
Fresh history 丨 "earthy Haagen-Dazs" soft pear

author:Pocket Lanzhou

There is such a fruit, when it is fresh, people do not eat it, they have to wait for a month or two, until it becomes black and frozen before taking it out to enjoy. What kind of fruit is this? Outsiders may not know, but northwestern people, especially Lanzhou people, will probably blurt out - soft pear.

"The ice and snow soft pear, the first strange in the melon and fruit city." The red face of the tree is not taken, and the fragrance is waiting to be turned into mud." This is the general description of the soft pear by Mr. Yu Youren, the elder of the Republic of China.

Fresh history 丨 "earthy Haagen-Dazs" soft pear

Soft pears are ripe in late autumn and early winter, and the soft pears that are first picked, the peel is yellow with green, green and red, and the appearance is delicious, but people do not eat such delicious pears, as Mr. Yu Youren said, "people with red faces in the trees do not take." Why? Because it's not tasty. Anyone who has eaten fresh soft pears knows that the flesh of the freshly picked soft pears is hard and sour, and it is almost choking when you eat them. Such a fruit is a bite to throw the treatment, people who do not understand it will think that this is a very poor quality fruit, its taste can be compared with the wild fruit that has not been domesticated. But if you look at soft pears like this, you are very wrong, this is a very special fruit, is it comparable to ordinary fruits! The delicacy of soft pears takes time to precipitate. Be patient, and wait, wait a month or two, wait until the leaves wither, the frost falls, the snow falls, wait until the cold winter moon is ice and snow, then bring out the soft pears that have been hidden for a long time in winter and look at it——

After months of saccharification, coupled with the freezing of the cold temperature in the deep winter of the northwest, you will find that the soft pears at this time have become black-brown "ice eggs", cold and hard as stones, and the quality of the fruit is not negotiable. If you pick it up and nibble it, it is not an exaggeration to say that it will absolutely freeze your mouth and crush your teeth! You know, eating soft pears is like watching the scenery - the good times are also in the winding path after the peak circuit turns, so eating soft pears has to wait for it to slowly and naturally thaw... Teach you a soil method, anxious friends can also hold a basin of cold water, and then put the soft pears of the hard state one by one in the cold water to thaw, remember, when the soft pear thaws, make the fruit tip up.

After the hour is thawed, it is time to enjoy the soft pear. Serve a soft pear in a small bowl and a small spoon to dig the flesh of the fruit. At this point, you will know what Mr. Yu Youren means when he says that "the fragrance is biased into mud". After thawing, the soft pear flesh has completely softened into puree, the slurry is full, take a bite, that fragrance, that mellow sweetness, that refreshing, that cold... A small shiver in the mouth, it is simply too painful, making people feel refreshed! You say, what other fruit in the world can be compared!

For northwestern people, soft pears are not only fruits in winter, but also eaten as medicinal food. Coughing phlegm is on fire, and eating a few soft pears will feel much better. This is not a blind saying, Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", soft pear has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, cooling the heart, eliminating phlegm, reducing fire, and detoxifying alcohol.

Now some young people jokingly call soft pears "earthy Haagen-Dazs", Häagen-Dazs is a world-renowned ice cream brand, so it seems that soft pears are stained with the light of foreign brands? No, Häagen-Dazs may have a richer flavor than soft pears, but does it have the green nature of soft pears? Is the nutrient abundance of soft pears curative? No. In the cold winter, in the heated room, slowly and methodically enjoy a soft black-brown pear bathed in sunlight and glowing, taste its flesh with a small spoon or straw, is there anything more comfortable and blessed than this cold and cold?

Text/Interpretation Flowers

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