
94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

Welcome to the [Trend Epic] channel, today let's take a look at the following content. Don't forget history, don't forget your ancestors, don't forget your heroes.

The reason why the Chinese nation has been able to inherit to the present day, stand tall among the nations of the world, and be respected by all countries in the world is because of the efforts and struggles of each generation of Chinese, especially those heroes who have sacrificed for the nation.

94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

Man is inherently dead, either heavier than Tarzan or lighter than Hong Mao.

Some people, in a short life, but heavier than Mount Tai, die for the people, die for the country, die for the nation.

Some people have been recorded by history, and their stories have been passed down through the ages and remembered by everyone.

But some people, in history, have only a few strokes and count a few words.

94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

But these few words are their lives, and they are also their dedication to their homeland.

April 28, 1927, was an extremely gloomy day for revolutionaries and for the nation.

On that day, the Beiyang warlord government disregarded the strong opposition and condemnation of public opinion and hanged Li Dazhao and a number of other revolutionaries in the Jingshi Detention Center in Xijiaomin Lane.

94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

On that day, the Jingshi Detention Center in Xijiaomin Lane was covered with blood.

On that day, countless people shed tears.

But for those revolutionaries, they shed blood, but they did not shed tears, they firmly believed that although they died, their revolution would not fail, and the dawn would eventually come.

On that day 94 years ago, in addition to Li Dazhao, many young revolutionaries died.

For example, Fan Hongji.

94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

For many people, Fan Hongji is an unfamiliar name, but as we today, we should not forget him, this young man who sacrificed for the revolution.

Fan Hongji was born in Hubei in 1897, came from a good family, and received a good education from an early age.

Fan Hongji was very intelligent and very studious, and he was admitted to the preparatory department of Peking University in 1918 and became a member of Peking University.

94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

Fan Hongji was also a young revolutionary. He once published an article entitled "Rise Up and Overthrow The Evil Japanese Imperialism," which exposed the crimes of Collusion and treachery between Japanese imperialism and the warlord Zhang Zuolin.

At the same time, Fan Hongji once attended the anti-Japanese congress of 300,000 people in Beijing, and went to the State Council with Li Dazhao, Zhao Shiyan, Chen Qiaonian, and others to meet Duan Qirui and others.

Unfortunately, Fan Hongji and Li Dazhao were later arrested.

94 years ago, at the age of 30, he and Li Dazhao died on the same day and studied at Peking University

Faced with the severe torture of the enemy, Fan Hongji did not give in.

On April 6, Fan Hongji, Li Dazhao, and more than 60 other revolutionary volunteers and the masses were arrested.

On April 28, Fan Hongji, Li Dazhao and 20 other people were hanged together and heroically rebelled together.

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