
Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

No matter when and where, the best form of love is to like each other, be loyal to each other, accompany each other, and love for a lifetime; while sick love is unbridled possession, regardless of the compulsion of feelings. Therefore, for love, there can never be a third person, which is a blasphemy against love.

For the talented woman Lin Huiyin of the Republic of China, whether it is her appearance or talent, at that time, people were fascinated by it, and even whenever they think of Lin Huiyin's beauty, it will make people feel that her beauty is cold, without any flaws, her beauty, clean and clean, refreshing, just like her own poetry: You are a April day on earth. Such a woman is worth the efforts of any man. And no matter which man Lin Huiyin fell in love with, it was also the luck of his life.

In Lin Huiyin's life, in addition to Xu Zhimo, the people who accompanied her the most were Liang Sicheng and Jin Yuelin, one was her husband, the other was her close friend, but there was a misjudgment of the relationship between them in the future, and for the three of them, the relationship between them was actually much simpler than imagined.

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

Lin Huiyin, a woman who is favored by fate

Mention lin huiyin, can't help but think of the woman who is very delicate, every move is a style. Lin Huiyin is not only beautiful in appearance, but more importantly, extremely talented, has his own unique perception in design, and his literary attainments are also very high. It can be said that she has always been a woman who has been favored by fate.

Lin Hui's early family education and environment made her independent and autonomous, and she began to travel around the world at a very young age. She was once attracted to Xu Zhimo, and later she chose to marry Liang Sicheng.

It can be said that all the beautiful verses praise Lin Huiyin is not excessive, because she is indeed worthy of such praise. Such a woman who combines beauty and wisdom may be difficult to find a second person in the world.

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

Lin Huiyin, Liang Sicheng and Jin Yuelin's "Threesome"

After Lin Huiyin's death, the world had heard that Lin Huiyin had done something that made the world extremely surprised, that is, in 1931, when Liang Sicheng returned from a business trip, Lin Huiyin said to Liang Sicheng in great distress that she seemed to be in love with two men, and she did not know what to do? One of the two men is Liang Sicheng and the other is Jin Yuelin. This matter has been said by posterity to have a nose and an eye, but the authenticity of the matter is still questionable.

It is undeniable that Jin Yuelin did pursue Lin Huiyin, because how could Lin Huiyin at that time not be heartwarming? But later, for various reasons, Lin Huiyin chose to marry Liang Sicheng. But soon after the marriage, Jin Yuelin became neighbors with Lin Huiyin and his wife.

It is also a coincidence that you can become a neighbor. Because they were all teaching at Tsinghua University at that time, the units were divided into rooms, so they became neighbors. Since then, their "cohabitation" life has begun.

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

The two families live so close that it has become a very common thing to come and go at any time, and Lin Huiyin, Liang Sicheng and his wife especially like to hold salon parties at home, almost every week, Jin Yuelin has always been a guest of the party, and later often eats at their home.

For them at that time, with the same cultural background, the same interests and hobbies, it was not surprising that they could become close friends.

Later, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lin Huiyin and his wife went to Kunming with their families, and after solving their own family's housing, they still did not forget to solve the housing problem for Jin Yuelin. In this way, the two families have been living together, living next to each other for many years, making the relationship between the two families extremely close.

Liang Sicheng never felt embarrassed about the fact that Jin Yuelin had pursued Lin Huiyin, and even when the husband and wife quarreled and argued, they also sought out Jin Yuelin to arbitrate. Because Jin Yuelin is a famous philosopher, his mind is clear and organized, which can help them analyze the problems that they cannot seriously think about because of their emotions.

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

It can be seen that the relationship between these three people can be described as extremely harmonious. Because for Lin Huiyin and his wife, even the contradictions between husband and wife can be arbitrated by Jin Yuelin, such a situation is no longer something that ordinary close friends can do, which is enough to prove that Lin Huiyin and his wife trust Jin Yuelin very much.

There is a kind of love called fulfillment

For Jin Yuelin, didn't she love Lin Huiyin at this time? Is it just out of concern and love for friends?

In fact, from some later records, it just shows that Jin Yuelin is still in love with Lin Huiyin, but in this relationship, Jin Yuelin can always find his own position, as a philosopher, a logician, he is more transparent than others in his thinking, so he can put aside his private feelings between friends and the woman he loves, and balance everything.

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

Jin Yuelin's love for Lin Huiyin is never possessive and robbed, and she hopes that Lin Huiyin can be happy, even if this happiness has nothing to do with herself. He just wanted companionship, hoping to be by Lin Huiyin's side when she needed him.

For Lin Huiyin's love, he has always been affectionate, and it is precisely because he knows how to control his feelings that he has lived with Lin Huiyin for many years, and has never really affected the normal life of their husband and wife.

It can be said that Jin Yuelin's love for Lin Huiyin is a kind of fulfillment, perfecting her to find her true love and happiness, and she is just silently accompanying, doing everything she needs for Lin Huiyin.

Behind the "threesome", there is more trust

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

For the threesome days, it is not only the fulfillment of Jin Yuelin, but also the trust of Liang Sicheng for his lover and friends. This man who once and even now has love for his wife, Liang Sicheng did not have any grass and trees, but made him more confident in his marriage.

This kind of "threesome" that seems absurd to outsiders is very comfortable for them, and it is also full of happiness. Jin Yuelin has always maintained a proper distance from Lin Huiyin, but the same experience has also allowed them to resonate with their hearts. This kind of existence that is not a relative but is better than a relative makes this threesome seem more simple and pure.

In fact, for liang Sicheng, Lin Huiyin and Jin Yuelin's relationship, it is not as complicated or dirty as the world thinks. Many people think that Jin Yuelin's lifelong non-marriage shows that they all have a certain relationship with Lin Huiyin, but even so, the relationship between the three of them ends up as friends in the end.

Misunderstood Jin Yuelin, Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng: Behind the threesome, there is more trust

Moreover, the person who once said this matter was also Liang Sicheng's step-wife Lin Su, and she has always had a lot of denigration of Lin Huiyin.

But even if this matter is true, Jin Yuelin has always guarded Lin Huiyin's side in a family way, and has never crossed the thunder pool. Such feelings are touching, and it is indeed because Lin Huiyin has his own unique charm, which can make these two such excellent men guard his side at the same time.

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