
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

author:Sina Home

There is such a designer, the exploration of their own life status and essence directly expressed in the "wonderful and extraordinary" experience and visual effects, the word "exploration" is the key and leading element of his design concept, always full of enthusiasm and surprise and you have an unexpected encounter, the special tone of the five flavors of life, continuous exploration, in the structure of the dot line surface to show their own unique taste, this is the mountain and space design founder Xu Lin.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Designer Xu Lin, Founder of Mountain and Space Design, Art Director of Shanghai International Design Week, Co-Curator of Shanghai International Design Week, Member of Asia-Pacific Space Design Association, Director of Yunnan Interior Design Industry Association, Founder of Glacier Fisherman Practical Training Education, Autodesk Certified Lecturer


Explore · Constant introspection

As one of the characters after the design, Xu Lin has the personality marks of vividness, seeking expression and being good at observation that belong to the younger generation of designers. For him, design is more like a way to explore and experience the world, using design as a language of his own expression, the carrier of expressing his understanding of space, and finding a more meaningful medium of spatial emotion communication in daily life, so Xu Lin's design works will be more three-dimensional, diverse and have fresh vitality.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Designer Xu Lin was born in colorful Yunnan, the flow of blood with the attributes of wind, flowers and snow, hometown to bring him nourishment, even if the hustle and bustle of the times washed away some of the original appearance, but from Xu Lin's design can still peek out a trace of the city's unique romantic feelings.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Xu Lin's enlightenment of design stems from his love for painting from his childhood, the joy he initially experienced from lines, cross-cutting relationships, and sense of volume is slowly rooted in Xu Lin's mind, from architectural visualization and film and television post-production to the design industry, Xu Lin's growth trajectory is the same as many young people, from blur to clarity.

Attitudes, emotions, fantasies, and metaphors are all depicted in different design brushstrokes, and the most valuable thing about designer Xu Lin compared to other new generation designers is that he has a heart of "inward exploration".

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Xu Lin design works

As the designer Xu Lin himself said: in the continuous accumulation and breakthrough, through the continuous accumulation of project experience and to meet the needs of customers, through the way of quantitative change in the search for a suitable proposition for themselves, and constantly explore, innovate, think and practice.


Explore · Active thinking Calmly

There are two words to summarize your personality, which two words do you think?

Active, composed

Design, just from the perspective of thinking style and work and rest time, the designer's life is very free and active, but the design work itself is rigorous and serious.

Over the years, designer Xu Lin has also been involved in different business areas and different characteristics of the space, for any kind of space, willing to understand in their own way, willing to interpret in their own way, not attached to a certain design style. Design is a process of creation, a process of continuous learning and improvement, and Xu Lin enjoys self-breakthrough in it.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Xu Lin

"We should not think of the time when we are designers, and then continue to learn and accumulate through their own experience and apply them to practice, of course, the most important thing in design is rigorous, so the sky is also based on a certain professional foundation", this is Xu Lin's original words, but also the best embodiment of the contradiction of the designer Xu Lin's "active and composure", and it is also the truest portrayal of the endless design flame in his heart.

Even after being exposed to various types of projects, large and small, Xu Lin still focused his leaping design vision on the field of bar design.

There is such a sentence, the temperament and tonality of the space is the external extension of the designer's personal style, this sentence is used to describe Xu Lin's spatial relationship with him, the most appropriate. Bars have always been the perceptual place of fashion frontiers, requiring designers to satisfy groups of souls who are eager to soothe time with a flexible and professional design approach.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Designer Xu Lin is bold and individual in the layout, color, and lighting, deliberates on every detail, does its best, integrates the free creative thoughts into the dark night of the city, and freely sprinkles the art of freedom, so that every immersive person can be relieved and released, which is the charm of design.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown


Explore · Go forward and persevere

Designer Xu Lin has different ideas about design at different stages, Xu Lin, who has just entered the industry, thinks about how to show the renderings beautifully every day, what level of technology to achieve, and the construction drawings are more forced to understand the construction process. Now he thinks more about how to design how to break through himself to win the market competition and demand.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Design for Xu Lin, is not only a job, but also a kind of love and persistence of his original intention, but also a career of his own, a kind of foresight service for advanced customers.

Xu Lin named his design company "Mountain and Space", which also implies Xu Lin's deep hopes for the development of his team.

We are familiar with the "mountain", the mountain represents the meaning of calm, height, and then "mountain and" that is, "island", on the ocean of the ocean, let the wind and waves blow, always indestructible, this simple four words, representing Xulin Design Company and even the design team of a kind of persistence and belief, perseverance, indestructible, straight forward, righteousness.

Xu Lin, as a representative of the post-wave of the design industry, constantly plays a role in words and deeds, he is not a person who likes to show under the flash, but this time, he uses his most sincere words to express his design attitude and industry responsibility, and he is moving forward.

Born with a love of exploration, driven far away by curiosity and curiosity, with the most sincere gesture to seek the meaning of existence and the way of design continuation. In 2021, Mr. Xu Lin was appointed as the art director of Shanghai International Design Week and the co-curator of Shanghai International Design Week, leading us to explore more unknown designs with a sincere heart.

Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown
Shanghai International Design Week Art Director Xu Lin: Design Exploration, Unlocking the Unknown

Finally, I am very much looking forward to the wonderful interpretation brought by Xu Lin, the representative designer of the diversified and ever-changing design wave, and I believe that Xu Lin's design exploration road will also become more and more broad on the platform of Shanghai International Design Week.

Source: China Net

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