
Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

For pregnant mothers who are close to giving birth, the most troublesome thing is not the gender of the child, but the choice of caesarean section or vaginal delivery. From a scientific point of view, it is natural that it is better to have a smooth birth. Natural childbirth is the least harmful to pregnant mothers, and recovers quickly after giving birth. It is also good for the baby, such a baby is through their own efforts to come to this world, more healthy is natural. It's just too many examples of autopsy, so that pregnant mothers are afraid of white pain for a few hours or even more than ten hours.

Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

The disadvantages of caesarean section are naturally needless to say, postpartum recovery is slow, and within three years, women cannot have a second child, which has a great impact on women's bodies. Although caesarean section is not as good as a normal birth, it is only in three things that can avoid great embarrassment for women.

People have three anxieties, which is the common sentiment of people, but this is a private thing, generally carried out in private places. For pregnant women, when the birth is smooth, if the force is too strong, there will be a case of stool discharge. At this time, the new mother will feel particularly embarrassed.

A caesarean section is a general anesthesia during the operation, as if it were just a sleep, and the child was taken out of the stomach. Only after the operation, after the anesthesia, the belly will be painful and unbearable, after all, the stomach has been cut, and the healing process of this wound is relatively slow.

Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

We often see some scenes of pregnant women giving birth on TV, when women are crying and shouting in a hoarse voice, so that we who are across the screen lament that it is not easy for women to have children, but also feel very embarrassed. This woman is usually heroic, or gentle and gentle, suddenly changed a face distorted because of pain, it is said that many female friends will feel very embarrassed when they think about their behavior in the delivery room afterwards.

For caesarean section, the surgical process is naturally painless, although there will be pain after the operation, but compared with the opening of the uterine finger, this pain will not be unbearable at all, but this pain is accompanied by a relatively long time, and the pain of natural childbirth can be relieved after the birth is completed.

Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

Many women have a very embarrassing thing after giving birth to a baby, that is, leakage of urine. Some mothers even said that a sneeze after childbirth will leak urine, laughing too obviously will leak urine, if you do exercise, it will be more obvious, sometimes the pads are useless. This is a kind of trouble for many mothers, affecting their personal lives, and their mood will be greatly affected, and they feel very embarrassed.

Postpartum urinary leakage due to the fetus in the process of delivery, caused a lot of pressure on the vagina, after dilation, resulting in pelvic floor muscle strain. This usually occurs in the case of vaginal delivery, but it also occurs in a very small number of women who have a caesarean section, but the odds are much smaller and almost negligible.

Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

With the advancement of medicine now, in addition to caesarean sections and vaginal deliveries, many women can actually choose to give birth painlessly. This way of giving birth is actually similar to a normal birth. It's just that when the mother is giving birth, there is an anesthesiologist next to her, who can give anesthetic to the mother through the spine, thereby alleviating the pain of the mother.

Many people have questioned whether such a way of delivery will have an impact on the baby, in fact, this dose of anesthetics are calculated by doctors very accurately, while reducing the pain of pregnant mothers, it will not affect the health of the baby. However, painless childbirth has become very popular abroad, but many hospitals in China do not have this service.

Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

Many first- and second-tier city hospitals in China have such services, and many hospitals in third- and fourth-tier cities do not have this service, which is for many reasons, such as the price of painless childbirth is more expensive, and many families are unwilling to spend so much money on having children. In the case of a normal delivery, you can be discharged from the hospital for two or three days, which is the cheapest way to give birth.

Painless deliveries require a separate anesthesiologist to be on the side, and many hospitals do not have so many anesthesiologists, so the cost of painless deliveries is relatively high, or some hospitals do not have this service.

However, painless childbirth also has shortcomings, and in general, pain injections can only be given after three fingers. Otherwise, the mother's pain is not strong, and the body's response will become slower, which will prolong the length of delivery. However, in general, the extension time is not long, compared to the opening of the uterus refers to the living of the year, this pain process is completely acceptable to the mother.

Although the caesarean section is not as good as the smooth delivery, it can help the mother avoid great embarrassment in at least three things

In fact, no matter which mode of delivery you choose, there are pros and cons. Things are multi-faceted, so in the early stage of childbirth, it is necessary for pregnant women to understand the advantages and disadvantages of various production methods, and choose their own production methods according to their actual situation.

Everyone is an independent individual, even if it is the process of childbirth, there is no need to learn from other people's production methods like textbooks, at the time of obstetric examination, according to physical health, economic conditions, combined with the doctor's advice, choose the most suitable mode of production for yourself.

No matter which way of childbirth is last, you must use a normal heart to deal with the adverse reactions caused by childbirth and keep your mood happy.

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