
Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

The video of "Peking University Dormitory and Chizuko Ueno Dialogue" is probably the hottest topic on social platforms recently, and the netizens who participated in the discussion were also divided into two distinct factions.

Most of them were extremely dissatisfied with the performance of female doctors of Peking University in the dialogue, believing that they did not show the sense of social responsibility and insight that Peking University students should have, and lowered the level of a valuable dialogue opportunity, wasting such a heavy guest as Chizuko Ueno. And some people are puzzled by this anger and doubt, and do not understand "what kind of dialogue they want to see."

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

These two attitudes are just the concrete embodiment of the current female identity anxiety and gender dilemma. The changes in the general environment and the collision of gender relations have made women more hopeful that the outside world can see the difficulties and needs they face, and this demand has also given birth to the development and prosperity of "her literature and art".

Among the many expressions of "She Literature and Art", reality TV variety shows that are both authentic and exemplary are undoubtedly the best samples of women's anxiety and dilemmas. The female stars in reality shows have formed a strange intertextual relationship with the fate of women in reality, and a series of female variety shows produced by Mango TV, as "her variety show", let us see the insights and efforts made by entertainment people to promote gender progress and break the dilemma of women.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Tear off the warm fig leaf

Whether it is "Wife's Romantic Trip 6", which is mainly based on the warm daily life of husband and wife, or "Goodbye Lover 2" to save broken relationships, I believe that many women will always have a "tingling feeling" when watching such variety shows: even female stars who once shone in every move, after experiencing identity conversion into marriage, they must give up part of their "self" to play a new role that is more in line with social expectations.

This "tingling sensation" is not too sensitive or disease-free moaning by female viewers, but a real dilemma.

"Different societies assign different roles based on biological differences, so the target of feminist inquiry should be the cultural expectations assumed by these roles." Feminist anthropologist Gail Rubin uses less than 60 words to accurately summarize how women are labeled in the process of social development, and how this labeling admonishes generations of women.

It is not difficult to find from the show that even female stars are difficult to escape this admonition that has lasted for thousands of years.

Many star couples in "Wife 6", the woman's career before entering marriage is not weaker than the man, such as Miao Miao, who played the female one in "Fang Hua", was once regarded as the next movie coffee, but she herself is not too ambitious for her career, but she is very satisfied with the current life of her husband and godson. This is of course related to personal character, but also to the subtle admonition and influence of the general environment.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

According to the treatment of variety shows in the past, this kind of women's self-sacrifice and career concession would have been understated or directly omitted, but the Mangji female variety show did not avoid this dilemma, but directly showed it in front of the audience, the audience unfortunately at the same time as the choice of female stars, will also subconsciously reflect on whether the series of concessions and sacrifices they made in the process of marriage are really worth it.

The topic of divorce has been in a state of "unspeakable" for a long time in the daily life of Chinese people. Under the influence of the ancient idea of "rather tear down ten temples than one marriage", "divorce" was once demonized, and emotional mediation programs always took "divorce" as the object of ridicule and ridicule, which led to the fact that both parties to a broken marriage should be victims, but they are always regarded as "abnormal people" by society.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Under the dual obstacles of external social discrimination and internal family pressure, many women are obviously not happy in marriage, and even say that they are very painful, but in order to "become a normal person in the eyes of others", they grit their teeth and continue to struggle in marriage. At the same time, this also leads to the fact that because divorce will be discriminated against, especially women are discriminated against, so many people are afraid of marriage or simply do not enter marriage.

The appearance of "Goodbye Lover" can be regarded as a correct name for "divorce": the breakdown of the relationship is not necessarily because of who is right and who is wrong, and it is better to start a new life as soon as possible.

"After watching "Goodbye Lover", I am no longer afraid to enter an intimate relationship", which is perhaps the most practical encouragement and change that female variety shows bring to women.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

In "Goodbye Lover 2" there are more gratifying changes, compared with the three couples who got along quite "decently" in the first season, Zhang Wanting in the second season was once considered a "crazy woman", her drastic changes in emotions, joy and sorrow, at first glance quite uncomfortable, but as the show progressed, it was not difficult for the audience to find that the birth of "crazy women" was the result of a bad native family, mother-daughter relationship and marriage.

The appearance of such a character in the show breaks the filter of the warm vein of the "Goodbye Lover" series, but it also makes the audience begin to further realize how women become "crazy women in the attic", and then reflect on the various labels that the social structure has long imposed on women, whether it is a heartfelt praise or an ulterior motive admonition.

Only content that dares to "offend" the audience and make the audience feel "stung" is the real right audience pain point.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Break down invisible walls

Pointing out that the dilemma is only the first step, and the significance of the existence of literary and artistic works is not only to make people reflect, but also to explore solutions. Only a list of unknown online transmissions has been on the hot search "Sister 4 Riding the Wind and Waves" many times, and it can always be loved by female audiences is related to this.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

The reason why women always face identity anxiety and gender dilemma is because thousands of years of admonitions have built an invisible wall around them: "Can I still find a job after the age of 35", "After giving birth, is there no place for me in the workplace?" "I'm 30 years old, can I still enter new territory?" "Can I start again if I fail?"

This invisible wall aggravates women's anxiety and internal friction, and also hinders their ascent path. Of course, questions like this are not unique to women. However, it must be admitted that due to more reproductive responsibilities and family responsibilities, the ceiling of women in the workplace has always been lower than that of men, and the older they get, the more difficult the road to job search becomes.

The reason why "Sister 4" can be highly anticipated, and even arouse heated discussions among netizens based on just a list of online transmissions, is because it truly records how women break the invisible wall that traps them in place through the form of variety shows.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Although the number of sisters who can reach the end of each season is limited, from the first season to the third season, which ended last year, the popularity of all sisters has been effectively improved, even if she may be eliminated in the first performance. After walking out of this show, many sisters have indeed gained more opportunities than before.

"Only by going out can there be a possibility of change. It's never too late to start from scratch." In Douban, Weibo and other related discussion areas, I have seen people say more than once that because they saw their sisters turn over against the wind, they also decided to step into new fields, which is the continuation of women's power from the screen to reality.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

"Love and career, at least one thing must be handy", I believe that many women have heard such words when growing up, and because of this, they often choose to endure when facing marriage crises.

For example, several women in "Goodbye Lover". Their careers were almost always stagnant when they recorded the show – fame was more than a decade or more, few invitations found them, and they themselves were trapped in an unhappy marriage.

"Women who end their marriages can also have wonderful careers", this year's broadcast, with a return visit nature of "See Your Lover", allows us to see three women who have ushered in a smooth career and life after ending an unhealthy relationship.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Zhu Yaqiong, a former supergirl who was suppressed and thought she was bad, received more invitations after the show was broadcast, and friends who had not been in contact often before also re-established a relationship with her; Guo Keyu, who became famous at a young age, was once forgotten by the market, and last year, she ushered in the second outbreak of her career, film dramas and dramas have fully blossomed, and there are many fashion resources.

The pain caused by the original family requires a lifetime to heal for some people, and this kind of injury based on the original family is also an invisible wall.

"Watching my parents quarrel since I was a child, I was really disappointed in my marriage, and I may not love in my life", there are not many people who hold such ideas. But do they really not believe in intimacy? Maybe not, just because of the shadow of childhood, and I don't have the courage to try.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

In "Wife's Romantic Trip 6", we see that Bao Lei, who has a deep relationship with Lu Yi, also experienced the divorce of her parents. This also made her have no expectations for marriage for a while, feeling that "it is good to live her life", and her story may also be an encouragement for women who are deterred from marriage due to the misfortune of their original family.

The courage to go from the screen to the outside is a kind of girls help girls in a broader sense.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Get out of the women's dilemma

Simone de Beauvoir wrote in The Second Sex: "Women are not born, but rather gradual. Women are always associated with words such as "sensitive, jealous, and weak", but they are not born that way, and the so-called "what a woman should be" is also a product of external shaping.

In women's variety shows, we see that "women's diversity" has been respected, and some stereotypes and rules about women are being removed and corrected.

For example, the "Sister" series was once considered to be a female competition program for a group of female stars to intrigue, but after the show was broadcast, the audience saw the side of women watching over each other and healthy competition.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

"A group of women together will definitely intrigue and fight each other", this is a long-standing misconception in the public perception, and even many women themselves are convinced of this, believing that "where there are many women, there will be female competition". With the emergence of a series of female variety shows such as "Sister", the view of "female competition" in society has changed, and on social platforms, we are also pleased to find that there are more and more examples of women helping each other.

This is a typical example of literary and artistic works using their own influence to effectively change social cognition.

"I was asked to play anyone, but I couldn't be myself", this is the dilemma that almost all women face when growing up, unlike others, they are aliens, and they cannot be recognized by others. In women's variety shows, it is not difficult to find that women are no longer required to "what must be", and those private and personalized choices have been accepted and recognized.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

In the mainstream context of the mainland, a person's success is measured by results, not processes. This result-oriented criterion has led to many people having to "roll" up, and women who are in a weak position in the general environment are more likely to be wrapped up in result orientation and force themselves to do something that they are not good at and are not interested in doing.

"Everyone is working hard, you can't drag your feet", "others can't do it", "People should get out of the comfort zone", there are too many similar words, but the person who speaks deliberately ignores people with different personalities, growth environments, and education levels, which are originally different.

The fruit may be particularly sweet, but for some people, the euphoria at the moment of blossoming and bearing fruit does not outweigh the pain of forcing themselves out of their comfort zone. On the contrary, staying in your comfort zone is more conducive to making a career.

So we were able to see that Zhang Qiang, the queen of electronic music who did not want to debut in a group and just wanted to find a place to play, was "rotten" in an upright manner, and it was good to be able to play her greatest advantage in the comfort zone, why did she have to force herself to enter a new field? Through variety shows, expressing affirmation of this behavior of "staying in the comfort zone" can be regarded as progress.

Women's Variety Show: A conversation that confronts the gender dilemma

Of course, in the traditional concept, taking the initiative to tell others about your predicament is not a glorious thing. Knocking out teeth and swallowing blood is a virtue. This has also caused many women to be ashamed to tell the outside world about their difficulties, as if it is a shameful thing.

With the role model effect of female stars on the screen, more and more women are willing to expose their less decent and even embarrassing side, and onlookers no longer use her pain as a funny talking point or laughing stock, but sincerely help her find a way to solve it.

Paying attention to women's dilemma and solving women's dilemma is an important component of women's variety shows, and it is also a part of cultural reflection and social reflection. It can be said that with the efforts of variety artists over the years, female variety shows represented by "Sister" and "Wife" have been effectively changing women's living conditions and thinking patterns, providing a benign cultural space for the survival and development of individuals.

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