
This is the best gift that parents can give to their children, and it turns out that many people have made it wrong

Your child's love for their parents is far beyond your imagination

Wen | Qingmei Caijun

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"Parent-Child Growth""

Ome Caijun - The 197th original essay

Whatever the heart desires, it can be done


In my sleep, I heard the sound of crickets coming from the side of the bed, and I shouted in horror: "Who? ”

Hearing my daughter giggle, I vaguely saw her look, and it turned out that she was pulling the zipper of my mosquito net. "You scared me to death!" Don't sleep so late? Hurry up and go to sleep. I picked up my phone and said, "I turned off the WIFI hotspot." ”

The phone showed that it was nearly 3 a.m., and I thought: This guy can't play with the iPad until now, right? Is it that the hotspot is broken, and I come to my phone to open the hotspot and continue to play all night?

The daughter moved her steps in the direction of the door with a deterrent hand, smiled and said, "I'll go to bed right away, good night." Then gently closed the door.

Then I fell asleep again.

Then suddenly I woke up again, this time turning on the light and was pleasantly surprised to find four large slips of paper with big blue handwritten "Merry Christmas" on the pillow, under which was a box of steam eye masks, and under the blindfold was a greeting card drawing and a notebook.

This is the best gift that parents can give to their children, and it turns out that many people have made it wrong

Instantly, happiness overflowed my heart.

On the greeting card, there is a large Christmas tree next to the mother and daughter, and the stars at the top of the Christmas tree are shining brightly, and the sea of stars is within reach.

This greeting card painting is not ordinary, deliberately made of a masked paper plastic bag to make a blank, it is the realistic painting method of our family's book wall, her favorite ukulele also painted, but also used a transparent bag to cover the entire painting, as if overscultured, and then pasted the painting on the cover of the notebook.

Turning the first page, it reads: "Just like a teenager, ride the wind and waves, go to see the bigger world, to discover more possibilities"

Page after page flipped gently, at the end of the page wrote some famous golden sentences, such as "The world heals those who are willing to cross themselves", "Please keep your love and rush to the next mountain and sea", "Always young, always full of tears"...

I saw in my heart that on this cold winter night, there was a girl who spent a few hours just to prepare a special gift for me, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

On the last page of the notebook it reads, "You're going to trust me forever— because I'm your exclusive Santa Claus." ”

This is the best gift that parents can give to their children, and it turns out that many people have made it wrong

Remembering the "groundless speculation" thoughts about my daughter just now, I felt extremely guilty.

No wonder at 12 o'clock in the morning, she ran into the room with the masked paper and said to me: "Don't disturb if you are not sincere, please knock on the door if there is something." ”

I also told her to go to bed right away and not to stay up late. She said: "No, there are some things that must be done now. ”

It turned out that she was secretly doing "Santa Claus" and creating unique gifts for me.

Not only that, on Christmas Eve, we ate hot pot together, and she said that this time she was a guest, and she had to give me two hundred yuan. I had to "obey the fate", after all, this is also a manifestation of her love for me, but also a manifestation of her responsibility.

Love also requires a sense of ritual.

This is the best gift that parents can give to their children, and it turns out that many people have made it wrong


Children's love for their parents is far beyond their parents' imagination!

I once saw a video like this on the Internet:

Mom and child rate each other out of 10. Mothers say that their children do not like to eat, like to cry, do not like to eat vegetables, etc., so the children are rated 5 points, 6 points, 7 points and so on.

It's the children's turn to rate their moms. The children's ratings are unexpected, and all the children give their mothers ten points! Out! Some children said they would give their mothers 10,000 points!

It is undeniable that parents love their children. But in real life, many parents' love for their children is often conditional, playing the "good for you" card, saying that if you take the test, how many rankings will buy you what you want, etc.; if the child understands things, he will love the child more...

Many parents may not have done it deliberately, but they inadvertently did so in words and deeds. It is often difficult to truly love children unconditionally.

And the child's love for his parents is pure and unconditional. Rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, children love their parents deeply.

I think back to when my daughter was younger, probably in the first and second grades of elementary school, on Mother's Day, a person ran across the street to find a flower shop to buy flowers for me, she crossed the streets, crossed the street, turned into an alley, and finally found the flower shop, there was a lady in front of her who was also buying flowers, and the owner thought she was the daughter of the lady. When he learned that she was young and had come alone to buy flowers, just to surprise her mother, he praised her.

When I came home from work, she gave me this surprise, and these are the inside stories my daughter told me when she came home with flowers. At that time, I felt extremely happy and trembling, because it was more dangerous for such a young girl to travel alone.

Another time, on a rainy night, my daughter sneaked up to the platform to pick me up and give me an umbrella. She didn't tell me to surprise me, just called me in advance to ask which station I was at.

When I got home, I didn't see her, called her, and realized that she was on her way to pick me up, and she took the road I usually took, and unfortunately we missed it. It's a bit like the plot of O Henry's short story Maggie's Gift.

I was both touched and a little bit to blame my daughter for not telling me sooner.

At the same time, I hurried into the rain of the night...

This is the best gift that parents can give to their children, and it turns out that many people have made it wrong


Once my daughter made a small mistake at school and was wronged. Talking to me on the phone about it, she carefully and tentatively asked me, "Mom, are you angry?" ”

I said, "No anger, I can understand your mood, you must be sad and depressed, right?" Then she told me the whole story, analyzed it, and said what to do in the future.

The moment I saw me on the weekend, she rushed in, and I smiled and gave her a big hug with open arms.

She said, "Mom, I thought you would scold me when you saw me!" Unexpectedly, you not only did not scold me, but also smiled at me. I was so lucky. It's so lucky to be your daughter! ”

"Everyone will inevitably make some small mistakes occasionally, and since things can't be changed, what's the use of scolding you?" And I'm sure you've grown a lot from it, haven't you? I smiled and answered her.

"Mom, they gave birth to a daughter, but you gave birth to a friend." The daughter said proudly. Along the way, hold my hands tightly, talk to me about all kinds of things, and talk to her as much as she thinks.

In front of me, she can speak freely and does not have to worry about being criticized.

She often talked to me about her heart and often said to me, "Mom, you are so good to me, you love me too much, I am really happy." ”

Of course, we sometimes clash over something, especially when it comes to learning. We can talk about anything between us, just don't talk about learning.

Many times, I think that I can't learn for my children, and it is useless to be anxious.

A lot of things are not black and white. How can I expect my child to be an all-rounder! This is also too greedy!

I can only silently support her in doing what she likes, and slowly guide her to do things she doesn't like to do but are important, like studying.

The process of raising children is actually a process of self-healing, and it is also a process of growing up with children and running in both directions.

Children know how to be grateful, have their own things to love, and have been quietly striving to become a better version of themselves, these are great qualities.

This is the best gift that parents can give to their children, and it turns out that many people have made it wrong

Psychologist Joyce Brazes once said: "The best proof of love is trust, and trusting each other is the best love for children." ”

The love of parents for their children, children will see in their eyes and remember in their hearts.

Love is mutual, love is perceptible.

As my daughter wrote, "You have to always believe in me..." I am the one who will always believe in her, the one who will always be on the same line as her, who will always love her, support her, and encourage her.

When a child is frustrated, wronged or beaten, the understanding, tolerance, love and encouragement of parents are the best gifts to give to children.

Parents give their children unconditional love, children will feel full of happiness, security, will have the armor and courage on the road of life, without fear of storms, and eventually grow into the way they want.

May you and I both bathe in the environment of love and live gently and powerfully.


Author | Qingmei is talented, looking for poetry and far away in the text. Freelance writer, whose work has been reprinted by People's Daily [Night Reading], public number: Qingmei Caijun (qmcj2006).

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● I heard that people who like it will become beautiful

● I heard that people who share it are more beautiful

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