass through this life in the deep courtyard of Dadu.

However, at the end of the nineteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1282), Yuan Shizu suddenly ordered Emperor Gong to move out of Dadu, placed him in Shangdu, and also asked Empress Quan to go to Dadu Zhengzhi Temple to cut her hair as a nun. Soon after, Empress Quan died there quietly.

It turned out that a monk in Fujian explained to Yuan Shizu that the celestial phase at that time, saying that he was looking at the stars at night and found that Saturn had the potential to infringe on the emperor. Therefore, according to the usual calculation, I am afraid that in a few days, someone will want to harm the Yuan Shizu, and I hope that the Yuan Shizu will be more vigilant. Yuan Shizu originally did not believe what the monk said, but not long after the monk left, an official from Zhongshan County (present-day Dingxian County, Hebei Province), not far from the capital, reported that there was a madman in the county, claiming to be the King of Song, who threatened to gather people and horses and go to the capital to rob The Song Emperor Wen Tianxiang and raise an army to restore the Song Dynasty.

Half a century after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Gong of Song became a high monk, but he still could not escape death

Yuan Shizu listened, this is still necessary? Therefore, he immediately moved Emperor Gong to Shangdu, and then killed Wen Tianxiang, the Southern Song Dynasty prime minister who had been imprisoned for four years. The following year, he also moved all the Officials of the Song Dynasty to the interior to relieve worries about the future.

By the 25th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1288), Emperor Gong was already 19 years old, and the rule of the Yuan Dynasty was gradually consolidated. In the winter of that year, Yuan Shizu gave Emperor Gong a large amount of money and sent him to Tubo (present-day Tibet) to study Buddhism. After Emperor Gong arrived in Tibet, he stayed at the Sakya Monastery, changed his name to Hezun Dharma, and learned Tibetan.

Emperor Gong was brilliant and intelligent, he studied Buddhist scriptures, and became the abbot of the Sakya Temple. It is reasonable to say that Emperor Gong had already entered the Buddha at this time, and he had already had no distracting thoughts in his mind and was concentrating on cultivation. However, in the third year of The Reign of Emperor Yuan Yingzong (1323), Emperor Gong was suddenly given death in Hexi.

Emperor Gong's death stemmed from a poem he had inadvertently written: ''Message to Lin Hejing, how many degrees did the plum blossom bloom?' The golden table should not return. The golden platform mentioned in the poem refers to the earthen platform built by King Yan Zhao near the Chaoyang Gate of Dadu during the Warring States period. King Yan Zhao put gold on the stage to attract the wise men of the world. Lin Hejing was a famous Qiantang Gaoshi in the Northern Song Dynasty, who was lonely and arrogant all his life and took Mei as a friend. It was this poem that made Emperor Gong executed by Emperor Yuan Yingzong for inciting the hearts and minds of the world.

Half a century after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Gong of Song became a high monk, but he still could not escape death

In fact, Yuan Yingzong's killing of Emperor Gong is also a common practice in successive dynasties. When Emperor Gong died, the hearts of the Song people in the world also died. Emperor Gong did not die, and the remnants of the Song Dynasty always had thoughts in their hearts. Therefore, in order to maintain his rule, Emperor Yuan Yingzong could only execute Emperor Gong.

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