
What are the reasons why the fetus is too small for pregnancy testing

If the pregnant mother hears that the fetus is too small during the pregnancy test, she will definitely be more worried, what is the reason for the fetus being too small? And what are the factors? Let Anusi Xiaobian talk to you today!

What are the reasons why the fetus is too small for pregnancy testing

If the fetus is too small, do not panic, you must first find the cause, there are many reasons why the fetus is too small, for example, if the pregnant mother has irregular menstruation before pregnancy, because it may not be able to remember its last menstruation, which will lead to the wrong calculation of the gestational week, it will also cause the actual number of weeks of the fetus to be small. In the case that the ratio of fetal femur length to the growth and development of the double top neck is proportional, in general, it is normal for the fetus to be small for 1-2 weeks, and if it exceeds this value, it is necessary to attract the attention of the pregnant mother. If the pregnant mother's appetite during pregnancy is very good, but the fetus is found to be small during the obstetric examination, it may also be related to the diet of the pregnant mother. For example, pregnant mothers who like to eat snacks very much, but do not eat staple foods or foods such as fish, meat and eggs, can also cause fetal malnutrition and lead to small fetuses.

 The placenta delivers the necessary nutrients to the fetus, but if the absorption function of the placenta is not good, even if the nutrition of the adult is fully supplemented, but the fetus itself cannot absorb it, the fetus may also be small. This condition should be regulated under the guidance of a doctor. Expectant fathers and expectant mothers themselves are small in the fetal period, so the probability of their fetus being small will be relatively high. Therefore, it is genetic, not malnutrition of pregnant mothers.

Problems with the fetus itself can also affect fetal development, such as multiple births, chromosomal abnormalities, etc. can hinder fetal development. If the fetus in the pregnant mother's womb has these conditions, more attention should be paid to obstetric examination to ensure the health of the fetus. A large part of the reason for the small fetus is that nutrition does not keep up during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, unbalanced diet, etc. can lead to malnutrition, and may also be caused by the personal habits of pregnant women. It should be noted that when it is found that malnutrition causes the fetus to be small, the pregnant mother does not need to make up for it, but it is easy to go to the other extreme: the fetus is too large, which is not conducive to the development of the fetus, which is also not conducive to production.

We must pay attention to the reasonable diet structure, balanced nutrition, the use of animal foods rich in high-quality protein, such as eggs, milk, fish, etc., while ensuring sufficient supply of trace elements and vitamins, as well as eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially foods rich in calcium, iron, zinc, is the best way to supplement nutrition. Pregnant mothers must check on time and ensure that they consume enough nutrients to meet the growth and development of the fetus.

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