
Grasp the key, and grasp the key point when speaking

Once, Xiao He, the han dynasty minister, asked Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, to give up a large area of open space in the Shanglin Garden to the common people for farming.

Shanglin Garden was a garden for the emperor to play, play, hunt and entertain. When Liu Bang heard this, he was very angry, thinking that Xiao He must have accepted a large amount of money from the common people before he would act in this way. Therefore, he ordered that Xiao He be arrested and imprisoned, examined, and punished. At that time, in order to curry favor with the emperor, as long as the emperor found someone guilty, the court lieutenant would do everything possible to make people obey the law.

Grasp the key, and grasp the key point when speaking

At the critical juncture, a minister came forward to advise Liu Bang: "Do you remember when you fought against Xiang Yu before and later eliminated the rebels?" In those years, the emperor led the troops outside, and only the minister was stationed in Guanzhong alone, and the people in guanzhong were very supportive of the minister, and if the minister had a non-divided thought, there was no need to wait until today. Do you think that the prime minister will not plot in a situation where there is a big profit, but will instead covet small profits?

A few simple words, sentence by sentence hit the point, making Liu Bang feel ashamed of his sincerity to The Prime Minister, and on the same day he ordered a pardon for Xiao He.

Zhou Bo, another founding father of the Han Dynasty, once helped the Han Dynasty eradicate Lü Hou's minions, welcome Emperor Wen of Han, and restore the Han Dynasty. Later, however, when he was disarmed and returned to the field, some treacherous villains who had always hated Zhou Bo took the opportunity to make an easy speech to Emperor Wen of Han and falsely accused Zhou Bo of plotting rebellion. Emperor Wen of Han, who had listened to the rumors, hurriedly ordered Ting Wei to arrest Zhou Bo and imprison him, and pursue him for punishment. According to the law, anyone who attempts to rebel must be a capital offense and a nine-nation one.

Grasp the key, and grasp the key point when speaking

At this critical moment of life and death, Empress Bo came out to persuade Emperor Wen of Han, saying: "Emperor, the best time for Zhou Bo to rebel is when you are not on the throne, when the jade seal left to you by the former emperor is in his hands, and he has an army. However, he did not attempt to rebel at that time, but helped the Han Dynasty eliminate the Lü forces that were trying to usurp power, and handed over the jade seal to His Majesty. Now, when he goes home, how can he want to rebel at this time?" This remark dispelled Emperor Wendi's doubts and immediately ordered a pardon for Zhou Bo.

It can be seen that it is very important to grasp the key by speaking. Everyone who wants to achieve great things must cultivate this ability, and through just a few words, cut to the heart of the other party and persuade the other party.

If the speech cannot grasp the main point, it is easy to make people tired. If such a salesman talks business with others, the others will certainly be exhausted and unable to reach an agreement.

In life, people don't like to communicate with people who have no focus on talking. Such a person will make the listener lose patience, and even if the listener gives many reminders, they seem to turn a blind eye and talk to themselves, which is really annoying. A young man with lofty ambitions must not develop this habit, because this habit is the enemy of success. All those who have high work efficiency and high management skills speak concisely, neatly, and have a clear theme. And people like to be friends with such people. For example, on the phone, they don't have too many greetings, but instead say two words, go straight to the subject, and then "goodbye". It's a real pleasure to deal with people like that, and both save time with each other.

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