
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

Source: Nverpai

As a result of excessive coddling, the child is both dependent and resentful of the parents.

Giving children a sense of independence and autonomy is the most important thing for parents.

Recently, the news about "the daughter kicking the mother in the subway station" has aroused heated discussion in society.

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most


Unrestrained love is violence in disguise

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

Hungry, the son shouted "Mommy," and mom fed the food to his mouth.

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

Even the small things like shaving the beard are handled by the mother.

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most


Coddling will eventually devour everything in the child

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

The child is in trouble, and the parents are responsible.

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most
The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

At this moment, the child's world collapses, and he will feel that his parents have deceived him.

Eventually, it's easy for a child to turn against his parents, who spoil him.


Parental love is a proper withdrawal

Many times, the child does not understand gratitude, just because he is used to his parents seeing him as the center of the world.

From childhood to adulthood, parents are afraid of their children in their mouths, afraid of falling in their hands, afraid that their children will suffer a little and suffer a little grievance.

Children who grow up like this will not realize at all that behind their quiet years, it is because of the efforts of their parents.

So, how should parents love their children?

In the Oscar-winning Best Animated Short Film "Sandpiper", there is a little sandpiper living with his mother, and when he is hungry, he opens his mouth and waits for his mother to feed him.

But when the sandpiper grows up, the mother no longer feeds it.

Mom pushed it to the sea and asked it to forage for food on its own.

As a result, a wave came, and the unsuspecting little sandpiper was soaked all over, and it curled up in its nest and shivered, begging its mother to feed it again.

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

But the "fierce" mother did not compromise, but encouraged it to overcome the fear in her heart and try again.

In this way, the little sandpiper learned the technique of foraging and successfully filled his stomach.

The girl kicked her mother hard and was pushed on the hot search: the child you spoiled with your life actually hated you the most

Long Yingtai said: "True maternal love is a decent exit. ”

Many times, we habitually see "what we did" for our children as love, but in reality, "not doing anything" is also a kind of love.

This kind of love always reminds parents to control the impulse to take care of everything for their children and solve problems.

Dong Mingzhu has paid attention to cultivating her son's independence since she was a child.

Although her family is rich, she still chooses to let her children work their own.

Even if her son's monthly salary is only five or six thousand, and she rents a house by herself, she has never softened her heart.

Because she knows that parents will eventually withdraw from their children's lives.

Those parents suffer for their children, and the children will one day have to pay it back.

What really makes a child mature is not the smooth past, but the smile that breaks free from tears.

Instead of shielding children from the wind and rain, it is better to let children gain spiritual independence and prosperity.

And this is the best love that parents give their children.

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