
Everyone's insurance dream chasing ice and snow activities ended to help youth ice and snow sports flourish

The hottest topic in the 2022 Chinese New Year is "ice and snow sports". In addition to the intense competition, some young Chinese ice and snow athletes have also emerged in various sports and won excellent results. The ice and snow sports boom has been detonated by this group of young people many times, and even won 23 hot searches in one day, achieving a veritable "hegemonic list".

Unlike many traditional sports, snow and ice sports winners have shown a younger trend in recent years, and some athletes have won multiple medals in their teens and even reached the top of a series of world-class events. As a "practical school" for the popularization of ice and snow culture, we insurance groups are well aware of the importance of young people's popularization of ice and snow knowledge. From February 3rd to 20th, Everyone Insurance Group closely followed the progress of the ice and snow event to launch a series of theme activities of "Let's Dream of Ice and Snow Together", and joined hands with world ski champion Guo Dandan and other guests to popularize the knowledge of ice and snow sports for the youth group and lead everyone to appreciate the style of ice and snow events.

Everyone chased the dream of ice and snow together to trigger the Spring Festival ice and snow boom

In order to help promote the winter ice and snow sports of teenagers, it will stimulate the unlimited potential of youth ice and snow sports. The theme activity of "Everyone Chasing Dreams Together" launched by Everyone Insurance Group focused on the three theme sections of "Dream Glory Stage", "Happy Dream Chasing Time" and "Dream Role Model Power".

The ice and snow world itself is a big stage to chase dreams and harvest glory. In the "Dream Glory Stage" from February 3 to 4, Guo Dandan, China's first world ski champion, told the story behind his victory and shared his "Frozen"; from February 5 to 7, Man Dandan, an athlete of the Chinese women's cross-country skiing team, also "spoke" for the ice and snow athletes and shared more stories behind the "ice and snow stage".

In order to ensure that ice and snow sports can be truly safe and joyful, the "Happy Dream Time" section specially invites Guo Dandan, China's first world ski champion, Wen Peijun, international winter swimming champion, and other ice and snow celebrities to deeply interpret the principles of different ice and snow sports for teenagers, share common sense of ice and snow sports, including how to choose ski clothes, how to warm up sports and other detailed dry goods, to help teenagers participate in ice and snow sports better and safer.

With the ice and snow event reaching the peak of the finale, in the "Dream Model Power" section broadcast in the last three days of the event, Man Dandan also appeared again, together with Xiao Han of the Yanqing District Fire Rescue Detachment News Publicity Section, Zhao Xiaofeng of the Yanqing District Fire Rescue Detachment Office, and Li Ming, a young volunteer of the Insurance, from the perspective of fire safety and sportsmanship, passing on the spirit of ice and snow sports, paying tribute to athletes, and encouraging young people to work hard for the development of China's ice and snow sports.

The theme activity of "Everyone Chasing Dreams of Ice and Snow Together" has attracted the attention of the vast number of ice and snow sports enthusiasts and young people. On weibo, the topic of #大家一起 Chasing Dreams and Ice and Snow has reached 39.45 million+ and 38,000+ discussions. Everyone Insurance Group linked up with a number of Weibo big V to launch three rounds of prize quiz interaction, users can search for answers in the "Everyone's Dream Classroom" online course, further pushing the Spring Festival ice and snow sports to the boom.

Everyone's insurance dream chasing ice and snow activities ended to help youth ice and snow sports flourish

Continue to deepen the cultivation of children's public welfare, shoulder the responsibility of "together to the future"

We pay attention to public welfare undertakings, especially the "one old and one young" group, and actively fulfill corporate social responsibility and responsibility. In 2020, the "Everyone's Dream Classroom" initiated by Everyone Insurance began, through a line, a screen, and an online connection method, effectively connecting the "one old" in the city center and the "one small" in the depths of the mountains, and resolving the contradiction between the weak teachers of the schools in the mountainous areas and the children's urgent need for spiritual nourishment. On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party in 2021, the "Everyone's Dream Classroom" also assisted a number of elderly party members in urban centers to send red knowledge to children in remote areas and insert wings to their dreams.

At present, the "Everyone's Dream Classroom" has opened 4 theme classes and 21 lessons such as life inspirational classes, physical fitness classes, red historical memory and red poetry courses, which have been loved by children in many places and continue to motivate children to work hard for their dreams. The "Chasing Dreams and Ice" series of courses jointly launched with CCTV brings a series of wonderful online courses to students from remote areas in 9 provinces and cities and more than 20 schools in Yunnan, Guizhou, Henan, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Anhui, Hebei and Qinghai, providing children with a window to approach ice and snow sports and understand ice and snow culture.

Combined with the boom of ice and snow events, the launch of the "Let's Chase Dreams together" series of activities, together with world champions and volunteers to share the relevant knowledge of ice and snow sports for children, is also a continuous deepening of children's public welfare, to promote the active practice of youth ice and snow sports, with practical actions to "together to the future" to implement.

With insurance as its main business, we insurance group has five subsidiaries of everyone life, everyone property insurance, everyone pension, everyone assets, and five subsidiaries of everyone construction and investment, and three major enabling sectors: health and pension, real estate investment, and scientific and technological innovation. In addition, we insurance also focused on the field of pension, last year, the city center, sojourn and overseas three pension product lines layout took shape, the "city center pension" case into the Beijing two sessions and the national two sessions site, "professional" and "responsible" image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, we have also actively explored the independent agent model and achieved remarkable results, providing experience for the transformation of traditional agents in the mainland life insurance industry, and is well-known in the industry with the image of "independent vanguard".

With the rapid popularization of mass ice and snow sports, the mainland has successfully achieved the grand goal of "bringing 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports". Youth is strong, ice and snow sports can not only enhance the physique of teenagers, but also enhance their mental outlook, "everyone chases the dream of ice and snow together" series of activities will be ice and snow sports "sent" to the youth, encourage young people to adhere to "do what they like", pass on the upward struggle of the "spirit of youth", so as to help promote the realization of the great goal of national health, sports power construction.