
He graduated from the First Phase of Whampoa, became a lieutenant general at the age of 36, and his granddaughter became popular all over the country with a song

Counting the chaotic generals in the Republic of China period, it is really amazing, Ye Ting became a military commander in his 20s, some people saw him in the movie is very crazy, you yourself say, when you become a military commander in your 20s, how can you not be crazy? There are famous generals today, and this is also the case in ancient times, huo fu was 17 years old when he was a wolf, what a magnificent feeling? It is said that in the chaotic world, it is the trend of the times to make meritorious achievements, and indeed, Hunan has more talents than generals, and we all know that the one we are going to talk about today is also a general from Hunan, his name is Liu Yongyao.

He graduated from the First Phase of Whampoa, became a lieutenant general at the age of 36, and his granddaughter became popular all over the country with a song

In 1909, Liu Yongyao was born in Liling County, Hunan Province, because of the conditions of the family, he went to private school at the age of 6, and then entered primary school, middle school, and even the army to study martial arts, at that time, if you want to better save the fate of the country, joining the army is a very correct choice, in this way, Liu Yongyao applied for the enrollment of the first phase of the Huangpu Military Academy, from more than 1200 applicants to leave, he was only 15 years old, was the youngest student in the first phase of Huangpu at that time.

After graduating from Huangpu, Liu Yongyao participated in the Eastern Crusade, don't look at his young age, but the battle is very desperate, at the age of 16, he became the captain of the stormtrooper, many times slightly injured in the line of fire, made a good example, and then promoted to battalion commander, in the same year, he was appreciated by his superiors, went to Moscow Sun Yat-sen University in the Soviet Union for further study, where he also met many friends, after returning to China, Liu Yongyao was promoted to colonel commander not long after returning to China.

He graduated from the First Phase of Whampoa, became a lieutenant general at the age of 36, and his granddaughter became popular all over the country with a song

According to the reason, Liu Yongyao is such an excellent talent, if there is no accident in the future, he must be a very famous general, but why has so few people heard his name now? In fact, this was because Liu Yongyao's job changed at that time, and he felt that engaging in political training was the job he wanted, so after that he rarely led his troops to fight, single-mindedly engaged in political training work, and when his classmates waved fangs on the battlefield, he had become a university professor.

Can bear hardships, have courage, but also stay in the yang, work seriously, Liu Yongyao's personality was appreciated by the old Chiang Kai-shek, although engaged in civilian work, but Chiang Kai-shek was very fond of him, in the year of the victory of the War of Resistance, Liu Yongyao was promoted to lieutenant general of the army, can be described as a young and promising, at that time he was only 36 years old, during the Liberation War, Liu Yongyao did not participate in military activities, and later went to Taiwan with the old Chiang Kai-shek.

He graduated from the First Phase of Whampoa, became a lieutenant general at the age of 36, and his granddaughter became popular all over the country with a song

In Taiwan, Liu Yongyao completely withdrew from the military circles and engaged in literary education; in the Kuomintang army, he also had the title of "Confucian General." In his later years, Liu Yongyao was concerned about the reunification of the motherland and repeatedly called on Huangpu students to unite.

He graduated from the First Phase of Whampoa, became a lieutenant general at the age of 36, and his granddaughter became popular all over the country with a song

It is worth mentioning that Liu Yongyao's granddaughter is now a well-known figure, she is Liu Reuying who became popular throughout the country with a song "Later", Liu Reuying's memory, her grandfather is very serious, but very good to her, and his favorite song is "Whampoa Military Academy Song".

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