
Whether men love you or not, just look at these aspects!

In relationships, many people, especially women, will encounter such a problem:

Does he really like me?

The truth of love, the purity of love, is the key to finding love all the time, and it guides us to make the right choices. But like this thing, in fact, it is difficult to ask directly, under the blessing of language, love is likely to become the output of the other party's gorgeous language, the other party also answered, but still can not ensure whether it is true.

In fact, there are traces that men really like each other's appearance.

The leaders of the mainland architectural world, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, are a good example.

Whether men love you or not, just look at these aspects!

Liang Sicheng is the eldest son of a famous politician in modern China and Liang Qichao. Lin Huiyin is the eldest daughter of Lin Changmin, a celebrity in the political circles of the Republic of China. Under the mediation of his fathers, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin had known each other for a long time.

The two have been in love all their lives, and there are many interesting little stories.

For example, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin both have common hobbies, the two Qinse and Ming, often communicate, and work together to devote themselves to the construction they love, and ultimately lay a solid foundation for the development of architecture in New China. In Lin Huiyin's view, doing housework is a waste of life. These time, dealing with the trivialities of life, are not as good as those used for academic research. Liang Sicheng is very considerate of his wife, often taking care of the family's household chores, on the basis of which Lin Huiyin has made one achievement after another.

Liang Sicheng was willing to believe in Lin Huiyin's sincere friendship with Jin Yuelin and never doubted her. When Lin Hui was ill, he was afraid of affecting Liang Sicheng's research and kept it a secret from him.

It is such a thing that comes together to keep them in love, to support each other, to achieve each other's achievements.

These things are actually the best performance of men loving you, which can be summarized as: endless words, willingness to cook a meal for you, some small "double standards" that do not exceed the bottom line, and willingness to consider for you.

If you are still wondering if the man next to you loves you, you can actually find the answer from the I Ching.

First, the concept of love is easy to reason

The I Ching has many philosophical and thought-provoking.

The love of men and women is fickle, often laughing, but also sad. Thinking about the reason, you can look at the xian gua in the "I Ching", the xian gua begins to express from the process of people starting to move the heart, the process of analyzing love layer by layer, and looking for details in the process, so that it is more targeted.

Salty chart

Each of the "I Ching" has six words of 爻, and the words of xian gua seem to introduce the whole process of love.

The first one says, "Salty thumb." The translation in the word is that the big toe is moving, and the ambition is to go far. This means that in the very beginning of love, the toes have just felt it, which is a relatively shallow level, but our hearts already want to go out. I wanted to go out, but I haven't gone yet, because this stage is not enough to take action.

The second to sixth yao are: Xian Qifei, Xian Qifu, Zhenji Repentance, Xian Qifu, Xian Qifu.

Phi means calf; strand means thigh; Sadayoshi repents means that love has reached a more mature stage and has no regret; 脢 means back; auxiliary means cheek tongue. It is not difficult to see from the words that the process of love is from shallow to deep, and the two people go deeper and deeper, and finally devote themselves to it.

The whole word goes down, you can feel that the two people in love should understand each other, a little deeper, understand each other, and finally understand every corner of the body, so that the two people have experienced the whole process of love together.

Next, the author tells in detail how under the guidance of the I Ching, from the complicated details of daily life to find out whether he loves himself.

Second, the expression of love

The famous writer Thoreau has this to say in Walden: "Time determines who you will meet in life, your heart determines who you want to appear in your life, and your actions determine who can stay in the end." ”

Thinking about it carefully, this view coincides with the choice of love.

This sentence seems to refer to the choice and judgment of the self for love, but it is actually applicable to both parties. Individual behavior is also felt by each other in love, as a measure of whether the other person loves himself or not.

Performance 1: Endless words

Love is full of desire to share, a love story woven with one sentence. The first manifestation of a man's love for you is that he can't finish talking to you from day to night, from night to early morning, he will never take the initiative to end the topic, because he is reluctant to do so, and every second he wants to cherish it extraordinarily, always wants to talk to you a few more words.

Language makes each other's feelings come naturally, and the most expressive clip of the moment when love comes is that when the record store auditions the record, each other carefully peeks at each other's expressions.

Sometimes I think that the countless topics that can be talked about and the collision of hearts again and again may be the appearance of love.

In life, you may also meet some people who are not good at expressing their love, and they hide their love in every detail of life that treats you.

Therefore, understanding a man's true intentions and observing them with his own heart is the most reliable way. A good relationship, both sides must have something to talk about, and a man who loves you must have endless words with you.

Performance 2: Willing to cook a meal for you

The performance of "willing to cook a meal for you" does not require him to cook, or to cook for you every day. It's a metaphor that implies that in a tired life, I'm willing to use a meal to evoke love in our hearts. On busy days, I am willing to satisfy your appetite with a meal and eliminate your exhaustion. In the unpredictable future, I'm willing to try things that I'm not good at, just because I love you and I'm willing to go down with you.

On the Internet, someone once asked:

"Why do many girls find boys who can cook attractive?"

One highly praised answer is:

"The charm of a man who can cook is not necessarily brought by being able to cook, but an attitude to life. Life is nothing more than chai rice oil and salt, but some people have a tasteful life, and some people live a tasteless life. That little more heart in the ordinary, the ordinary dish is not only cooked and served, this little bit of bright color in ordinary life, how can people not be moved? ”

This kind of meticulous intention is the best proof of loving someone. It was a man who was willing to understand your life habits and interests, and it was also a manifestation of diligence, and he put love in his meals. Like the pyrotechnics of chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea transformed into the moving melody of "I will always love you".

Performance 3: Some small "double standards" that do not exceed the bottom line

When we are in the environment of love, in fact, there are some small "double standards" that do not exceed the bottom line, which is one of the obvious manifestations of love. That's a special like, that's a willingness to accept the little specialness of life for you, which may be what is often said to be a preference. Not only is it blatantly like you, it is the well-known protection for you, or every moment I am grateful to the world for letting me meet you in return, I want to protect you, let you always be with me.

This is the double standard he gives you: only you can, no one else can.

Perhaps as Zhang Xiaoxian said: "In the end, there is only one thing that women want, that is, many, many preferences." ”

I would like to describe this preference as follows: When the wind chimes blow, I know that you are coming, the wind is not unique, the bells are not unique, but you are, so they are all.

Performance 4: Willing to think about it for you

A person's body language and behavior patterns can often reveal the true thoughts of his heart. In particular, seemingly unconscious behavior is sometimes "evidence of love" for a person.

As love grows stronger, we can look for the true expression of those who love a person. "Thinking for you" in these performances is the basic disk of love, but it is this basic disk that makes love more and more stable.

The famous psychologist Teacher Chen Haixian understands this love in this way: "Love is a special emotional resonator, which will make people feel empathy for the person they love, and the two people become a common emotional unit." ”

This empathy is the willingness to consider the other person, and each emotional experience of the other party can resonate with their own heart.

A good love is the need to consider each other for each other, in order to make the feelings go farther and farther.

Believe in love and choose from the details

In these thoughts, we can actually summarize such a law: men's love for you actually has many characteristics, with all aspects of performance. But the core is still to see how he loves you, what this love represents in the long life, so as to truly grasp and judge whether the other party in the relationship loves you.

The "I Ching" tells you that "the eight-character numerological relationship between interpersonal emotions and the I Ching" and "the gua xiang affect the judgment of people's communication situation", and under the combined effect of these factors, subjective initiative is exerted, so that it can be judged whether the man loves you.

Love is a life that is closely related to each other, a collision between every action. Two people who love each other can grow together, realize each other's inner ambitions, become an excellent self, and achieve an excellent partner.

When you fall into those complicated fogs, remember to think about today's harvest in the I Ching, and continue to feel and think about it, in order to find someone who truly loves you.

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