
He is the first graduate of Whampoa, a 20-year-old lieutenant general, a low-key person, but has a star granddaughter

China's modern hundred-year history is a difficult and humiliating history, starting from the Opium War in 1840, China's door was knocked open by the British invaders, and the ensuing continuous wars of aggression forced our country to constantly sign traitorous treaties, cut land, and pay indemnities, so that China, which was already not rich, fell into a even poorer state.

Many people understand that in that era, many young people with lofty ideals were not willing to be reduced to the point of being oppressed, and they constantly explored the way to save China. The Whampoa Military Academy was born in such a historical environment. A large part of the reason why China's Manchu Qing government could not defeat the foreign invaders was that the gap in military strength between the two sides was too large, so after the Xinhai Revolution, the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang jointly established the Army Officer School, which is the famous Whampoa Military Academy.

He is the first graduate of Whampoa, a 20-year-old lieutenant general, a low-key person, but has a star granddaughter

The first phase of the military academy enrolled more than 1,000 cadets, many of whom later became excellent generals on the battlefield. The famous cloth marshal Xu Xiangqian graduated from the first period, and among the many generals of the Kuomintang, Hu Zongnan was also the first batch of students. One of the cadets was only 15 years old, but was admitted to the military academy with excellent results.

This student's name is Liu Yongyao, and as the youngest student, Liu Yongyao has performed prominently in both theoretical study and practical experience. After graduation, he participated in the Crusade, on the battlefield, in the face of guns and bullets, the young man was not afraid, wounded on the battlefield many times, but also made many military achievements.

He is the first graduate of Whampoa, a 20-year-old lieutenant general, a low-key person, but has a star granddaughter

Because of his heroic performance on the battlefield, Liu Yongyao was constantly promoted. After the end of the Northern Expedition, he was promoted to major general and later promoted to lieutenant general, when he was only 20 years old. Receiving such a high honor at such an age is rare in both the Communist Party and the Kuomintang.

Liu Yongyao, who had won military merit in the Northern Expedition, did not participate in the action against the Communists after the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists was broken, but instead shifted the focus of his work to the study of military theory. The Military Command Bureau under the jurisdiction of dai Kasa, the leader of the Kuomintang's secret service, could be established, and Liu Yongyao played a great role.

He is the first graduate of Whampoa, a 20-year-old lieutenant general, a low-key person, but has a star granddaughter

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, how to defeat the Japanese and drive the aggressors out of China was not something that could be done with just a single heart. At this stage, Liu Yongyao did not interrupt military research, although he did not go directly to the battlefield, but the military theory he studied provided many useful operational guidelines for the Chinese army during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Although he did not participate in actual combat, the results he obtained by combining the military theory he had learned with practice indirectly became a factor in the victory of the war.

Because Liu Yongyao was involved in the study of military theory very early, although he was also the first batch of Huangpu cadets, he did not have the same reputation as Xu Xiangqian and others. However, when it comes to his granddaughter, I believe that many people will not be strangers, she is Liu Reuying.

He is the first graduate of Whampoa, a 20-year-old lieutenant general, a low-key person, but has a star granddaughter

Her singing voice has accompanied many people through that period of youth, and according to Rene Liu, her grandfather liked her but never doted on her. When she was very young, her grandfather's requirements for her were quite strict, and he taught Liu Ruoying to obtain everything through her own efforts.

He is the first graduate of Whampoa, a 20-year-old lieutenant general, a low-key person, but has a star granddaughter

Liu Yongyao, who was made a lieutenant general at the age of 20, did not have a prominent reputation in his lifetime, but he achieved outstanding achievements in his field of military research and helped the Chinese army eventually defeat the Japanese invaders. In terms of dealing with people, he is quite indifferent to fame and fortune, but this does not erase the fact that he is a hero.

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