
Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

author:Sincerity is eternal

Xu Linxia, also known as Lifang, was born in 1905 to a peasant family in Pi County, Jiangsu Province. The parents had three daughters, the youngest of whom she was. In old China, ruled by religious ideas, the absence of heirs was considered the greatest misfortune. Before she was born, her parents burned incense everywhere to make a wish, praying to God to give her a son so that she could pass on the inheritance, and as a result, she was born, which greatly disappointed the whole family.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

From an early age, she had a stubborn personality and a spirit of resistance. When her mother wrapped her feet for her, she resisted vigorously, wrapped up during the day and let go at night, although she was scolded, but it was ineffective, and finally maintained a pair of heavenly feet. After losing hope of heirs, parents turn to their daughters to read and write in order to support the portal in the future. As a result, she was sent to the prefectural first girls' primary school. After graduating from primary school, she was admitted to the provincial Xuzhou Third Girls' Normal School with excellent results.

Thanks to the efforts of Wu Yalu, a member of the Communist Party, the Three Women's Division of Xuzhou was once the center of the early dissemination of revolutionary ideas in Xuzhou. Xu Linxia read progressive publications such as "New Youth" and initially accepted advanced ideas. As her consciousness grew, she became even more resentful of the old rituals that destroyed women.

When she was twenty-one years old, she connected to three letters in her family to discuss her marriage, she sternly refused and cut off her fingers, and wrote a letter of resistance to marriage with blood, "vowing to die and not obeying", so that the family had to revoke the original proposal.

Xu Linxia, who already had a preliminary understanding of the revolution, joined the Kuomintang after the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation after returning to Pi County during the winter vacation of 1925.

In 1926, she went to Wuhan again and entered the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Party Affairs Training Class. During this time, she met Song Qiyun, a student of the Wuhan branch of the Kuomintang Central Military and Political School and a native of Pi County, and Li Overtime, both of whom were members of the Communist Party. With their help, Xu Linxia joined the Chinese Communist Party.

After joining the party, Xu Linxia had higher requirements for himself, often participated in propaganda activities on the streets of Wuhan, and later took the lead in cutting his hair and changing clothes, and was admitted to the girls' team of the Wuhan Branch School, becoming the first generation of revolutionary female soldiers in China.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

In May 1927, Xu Linxia participated in the battle to repel Xia Douyin's rebellion. In July, she went to Nanchang with her troops to prepare for the uprising, but was hindered by the way and did not catch up. Soon after returning to Wuhan, he was instructed by the organization to go north along the Jinghan Road, return to Pi County, and together with Song Qiyun, who had returned from Nanjing, mobilized and organized the masses on the spot, Song Qiyun was appointed as the second squadron leader of the county armed brigade, and Xu Linxia was appointed as the county women's president.

The women of Pixian County, who had long been bound by feudal etiquette, after the influence of revolutionary storms such as may fourth, may thirtieth, and the Northern Expedition, had demands for liberation, but no one took the lead, and after all, there was no major action.

After Xu Linxia became the president of the women's association, he immediately mobilized women to cut their braids and put their feet down, and began the struggle against feudal etiquette. The women, led by her, demonstrated in the streets with long poles and cut braids, which at that time had a great influence among the masses.

In the anti-feudal struggle, Xu Linxia paid great attention to discovering and cultivating female backbones, and soon developed Wu Fuyun and other first female Communist Party members in Pi County.

At this time, the number of Communist Party members in the county had grown to more than sixty, and with the approval of the superiors, in May 1928, a special branch of the CPC Pi County was established, and Xu Linxia was appointed as a special branch women's committee member.

In August 1928, the Pixian County Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and Xu Linxia was appointed as the women's minister of the county committee. She organized women to distribute leaflets and post slogans, forming an active revolutionary force. At that time, the revolutionary situation in Pi County was relatively good, and it was known as "Hongpi County". In October of that year, Xu Linxia and Song Qiyun got married.

As a result of Chiang Kai-shek's betrayal of the revolution, the revolutionary forces in Pixian county also diverged. Communists and ideologically progressive comrades were hated by the right wing of the Kuomintang. In the summer of 1928, the revolutionary forces in the rural areas of Pixian County grew rapidly, and the peasant movement continued to rise, which made the reactionaries fearful.

They gathered their forces and frantically pounced on all the places where the seeds of revolution were ignited. Among the seventy-four people arrested by the first blacklist, Xu Linxia was ranked first. She was arrested on July 22 and sent to Xuzhou Prison, where she was later transferred to Suzhou Prison.

The lofty faith and firm will of the Communists enabled Xu Linxia to unswervingly fight against the enemy under severe torture. By this time, she had been pregnant for several months and was very weak due to the severe torture.

The night before giving birth, the enemy, in order to force her to submit, tortured her to faint seven times in a row, but still found nothing, and had to agree to her bail. Xu Linxia gave birth to a pair of twin daughters in the midst of suffering.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

Song Qiyun, who was engaged in revolutionary activities in Beiping, learned of his wife's unyielding performance in prison, and wrote a poem and sent Lin Xia from afar:

Poor people see righteousness, Years of cold knowledge of pine cypress, Swift Wind Knows The Grass, The board swings out of the heroes.

During this prison struggle, the enemy did not catch any "crime" of Xu Linxia and had to be sentenced to seven months in prison for the so-called crime of "reneging on the oath" against the Kuomintang.

In 1930, Song Qiyun accompanied General Yang Hucheng to Xi'an and served as the director of the Northwest Culture Daily. Together with Song Qiyun, Xu Linxia took advantage of the convenience provided by General Yang Hucheng to actively publicize the anti-Japanese national united front, organize the anti-Japanese salvation movement, and send patriotic young people passing through Xi'an to Yan'an, the holy land of revolution.

In September 1941, Chiang Kai-shek, who was actively anti-communist in promoting traitorous surrender, arrested Song Qiyun and his wife. When Xu Linxia was arrested, he held his young son Song Zhenzhong, who was less than one year old, in his arms.

After they were arrested, they were first escorted to the "Sino-US Special Technical Cooperation Institute" in Chongqing, then to the Guizhou Shifeng concentration camp, and then returned to Chongqing. In eight years, there have been three round trips, four magic caves.

In prison, they ate musty food and lived in dark, damp dungeons where mosquitoes and flies bite day and night. Under the cruel torture of the enemy, Xu Linxia showed the lofty integrity of the Communists and the deep revolutionary friendship with comrades.

In Shifeng Prison, each prisoner is assigned only a place only one foot wide, just enough for a person to lie down, and he cannot even turn over. And children do not give a place, Xu Linxia had to ask his son to sleep on his body.

At night, the cell was dark, and Lin Xia could only grope for the child's diaper, and the wet diaper was not roasted, so he tucked it in his arms and dried it. Zhenzhong, who was imprisoned with his mother as a baby, grew up seeing the cold light of the reactionary bayonet, hearing the instantaneous cries of the bandits, and wearing the prisoner clothes that his mother had changed into a smaller one.

He was nine years old, but as thin as a five- or six-year-old child, with a large head that was not commensurate with his body, and the prisoners affectionately called him "little turnip head."

The body is not well developed, but the mind matures particularly early. For her son, Xu Linxia is both a loving mother and a good teacher. Her every move instilled in her son love for her comrades and hatred for her enemies.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

One day in October 1947, a new friend arrived in prison. When she first came in, she saw the dark and dirty quilt on the floor, sniffed the muddy air in the room, and couldn't help but feel a pang of nausea.

Xu Linxia took advantage of the lack of attention of the guards outside the window, threw her a sheet made of broken white cloth, and quietly introduced her to the situation in prison, helped her take care of her little daughter, and encouraged her to cheer up her spirits and fight against the enemy.

Zhen Middle School's mother, despite his lack of nutrition, also gave a bottle of cod liver oil that others gave him a reluctance to eat to his little sister.

The long-term inhuman suffering made Xu Linxia's body very weak, only in her early forties, her hair was already gray, her fingers were tortured and twisted, her legs were swollen and oozing outwards, and extreme anemia made her often dizzy.

In such a situation, in addition to hard labor, she often opened her dizzy eyes and used her deformed fingers to help her friends sew clothes.

In the summer of 1947, when the organization decided to escape Han Zidong from prison, Xu Linxia first thought that Old Han had been imprisoned for fourteen years and was wearing all the emblemary prison clothes, and after escaping, the target was obvious and the danger was great, so he decided to make clothes for him.

She found the old rags, carefully pieced them together, and carefully patched them up with a needle. In the dim light, twisted fingers are often punctured by needles, and drops of blood flow.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

She also considered that Lao Han was going to take what to eat on the road, and specially sewed a small pocket. As soon as the clothes and pockets were sewn, Zhenzhong immediately took them and alertly delivered them to Han Zidong's hands.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

When Old Han saw this blood-stained garment, his dry eyes couldn't help but shed tears of excitement. After his successful escape from prison, he has been treasured by these two pieces of clothing full of comradeship. That small pocket is still displayed in the "Exhibition Hall of The Crimes of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek" in Chongqing.

In September 1949, the People's Liberation Army had entered Sichuan in victory. The dying Kuomintang reactionaries poisoned Yang Hucheng and Song Qiyun.

General Yang Hucheng and his son Yang Zhengzhong were first abducted by secret agents on The Little Gele Mountain east of the "Sino-US Cooperation Institute" and stabbed to death at the "Dai Gong Ancestral Hall".

Xu Linxia and his wife, together with their youngest son Zhenzhong and Yang Zhengui, the younger daughter of General Yang Hucheng, were imprisoned in a bungalow under the hillside. Xu Linxia had a premonition of the enemy's conspiracy, and before his execution, he said to the agents: "We have fallen into your hands, so we are not afraid of death, but these two children are not guilty, and you will never be allowed to hurt them." ”

The executioner did not say a word, approaching Xu Linxia step by step, and splitting his chest was a knife. Suddenly, blood flowed. The two children cried and pounced on their mothers, but the murderer of humanity made Lin Xia, who was still out of breath, watch his beloved son and Zheng Gui die tragically under the butcher's knife.

Story: Heroic warrior, kind mother, Xu Linxia and her children who were killed by the enemy

Xu Linxia shed the last drop of blood for the revolution. With her distinct love and hatred, she wrote this magnificent page, inspiring thousands of women and revolutionary descendants to fight for a better tomorrow. May Xu Linxia live forever!

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