
Ninety percent of the post-80s have begun to plan for the elderly, and the survey shows that the per capita pension consumption in the city is expected to exceed one million yuan

Forty percent of urban residents have health problems, the average age of 39.7 years old began to consider the elderly, 90% of the post-80s already have their own pension planning... Urban 30-39-year-old people are expected to spend 1.221 million yuan on pensions, and residents in first-tier cities are willing to pay 9104 yuan / month for their pensions...

On December 23, the Aging Finance Branch of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, the Silver Economy and Health Wealth Development Index Research Group of Tsinghua University, and the Great Insurance Group jointly released the "China Urban Pension Service Demand Report (2021)" in Beijing, which made a big data portrait of the pension service needs of urban residents aged 30-85 in China.

Ninety percent of the post-80s have begun to plan for the elderly, and the survey shows that the per capita pension consumption in the city is expected to exceed one million yuan

The "China Urban Pension Service Demand Report (2021)" was released. Photo by Tian Yuhao, China News Network

Urban people's willingness to provide for the elderly: 50% live at home, 30% enter the community, and 20% go to institutions

According to the survey data of the "Report", urban residents choose to stay at home for the elderly, accounting for 52.9%, 26.5% of the population choose community pension, and 20.6% of the respondents hope to go to institutions for the elderly (including sojourn pension and overseas pension). Compared with the traditional "9073" model, the willingness of urban residents to choose pension institutions has increased significantly. First-tier cities (20.8%), high-income people (21.33%) accept institutional pension the proportion significantly greater than other groups, "post-70s" (19.7%) choose pension institutions the highest proportion, men (20%) than women (15.1%) more accept institutional pension.

In the choice of pension institutions, the most valued is the atmosphere, medical care, services; when choosing the grade of pension institutions, pension institutions of 5000-7999 yuan are the most popular; and fear of unfamiliar environments can not adapt is the most important reason for reluctance to choose pension institutions.

The report covered 800,000 city dwellers in 19 provinces through a seven-month survey. The report pointed out that with the sharp increase in the proportion of middle- and high-income elderly people, the future pension consumption market has great potential, and the future per capita pension consumption is expected to exceed one million yuan. At the same time, under the background of the gradual increase in the proportion of community pension and institutional pension demand, the "city center pension" model is welcomed by the market.

"In the layout of the elderly community in the core area of the city, economic efficiency is the first consideration." At the special forum "Urban Center For the Elderly: New Trends in The Elderly" held by China News Service on the same day, He Xiaofeng, an insurance group, said that leasing large-scale commercial properties in the core area of the city for aging transformation can greatly save capital costs, and ultimately save the funds of policyholders. In addition, for the elderly, acute and severe diseases still need to be solved in large tertiary hospitals. It is based on this that the three pension communities currently laid out by the insurance group in Beijing are all built on the edge of the top three hospitals in the core area of the city.

Ninety percent of the post-80s have begun to plan for the elderly, and the survey shows that the per capita pension consumption in the city is expected to exceed one million yuan

Zheng Bingwen, director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Photo by Tian Yuhao, China News Network

How do we retire now and in the future? Investment is important

At the special forum, many experts and scholars said that the needs of the elderly have a strong personalization. "First of all, the demand here is not just a need, but an effective demand, including elements such as people's ability to buy." Yang Yansui, a professor at Tsinghua University's Institute of Hospital Management and School of Public Administration, said.

Gu Xuefei, director of the Medical Security Research Office of the Health Development Research Center of the National Health And Health Commission, dang Junwu, deputy director of the China Aging Science Research Center, and Zhou Ling, secretary general of the Aging Finance Branch of the Chinese Gerontology and Geriatrics Society, all mentioned that the demand for old-age care is very different. "Different families, different levels of education, the needs are not the same, so there must be a diversified supply." Gu Xuefei said.

Specific to individuals, what kind of pension is really suitable for themselves? Huang Shisong, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Development and Strategic Studies of Chinese Min University and a member of the Expert Committee of the Beijing Municipal Commission on Aging, pointed out that there are three factors that are the most important, first, professional services; second, the feeling of home; and third, affordable payment capacity at the right price. "Only the organic unity of the three is the most suitable for you, and you don't need to compare yourself with others." Huang Shisong frankly said that the advantage of the city center pension is that the integration of resources is relatively easy, but the problem is that the cost is high, and there will be a difference between the needs and payment ability of the elderly. To solve the problem of mismatch between supply and demand, it is necessary for multiple parties to build and share, and the reform of the government, families, communities, insurance, and housing systems will be promoted together.

"Pension to live well, investment is very important." Zheng Bingwen, director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that investment should be changed from physical forms such as real estate to financial forms to improve future payment capabilities. "Aging is an inevitable trend, you should pay attention to investing in your pension financial tools at a young age, and prepare for aging from now on." (Li Xin)

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