
Children from kindergarten to primary school, as parents, how should we guide correctly (2)

Hello everyone! I'm Le Dad!

In the previous article, I talked to you about how to correctly guide children from kindergarten to primary school, including living habits, learning habits, etc.! In addition to these daily routines, children's psychological transitions are also an important aspect that we parents need to guide! Most of today's children are only children, everything is taken care of by adults, how to carry out independent learning, etc., need psychological counseling. In addition to what we talked about in the previous article, what other aspects do we parents need to guide our children?

Children from kindergarten to primary school, as parents, how should we guide correctly (2)

First, teach the child some basic common sense

Parents should teach their children some basic knowledge such as the name of their parents, telephone numbers, home addresses, etc. These must be remembered clearly, and they should also ask their children from time to time what to do if they encounter some special circumstances when they are alone. For example

1, what should you pay attention to when you are alone at home (you can't touch water, fire, electricity, etc.).

2. What should I do if I meet strangers at home or outside? (Can't open doors for strangers, can't talk to strangers, can't eat snacks sent by strangers, can't walk with strangers, etc.).

3. What should I do if my child gets lost outside? (Look for the police uncle and tell the police uncle the phone number of mom and dad).

4. What should I do if my child can't find his or her parents in the mall? (Find the counter uncle and aunt, and then tell them mom and dad's phone number).

Children from kindergarten to primary school, as parents, how should we guide correctly (2)

Second, how to make children fall in love with learning

In the kindergarten period, children mainly do games, do handicrafts, etc., so after entering primary school, the main thing is to learn, and some children will have fear after just entering primary school. When my daughter first started school, she was also afraid, afraid to go to school, afraid to write homework, etc. Because the child can't adapt to the sudden process from movement to stillness, from play to learning!

So how should we parents let our children dispel this fear? What do we parents need to guide us from?

We should describe to the children what the school is like, what is the difference between primary school and kindergarten, what is the fun in learning, what is the use of the knowledge learned, and let the child have some psychological preparation. Let children learn to learn independently, so that they like learning in their hearts.

Parents should consciously introduce their children to some learning and living conditions in primary schools. This includes which courses to study, how many lessons to attend each day, the schedule system, what to pay attention to in and out of class, and the relationship between teachers and classmates.

Children from kindergarten to primary school, as parents, how should we guide correctly (2)

Third, let the child feel the collective life in advance

In kindergarten, children have almost no constraints and can do whatever they want, but after primary school, a lot of norms and requirements have been added. For example: the norms of class time, school uniforms must be worn to school, and school badges must be worn. At first, children will feel uncomfortable. For example, going to the toilet, queuing, raising your hand to speak, etc. This has also led to some children being reluctant to go to school at first. Parents can consciously encourage their children, such as telling their children that he is in elementary school, that he is an adult, that he must learn to do his own things, that he must listen to the teacher, and so on.

During the summer vacation before the start of the school, parents can also take their children to participate in more collective activities at the primary school stage, so that children can understand and feel the learning and life of the primary school in advance, the more familiar the children are with the environment, the more confident they will be, and the faster they will be integrated into the life of the primary school after entering the primary school.

Children from kindergarten to primary school, as parents, how should we guide correctly (2)

Fourth, cultivate children's cognitive ability

Children's expression ability and cognitive ability are closely linked, and only with a certain amount of cognition will there be content of expression. On the one hand, it is necessary to guide children to read more, such as some storybooks with pictures. On the other hand, children need to know the living environment, enrich their perceptual knowledge, and master the common sense of life, and the children's diverse experiences help them understand the world.

1. Cultivate observation ability. If the child carefully observes a thing and recognizes multiple angles of a thing at the same time, it can often improve the child's cognitive ability. Parents can appropriately guide in this regard, such as looking at more pictures, allowing children to express more, after entering primary school, the reading and writing of Chinese textbooks will make it easy for children to complete. I didn't take my daughter to understand this in advance, which caused my daughter to have a headache when she saw the topic of looking at pictures and writing.

2. Contact with the external environment. Parents can often take their children to the park for a walk, contact with more unfamiliar environments and children in the outside world, then children will always have a continuous adaptation to these environments, which will improve their cognitive ability. As children get older, they will also have a natural affinity for these natural environments.

3. Zoos and botanical gardens. Children's cognitive ability improvement is related to many factors, if parents can broaden their children's horizons and contact a new environment, then children can continuously optimize their cognitive ability. For example, parents take their children to zoos, botanical gardens, petting zoos, etc., so that children can be curious about the things around them, and they want to understand the surrounding environment, and their cognitive ability will continue to increase imperceptibly.

Children from kindergarten to primary school, as parents, how should we guide correctly (2)

Parents and friends, what kind of troubles your child encountered at this stage, welcome to communicate in the comment area!

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(In 2022, the account was renamed Le Dad Talk about Parenting, sharing the daily life of her daughter in the primary school stage, communicating together, growing up with her children, welcome to pay attention!) )

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