
Delicious sharing, egg rape tofu noodles, delicious to see

author:Cherish Yourself 5740
Delicious sharing, egg rape tofu noodles, delicious to see

Today to recommend a homemade noodles to everyone, delicious and good-looking, their own figured out, you can try it.

Directions: 1. Finely chop the eggs, add a little salt and sesame oil, stir well and set aside.

2. Five to ten rape seedlings in the juvenile period, which have been cut into small pieces and placed on a plate for later.

3. A small piece of tofu, cut into squares and set aside.

4. Boil the oil, put the red peppers in the oil, put the tofu in the pot, fry until golden brown, pour the eggs on the tofu, shape it, and add the rapeseed seedlings.

5. For about a minute, add salt, Nande and other spices.

6. Pour two or three bowls of pure water into the pot, boil the water and then put the strip into the pot.

7. After the noodles are cooked, add a little coriander, a little oil, add some MSG, stir well and then put into the bowl.

A bowl of fragrant noodles came out of the pot, tasted, and the aftertaste was endless. Life is so simple, how you treat life, life will return you, I hope today's sharing can bring help to everyone. Identify with me, just give a follow and share! Looking forward to the road ahead with you!

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