
"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

The same single-parent family grew up, the same is living with the father, why is Jin Jiajun not as cheerful and lively as Chen Jiajia?

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

Yes, Jia Jun cringed when he looked at it, and always felt that he was holding something in his heart. In fact, it can also be understood that children in single-parent families have some inferiority and are not cheerful.

But Chen Jiajia is also a single-parent family and lives with her father, but her personality is very cheerful, and she is completely different from Jin Jiajun without heart and lungs.

Although the situation is the same, some places are still different, such as people, character problems, people and people's children may not be the same.

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

The reason why Jiajun is not as cheerful and lively as Jiajia is mainly because of two points.

First, Jin Bo's character cannot be compared with Chen Zhuo

They all say that two people are divorced, and they can't say bad things about each other in front of their children, which will leave a shadow on the children's hearts. Why Chen Jiajia has such a good personality and a big grin, it is because her father and mother never say bad things about each other, even if the children misunderstand, they will explain it to each other.

At this point, Li Ping and Chen Zhuo have done a good job, the Jin family is different, in this regard, only his mother is OK, Jin Bo is a rotten person.

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

Jin Bo always said in front of Jin Jiajun that Xiaomin was not good, saying that your mother abandoned you since she was a child, and I raised you. Even if you raise your child alone, you shouldn't say that, not to mention that you haven't cared much about him, and it is more that he was brought up by his grandmother.

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, he orchestrates his ex-wife, which can cause great harm to the children. Moreover, he did not give Xiao Min custody at the beginning, not that Xiao Min did not want a son, but could only say that Jin Bo's character was not good.

Even if Jin Bo is so unreliable, Xiao Min has never said in front of his son that he is not, but has given him enough face everywhere. Sure enough, people are different from people, even if they are also single-parent families and live with their fathers the same way, but the children raised because of character problems are different.

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

Second, parents' love for their children is not the same

It is said that there are no parents under the sky who do not love their children, that being said, there are really such parents. Jin Bo is the best example, does he love his son?

It looks good for his son, but if he really loves his son as much as he says, he can't eat gambling and drink every day, get drunk and go crazy with his children, and even let the children drop out of school to work to pay off their debts.

Once Xiao Min may be somewhat helpless, but in fact, she is also quite selfish, because the rumors behind her that she left her child alone and left for ten years.

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

Mom doesn't care if Dad loves it or not, she has lived with her grandmother since she was a child, and it is already very good that Jin Jiajun has no gloom in his heart.

Chen Jiajia is different, although her parents are divorced, but the love for her is not less, even double. Li Ping's remarriage did not reduce her love for her daughter, but also brought one more person to love her, and Hong Wei was also very willing to spend money on Jiajia.

In order to make her daughter happy, Li Ping smashed it with money, and what she bought was picked up and bought. Her love for Jiajia is not only money and companionship, but her daughter is annoyed with her, so she lives with her father.

"Xiao Min Jia" is also a single-parent family, why is Jia Jun not Jia Jia cheerful? Only because of these two points

Chen Zhuo's love for his daughter is even more impeccable, although he does not spend money like Li Ping, he has always accompanied his daughter. Don't look at Chen Jiajia who always complains about her mother, but her relationship with her mother and father is very close, perhaps one of her cheerful wishes, because her parents love her no less than the healthy children of the family.

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