
Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

Text/Babe Bean Parenting Classroom (original article, welcome to reprint and share)

Napping has always been the biggest concern of parents for their children, and parents will feel, "Don't sleep at noon, collapse in the afternoon".

However, some children are energetic and do not want to take a nap, but parents are too worried about children not sleeping and no spirit, or the lack of sleep affects height and intellectual development, and it is not safe to let children sleep, so they are forced to require them to take a nap.

But is it really good to force the child to sleep like this? These unknown truths tell you that you must not force your child to do what you don't want to do, otherwise it is the child who will be the opposite.

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development


Ms. Zhang's son Doudou has not been taking a nap since she went to kindergarten, so the teacher deliberately reflected with her that the child did not take a nap, and also affected other children's rest, hoping that parents can communicate with their children well.

So, after her son returned home from school, Ms. Wang began to preach and asked him:

"Why don't you sleep well at noon, didn't your mother say that you can only grow tall if you sleep well?"

The son said dismissively: "I am not sleepy, I can't sleep, I don't want to sleep." ”

Ms. Zhang was angry and angrily rebuked: "I have been taking a good nap before, how can I not sleep well now, I tell you that if you don't sleep at noon to disturb others, be careful that I clean you up." ”

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

Perhaps Ms. Zhang's threat played an effect, Doudou no longer disturbed others to rest in the kindergarten, even if he could not sleep, he would close his eyes tightly, for fear that the teacher would find out that he was not asleep and tell his mother. At the same time, the mother also found a phenomenon, that is, the child is depressed, sleeps unsteadily at night and always convulses for no reason, and the height is always not long.

In fact, all this is the result of forcing the child to take a nap, although the nap is good, but when the disadvantages outweigh the benefits, it becomes a burden, and the harm of this mother must know.

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

For adults, napping is an extremely luxurious thing, and being able to close your eyes and sleep for ten minutes can make yourself full of fire. But this is not for everyone, especially for children, and forced naps are not necessarily a good thing.

Forcing a nap can inhibit your child's physical development

All along, parents have asked their children to take a nap to promote the growth of height, which can be said to be the purpose of parents.

Medical research experiments have proved that naps do not necessarily promote the child's growth, if you force the child to sleep, then not only will not grow taller but also inhibit his height growth.

That is to say, naps are not as "magical" as parents think, growth hormone is working at night, and the secretion of growth hormone during the daytime nap is minimal, so it cannot actually grow tall.

Secondly, if parents force children to take a nap, it is easy to bring them strong psychological pressure, which is not conducive to the secretion of growth hormone, which is bound to affect the development of height, and even make the child's personality disordered, affecting the relationship between parents and children.

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

Forcing a nap can disrupt your child's biological clock

I don't know if parents have found that children fall asleep is a very easy thing, they will not be as insomnia as adults, often only need a few minutes to enter the sleep state, and even every day can sleep until they wake up naturally, so that there will naturally be no sleep deprivation problems.

In such a state, some children naturally do not need to take a nap to supplement sleep, if forced to sleep then it will cause biological clock chaos, but it is not conducive to brain development, so that the time to sleep at night is delayed, thus affecting the normality of the body at night, even, it is not conducive to the mental state of the next day.

With the increase of age, the child's nervous system development has gradually stabilized, then the need for nap will naturally weaken, if the child's mental state is good, the mood is happy, the child is not willing to sleep then do not force them to sleep.

On the contrary, if the child does not sleep will cry, or the mood in the afternoon, evening is not good, it means that they still need to take a short break at noon, at this time we must appropriately adjust the child's schedule, so that they can supplement sleep in time.

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

Parents must know these mysteries about napping

The lack of sleep at night cannot be made up by daytime, and it is more important to control the time

Some parents think that their children do not rest well at night, and think that it is better to sleep more during the day, which is actually a wrong perception. Generally speaking, the nap time is not easy to be too long, it is recommended that the nap time should not exceed 1 hour, so that after the brain enters a deep sleep, it is difficult to wake up quickly into the learning state, which is naturally not conducive to their growth.

Don't go to bed immediately after lunch and let the gastrointestinal system have a digestive process

Sleeping immediately after lunch will slow down the digestion of the gastrointestinal tract, which will not only increase the burden on the stomach and cause gastrointestinal diseases, but also reduce the amount of blood supply to the body, resulting in cerebral hypoxia, which is also harmful to children whose brains are in a developmental stage.

After the nap, let the child's brain slow down first, don't rush them to do things

Although people wake up after napping, but the brain has not yet completely recovered from the sleep state, at this time do not urge children do not let them do something immediately, let them buffer for a few minutes, drink a glass of water to replenish the water lost during sleep, so that they can become more energetic.

Is it good to force your child to take a nap? Medical evidence is overwhelming that forced naps affect development

Knowing this, do you still struggle with children not taking a nap? Therefore, whether the child needs to take a nap or not cannot be generalized, it must vary from person to person, and the child must not be forced to take a nap.

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