
The baby is born with multiple weights, has already hinted at the child's IQ level, come and check it out

In October, when the baby finally fell to the ground, the new parents were most concerned about two issues, one was gender and the other was weight.

Some mothers supplement more nutrition during pregnancy, so the child's physique is very good, and it is heavier to be born, but there are also some mothers who are not fat, even if they add a lot of nutrition, the weight does not increase during pregnancy.

Many people do not know that the weight of the baby and the level of his IQ have a direct impact. The British Medical Journal tracked 0.39 million babies, and studies showed that the weight of the baby when it landed and its IQ level were positively correlated. In other words, the heavier the baby's birth weight, the higher their innate IQ.

The baby is born with multiple weights, has already hinted at the child's IQ level, come and check it out

Harvard University has also done related research topics, to the relationship between newborn weight and IQ for the topic of in-depth discussion and research, the results of the study: the weight of 6.5 to 7 pounds of babies generally higher intelligence, in this weight range, the heavier the baby's weight, but also implied that the baby is smarter.

From the research data, it can be seen that the brain capacity and weight of the baby at birth are related, and it is a positive development relationship, which is no wonder that everyone thinks that there is an inevitable link between the newborn's IQ, brain volume, and weight.

The baby is born with multiple weights, has already hinted at the child's IQ level, come and check it out

Birth weight 6.5 to 7 pounds, the heavier the weight, the higher the IQ

Whether the baby's intelligence is high or low is closely related to heredity and whether it is accurately cultivated or not. A number of relevant data show that the baby's weight is closely related to his IQ of 0 to 10 years old. In the day after tomorrow, if parents can correctly cultivate, guide, encourage, correct, and set a good example, and develop the baby's brain in a multi-system manner, then the baby's IQ will naturally remain high, far exceeding that of children of the same age.

The baby is born with multiple weights, has already hinted at the child's IQ level, come and check it out

It is time for 0 to 3 years of age to develop brain power

Professor Richard's team has been committed to the study of the peak changes of children's brain development for many years, and finally found that the intellectual development of children aged 0 to 10 has three opportunities for great improvement, of which 0 to 3 years old is the golden stage of development, if parents can seize this opportunity, then it can also make the child's brain more powerfully developed, thereby significantly improving the child's IQ and rewriting the child's life.

Newborns are just born with everything around them very curious, gradually, they will also begin to imitate the actions of their parents and people around them, 0 to 3 years old children's brain weight will be from 25% of adults to 75%, so children 0 to 3 years old is the rapid period of brain development, this age stage is particularly critical, parents must pay attention to.

The baby is born with multiple weights, has already hinted at the child's IQ level, come and check it out

Now more and more parents will pay attention to the child's brain development, the younger the age, the easier it is for the child's brain to be fully developed.

Improving the baby's brain power requires multiple efforts, unlocking rather than interfering with the child's innate intelligence, and acquired symptomatic stimulation is also indispensable.

A single boring parenting method has become unpopular, began to be gradually abandoned, but also gradually withdrawn from the stage, most parents will seize the baby's 0 to 3 years old this early stage, equipped with the game of this through train, so that the baby with a curious attitude to understand the fresh side of things, at the same time, but also let the baby in the process of play to learn more knowledge at the same time, but also continue to develop intelligence.

The baby is born with multiple weights, has already hinted at the child's IQ level, come and check it out

In order to make the baby stand out and not lag behind the children of the same age, even if the parents are not good at it, they will play the role of early education teacher, take out the puzzle books prepared in advance, and lead the baby to learn and explore together!

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