
Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Many parents say that accompanying their children requires efficient companionship, and many times they do not understand what is an efficient companionship with their children.

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Because I missed the dinner place, I went to the barbecue stall after work to eat something in case of emergency, and there was a mother and son at the table next to me, and the boys were probably about 5 years old.

The time was not particularly late, it was about seven o'clock, and there were not too many people at the surrounding tables, just me and the mother and son at the next table. The child herself has been chattering and talking to herself, while the young mother has been carrying her phone and brushing the video.

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

In this process, let the child sit well, do not talk about these communication words, the mother almost does not leave the phone, just the mouth to take care of themselves.

As if the child did not listen, or kept asking the mother some questions, but the mother's reply was so perfunctory.

The child himself directly put his feet on the bar chair, and the food fell to the ground, all of which still did not attract the attention of the mother.

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Maybe the scene I saw was more one-sided, maybe this mother usually loves her child very much, maybe this mother is also very patient with her child when she is not...

But this scene can't help but make me think about the young parents, often do this, what kind of impact will it have on their children?

Many times it is not that the child does not teach well, but that the parents give the child the way and method or the example is wrong, which affects the child.

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Accompanying children is not only the body to accompany the child, but also to listen to the child's voice, to understand the child's feelings, to share some interesting things with the child, to carefully master the child's emotions, but also to pass on their warm feelings to the child.

The growth of children is irreversible, the plastic period of gold is also very short, once missed, it is not time and energy to make up for it, and some problems are about to be infinitely magnified with the growth of children.

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Parents are always the child's first teacher, too often, from the child we can see the shadow of the parent. For the process of accompanying children, more for children is some education. It is often said that the professor of some things can only realize the ineffable, and in the accompanying education of children, it is more obvious and important.

The management of emotions, the transmission of feelings, the logic of expression, these things, only when parents use their hearts, children can really feel.

Accompanying children requires heart, love and temperature

Maybe the pace of the times is fast, maybe the work of adults is very busy and tired, but the companionship of children always needs to be attentive, warm, and need to be carefully invested.

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