
Nostalgia on the tip of the tongue Shichuan taste smoothie soft pear

author:Daily Gansu

Nostalgia on the tip of the tongue

Shichuan flavor Smoothie soft pear

Nostalgia on the tip of the tongue Shichuan taste smoothie soft pear

Soft pear. Pocket Lanzhou Lanzhou Morning Post reporter Jing Wen photo

A soft pear, a few plates of wild vegetables, a bowl of cheek noodles... These flavors with Shichuan characteristics, through the precipitation and fermentation of the years, have been transformed into nostalgia on the tip of the tongue. Food is a memory, but also a longing. Bring some soft pears, buy some wild vegetables, let them melt in your ordinary days, and maybe melt away your strong nostalgia.

Soft pear, has the reputation of "Lanzhou native Haagen-Dazs". While admiring the pear blossoms, while sucking a soft pear, this may be a gift from the heavens to Shichuan, the "world's first ancient pear garden". Basking in the sun, humming a little song, and the soft pear with sweet juice is refreshing, this time is simply not too pleasant.

The reporter wandered around in the vast pear orchard, walking in the small streets and alleys of the countryside, and his eyes were occasionally attracted by a pear blossom out of the wall, and he walked into this small courtyard. The courtyard is not large, there are only three old pear trees, and the hostess is holding a small toothbrush to artificially pollinate the pear blossoms. According to the owner of the hospital, "the three old pear trees in my family have a yield of thousands of pounds every year, in late autumn and early winter, the pear fruit is red in the green, and the flesh is slightly sour..." The owner of the hospital opened the freezer while introducing and introduced the soft pears in his house full of a freezer to the reporter. "Every year when the fruit is ripe, we pick out the unscathed pears and store them in the cellar, and the flesh is fermented and softened, and it becomes brown and the fruit taste becomes sweeter. Affected by the epidemic this year, every household in the town has unsalable soft pears, so now come to Shichuan, not only can you enjoy the flowers, but also eat authentic soft pears. If you don't have enough to eat, you can take it with you, eat it yourself, or send it to friends and family. ”

Shichuan Centennial Pear Garden has two varieties of pears, soft pear and winter fruit pear. Soft pear moist and dry cough, raw and phlegm, fermentation in the first winter, edible in the following spring, excellent taste. Eat soft pears, there is a way is that you are anxious to eat hot tofu. Frozen soft pears need time to melt, stand or soak in ice water, wait for the ice shell to form, break it open, tear off the thin skin, the pear meat is like a smoothie, like honey but not? throat. Another sip of melted pear juice suddenly evokes memories, which is the highest courtesy after being sick as a child.

Follow in the footsteps of reporters, this smell is not already attracting you.

Pocket Lanzhou Lanzhou Morning News reporter Jing Wen

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