
Young + in good shape = prone to stretch marks? And the only effective way to deal with stretch marks ...

"After giving birth to a child, I have a little secret, swimsuit, crop top loading pressure box bottom dare not wear out ..." What is it that stands in the way of your courage to show your navel/swimsuit/vest after giving birth?

Meat? No, it's a more terrible pregnancy than that! pregnant! line! Meat can be reduced, but stretch marks cannot be removed!

The best compliment for your mother is that others think you haven't had a baby yet. What pregnancy brings to Bao Ma should be a crystallization of happiness, as well as a perfect figure and skin, rather than the inferiority and ugliness brought by flower belly and loose skin!

Know Yourself: Where Do Hateful Stretch Marks Come From?

The skin has three layers: the stratum corneum, the epidermal layer and the dermis layer, the stratum corneum is composed of dead cells, the epidermal layer is composed of multiple layers of living cells, and the dermis layer is mostly composed of proteins, including collagen and elastin, which make up the elastic network of the skin.

Young + in good shape = prone to stretch marks? And the only effective way to deal with stretch marks ...

If the damage to the skin to the dermis layer, it may leave scars, stretch marks are actually a "special scar", is the dermis layer of the "protein fiber break" formed by the "crack", any factors that cause protein fiber tearing during pregnancy are the "culprits" of stretch marks.

High levels of hormones during pregnancy, stretch marks will appear red or purple, after which they will gradually turn white, which are the two different stages of stretch marks.

The leak of the house coincides with overnight rain: skin elasticity decreases + tearing excessively

Collagen and elastin in the dermis layer have a certain shape and elasticity, can resist a small degree of "pulling", but during pregnancy, the hands and feet are rounded and long, the belly is getting more and more bulging, the pull on the skin is not a little, and will continue for a long time with the pregnancy in October... Is that desperate enough? No, no, no, please read on.

Young + in good shape = prone to stretch marks? And the only effective way to deal with stretch marks ...

The level of hormones in the body during pregnancy will change greatly, and this hemp or quasi-hemp must be very deep, drowsiness, long spots, pubic pain, local darkening, etc. are hormones in the "trickster", but it is far more than that.

The rise of adrenal glucocorticoids during pregnancy contributes to the occurrence of stretch marks, which inhibit the growth of elastic fibers in the skin and promote the breakdown of elastin fibers, resulting in a decrease in skin elasticity. Just like pulling the belly 10 times before pregnancy, there will be lines, and the skin becomes "brittle" after pregnancy, as long as 2 times it pulls out the lines.

The above pulls and hormones are the direct causes of stretch marks, it sounds like any of them can not be avoided, but obviously not everyone will grow stretch marks, what is the solution?

It is said that about 50%-90% of pregnant women will grow stretch marks, so why not the remaining 10%?

That's probably because they're genetically better, to be honest.

In fact, the medical community has very little research on stretch marks, after all, stretch marks are not good-looking, no, they are very ugly, one does not hurt and two do not itch, does not affect physical health, as if it is not a particularly urgent need to solve the "dangerous situation", but from the perspective of the endless stretch marks related products and their sales in the upper layer of a treasure, beauty is actually a big thing!

Young + in good shape = prone to stretch marks? And the only effective way to deal with stretch marks ...

In any case, what is clear about whether a stretch mark grows or not is that it is genetically related, and if your mother does not grow, there is a high probability that you will not grow.

Some studies believe that the younger and better the body, the more likely they are to grow stretch marks, which is not a particularly solid conclusion, but it is very gratifying and valuable to watch.

Young + in good shape = prone to stretch marks? And the only effective way to deal with stretch marks ...

Pregnant belly becomes larger can not be stopped, hormone levels can not be changed, do not grow stretch marks really can only rely on genes?

Can stretch marks be prevented?

For the two direct causes of stretch marks: pull + hormones, there are still certain prevention methods.

Young + in good shape = prone to stretch marks? And the only effective way to deal with stretch marks ...

First of all, the weight during pregnancy must be well controlled, can not suddenly "fatten" to break the skin, and the pregnancy body mass index [body weight (kg)/ height (m)] control is best below 22; in addition, apply some emollient products, supplemented by massage, may increase skin ductility to play a preventive role.

The prevention effect is difficult to predict, so it is okay to repair it after birth, right?

That's right, solving problems requires such wit and flexibility.

Stretch marks are caused by the rupture of elastic fibers in the dermis layer, for some applied products, can promote fiber growth repair, if you find a doctor to see you, he mostly advises you not to care about stretch marks, if you insist enough, he will recommend instruments or surgical repairs to you.

At present, the commonly used stretch mark repair methods are: photon pigment, radio frequency treatment, ultrasound focusing, dot matrix laser, microcrystalline grinding, fruit acid peeling, abdominal wall plasty, etc., the general principle is to remove the damaged part of the skin and stimulate the growth of new skin tissue.

Different degrees of stretch marks are selected differently, and the effect will vary from person to person (except for scar constitution), but it can certainly be improved.

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