
High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

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The love of parents, delicate and ordinary, they care about their children's every move, and take care of their children's living and eating wholeheartedly.

Children grow up day by day, parents worry more and more things, many parents, even if their children go to high school, still thunder and thunder to deliver food every day, this move, but encountered expert criticism.

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

The college entrance examination, this difficult battle, not only participate in the children, the majority of student parents how to live easily?

Every lunch and dinner, parents who gather from all over the world to deliver meals to their children will always be a beautiful landscape on campus.

Armed with a variety of insulated buckets, they appeared at the school gate on time, rain or shine.

Three years of high school, similar pictures are staged every day, parents are not unaware that the school has a canteen, nor are they worried about their children's meal expenses, they just hope that their children can eat their own hands every day, clean and nutritious meals.

In the hearts of parents, as long as the children are good, they will be willing to eat. However, this love has caused some people to have great doubts, and an expert has pointed out mercilessly: this is coddling, and parents take care of their children tightly, not a manifestation of love, but destroying him.

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

Children who grow up in such an environment are like the flowers of a greenhouse, and it is difficult to withstand the wind and rain of society when they grow up. Sooner or later, Chinese parents will harm their children. "Whether or not to send food to children" has always been a topic of debate. As a parent, I not only hope that my child will have excellent grades, but also hope that he will be healthy.

In the eyes of many parents, the food in the school canteen is not only general in taste, but also has many health hazards, and children are usually busy with schoolwork, and when they go home, they will be stuck in the sea of books. Delivering meals can not only make children eat well, but also take advantage of this rare opportunity to accompany children.

Of course, there are also people who hold the opposite attitude, they think that when the children are older, they should be independent, and it is simply superfluous to deliver meals to high school children. Is it possible that if a child joins the work and has his own family, he still has to bring him food? Such a doting, the child will never grow up.

Parents' approach has a certain truth, scholars' worries are not empty, love and coddling, seemingly completely different, but there is no obvious boundary, it is easy to be confused, if the grasp is not good, it is easy to accidentally "cross the line", invisibly harming the child.

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

As a parent, no one wants their children to become "giant babies" who will never grow up under their own doting.

Coddling is cloaked in love, but there is no shortage of these manifestations:

Special treatment.

Children are always of the highest status in the family and are taken into special care everywhere. The most expensive food on the dinner table children eat first, grandparents and parents can not but birthdays, but children can not, must have a big cake and many gifts. Love differently, let the child get used to being superior, and even become selfish and unsympathetic.

Overly focused.

The family is always attentive, accompanied and cared for the children. During the New Year's Festival, relatives and friends endlessly tease, and on weekdays, adults sit in a circle and hold their children in the center. What you want to eat, you must give priority to your child's ideas. All kinds of behaviors make the child think that he is the sun in the family, and the family must revolve around him.

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

Life is lazy.

Tolerate children's irregular living habits, and children can do whatever they want. Refuse to eat meals when you think they are unpalatable, sleep late on holidays, watch TV and play on your phone for a long time. Children who live a loose life are also prone to lack of initiative when they grow up, get by as people, do things with a heart, and have a beginning and an end.

Packaged substitution.

When the children wanted to show their skills and do some work, their mother refused to do it with a deception: Baby, mother washes the dishes, you go to study. So that five or six-year-old children still have to be fed, and they don't do any housework. They have not experienced the difficulty of labor, and they have no awareness of helping parents reduce their burdens. In the long run, it is bound to become a "giant baby" who is not diligent in the four bodies and does not distinguish between grains and grains.

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

Education scholar Yin Jianli once said that love and coddling are fundamentally different.

Unconditional love, the starting point is freedom and appreciation, I love the child, is simple love, whether he is good, beautiful or not. They tend to give their children more choices, attempts, and free room for development, and their hearts are full of love and blessings for their children.

The root of coddling is regulation, orchestration and criticism. In the eyes of parents, children are just copies of themselves, and based on this starting point, doting parents will intentionally or unintentionally do many acts that obliterate the child's independent personality. For example, for various reasons, he will do what he should do instead of the child, and do everything for the child in every detail.

High school students let parents deliver meals, and the results were criticized by experts, "Giant baby-style baby raising will hurt the child sooner or later"

Back to the main topic, if parents send food, really let the child become a cloth to reach for food to open his mouth, do not know how to understand the wayward little emperor of parents, the admonition of experts is indeed worthy of our deep consideration; but the love bento made by the parents themselves, let the child eat well, the body is good, and also use the limited time to increase the feelings between the child and the parents, why not?

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