
Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic

author:Xinjiang chef Axi

The mid-winter waxing moon day is the time when Liangzhou's "soft pear" should be put on the market. On the dried and fresh fruit stalls along the street, the "soft pear" is accompanied by red apples and yellow winter fruit pears, which look the most unsightly, looking gray-brown and wrinkled, and the sun is soft and bad, as if it is rotten. People who don't know the goods, who will spend money to buy this "bad pear" to eat? Liangzhou people have a unique love for it, the more heavy the snow, the more they like to eat soft pears. "Modao grapes are the most luscious, soft and fragrant in the ice and snow.". This is a poem written by Mr. Yu Youren, an elder of the Kuomintang, when he came to Liangzhou in the 1940s. The praise in the poem is the Soft Pear, a specialty of Liangzhou. Soft pears, also known as frozen pears, ripen in the autumn, but are on the market late until the snow falls in the cold winter moon.

Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic
Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic
Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic

  Soft pears are round, coarse-skinned, soft flesh, slightly woody, and full of juice. The ripening period is around early October of each year, and the harvest time is slightly later, usually after the first frost. Do not bump during picking, gently remove, cover and store in a ventilated and light-protected place. When the soft pear is ripe, the fruit color is golden, after being beaten by frost, it becomes yellow-brown; after being covered in the grass until winter, it turns black or pure black, and it has become a "hockey ball" after freezing. The best time to eat soft pears is after they are completely frozen, at this time, the sour taste of soft pears when they first ripen is completely gone. When eating, soak the soft pear frozen into ice balls in cool water until a thin layer of ice shell comes out of the surface of the pear, then remove, gently knock off the ice shell, peel off the peel, and eat.

  Soft pear is both delicious and nutritious, but also can play a role in clearing heat, moisturizing, raw and phlegm, for long-term cough and asthma patients, there is a certain role in alleviating symptoms.

  This soft pear is the only kind of pear, the fruit is round, small and juicy, called "God does not know"; the yellowing in the green is "wax moss"; the green and black skin is called "moss". Before the frost falls, carefully pick it not to bump, yard into the cellar, a layer of wheat grass layer of fruit, to sleep for two or three months, the fruit has completed the post-ripening period, take off the astringency, smell a smell of wine. At this time, it can be frozen in a cool house without fireworks. As soon as the peel turns black and brown, the nectar is produced, and the grower calls it "sweating". At this time, the soft pear can not be soft at all, frozen like a stone, transportation and storage are very convenient, not afraid of pressure, not afraid of touching, but there is one, afraid of heat.

Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic
Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic
Wuwei City, Gansu Province, the soft pear Liangzhou "soft pear" Liangzhou specialty topic

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Newly picked soft pear heart fruit ¥118 purchase

  Counting the nine wax months, people have a lot of empty time, especially in the New Year's day, bumping melon seeds, eating walnuts, nibbling persimmon cakes, adult dolls eat the corners of the mouth on fire, dry mouth, drowsy, how to relieve worries and extinguish fire? The most soft pear.

  The way to eat soft pears is very interesting, first scoop up a basin of water, put the pear "crackling" into the cool water, only to hear a chaotic "chirping" sound. The Liangzhou dialect is called "plucking", and after a while, the cold ice inside the pear is all "plucked" out, and the bright crystal is wrapped outside the pear, becoming a large broken glass ball. At this time, gently knocking off the ice shell, the pear has become a bag of honey juice, remove the pear handle, come out a small eye, mouth to mouth, a pinch, a suck, the pear juice is all soaked in the mouth, cold to the bone, soaked through the internal organs.

  Every New Year's Festival, it is inevitable that "wine is less than a thousand cups of confidants", drink so much, can not find their own street door, this soft pear decanting wine is a must. Soft pear is still a blind cough remedy, in case of cough choking, phlegm more gas astringent, get a few soft pears, add a few pieces of good rock sugar, put into a casserole, steam through the water, dry and then eat the soup together, immediately see the effect. If the cough is heavy, you can also add a few grams of ephedra to the pear, and the good medicine is not bitter, and it is "conducive to the disease".

  In the winter of 1941, Yu Youren accompanied Zhang Daqian, Gao Yihan and a group of more than a dozen people from Lanzhou to Dunhuang, passing through Hexi, and saw that the soft pear was born specially, and it was very moist and luscious when it tasted, which was unusual, and it was caused by the excitement, and the grass was "In the Middle of the Hexi Road", "The immortal hero of the mountains and rivers died, and surrounded several battlefields in Qilian." Modao grapes are the most luscious, soft and fragrant in the ice and snow. ”

The melons and fruits in Gansu are indeed beautiful, such as white orchid melon, perfume pear, winter fruit pear, large apricot, soft pear, Lanzhou drunken melon, Huaniu apple, Lixian Eight-plate pear, Jingchuan Qi pear, Wuwei pig's head pear, Zhangye round pear, Qin'an Changchang pear, Dunhuang Li Guangxing, Tang Wangchuan apricot, Lanzhou peach, Linze red race, Longnan walnut and chestnut, Wudu cherry, Minqin sand jujube, Wenxian citrus and so on.

Pastry famous foods include honey three knives, broken crispy tank stove, eight treasure honey food, Lintao shortbread, Lanzhou crystal cake, three color lattes and so on. In addition, Lanzhou lilies, Linzhen black fungus, Kangxian black fungus, Qingyang yellow cauliflower, Lanzhou large pieces of melon seeds, Longxi ham, Xiliang Daqu, Longnanchun, Jinhui wine, etc., are also Gansu's characteristic famous foods.

What are the characteristic city dishes in Lanzhou? Lanzhou melon and fruit fragrance, has the reputation of "melon and fruit city". Qing Dynasty "Bamboo Branch Words" Yun: "Apple pear cantaloupe, Mid-Autumn Festival play moon do not think of home." The southern flavor is general, with only a few fragrant jasmine flowers. It can be seen that the best season for tourism and leisure in Gansu is autumn.

Of course, it is also most appropriate to eat melons and fruits and taste their specialties and flavorful snacks. Since the 1980s, Lanzhou's catering industry has developed rapidly, 'many local flavor dishes have been operated, and there are many famous dishes with local characteristics, such as roasted piglets, roasted whole lamb, golden needle stewed duck, walnut balls, Lanzhou lily peach, stuffed white langua, cinnamon marrow quail soup, sweet and sour carp, lotus wolf belly, hump fried five silk, apricot blossom intestines, eight treasure melon carving, plum blossom sheep's head, onion fried lamb, soup fried belly, braised lamb meat, fried lamb tail, gourd chicken, etc.; famous snacks include Northwest Shabu lamb, ramen, hand-grabbed lamb, High Three Sauce Meat, Clear soup beef noodles, lamb bubbles, hot winter fruits, bubble oil cake, fried potato horn, churned dough, chicken flour jelly, nest noodles, fried noodles, pork dirty noodles, cheek noodles, high-weight stuffed skin, pulp water surface, five-color cold powder, mille-feuille beef cake, etc.

Roasted piglets are famous dishes in Lanzhou, which have similarities with Guangzhou roast suckling pig. The pulp water surface and hot winter fruit here are unique flavors in the northwest, and the hot winter fruit is a sweet made with winter fruit pears, which can only be tasted in Lanzhou and other places. The most distinctive banquet in Lanzhou is the "Lily Banquet" that highlights green health, and 15 of the 16 dishes of this banquet are used by Lily One by the grand hotel.

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