
Fight postpartum depression, listening to music may have a miraculous effect

Postpartum depression seems to have nothing to do with many people, but according to the survey results, the number of mothers suffering from postpartum depression is gradually increasing, so both mothers and family members should pay attention to the serious impact of postpartum depression, and the following Anuchy Xiaobian will talk to you about how to alleviate postpartum depression.

Fight postpartum depression, listening to music may have a miraculous effect

First of all, the mentality of the new mother must be good, to be able to face positively, adjust their mood, and the family should also give enough care and understanding, which is very important, do not let negative emotions appear.

Music therapy has now been widely used for psychiatric disorders such as depression and mania. In the theory of the limbic system, it is believed that music stimulates the limbic system of the brain, regulates the function of the cerebral cortex, promotes the release of enkephalins, thereby producing pleasant emotions and alleviating anxiety.

Xiaobian thinks that for most mothers, the world's famous songs are boring, right?! At first, I thought it was ok, but listening to it a few times may make me more irritable, which does not help emotional stability. Therefore, to choose your favorite music, there is no need to only listen to the world's famous songs. Musical styles are diverse, soothing, gentle, uplifting, jumping... Different styles of music, suitable for different moods to listen to. For example, when the mother's mood is relatively down, you may wish to listen to some light and uplifting music, which can play a role in mobilizing emotions. And when the emotions are excited, you should listen to soothing, calming music to quiet the brain and not be too tired. Of course, don't choose sad love songs and rock songs.

Many people like to lie in bed, quietly listen to music, in fact, while working while listening to music effect is also very good, the combination of work and leisure, so that the music effect doubled, equivalent to alleviating postpartum anxiety plus buff music movement therapy is also increasingly applied to patients with mental illness. According to relevant statistics, it is generally effective through several months of treatment. Therefore, Bao Mom may wish to try this method, while jogging, yoga and other sports, while enjoying music, can make you forget your troubles in sports.

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