
Honey, I love you, keep an old dream, think of you for the rest of your life, you are my eternal spiritual lover, you are love, you are thinking, it is my most worthy of devotion to each other, you are my true lover who has no reason to stay in this life, it is my love for a lifetime without regret thinking of you, I want to miss you very much

author:Purple Mo Idle Cloud

The fate is thin and cold, only true love is unforgettable, and I am willing to devote my life to thinking about your love.

Thinking about a long and ageless past, reading a obsessive love, although I know that the end is doomed, I will still put your memory deep in my heart and treasure it with the love of my life.

Suddenly looking back, time healed the parting pain in my heart, but it did not heal the torment of my lovesickness.

Day and day longing, night and night hanging on, saying that you have forgotten, after all, you still can't give up your obsession.

Sigh, a warm love in this life, walking and walking, it has come to a situation where it is not qualified to be further qualified, and it is unwilling to take a step back.

But it doesn't matter, the song is scattered, there is still love in the heart, and there is thought in the soul.

Thinking like a siege, trapping me deeply, I was willing to sink into the siege of longing, unwilling to flee.

Even if I tear up for you, I have no regrets, even if I am very painful for love, I am willing to eat, just because I have met you who is the most worthy of love in the world.

Honey, I love you, keep an old dream, think of you for the rest of your life, you are my eternal spiritual lover, you are love, you are thinking, it is my most worthy of devotion to each other, you are my true lover who has no reason to stay in this life, it is my love for a lifetime without regret thinking of you, I want to miss you very much

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > you are love, is a thought, is my most worthy of devotion</h1>

A sentence that I love you will only say to you in this life, a sentence that I miss you, and I will never say it to anyone other than you.

Since you came, no one in this world can replace you, you are the only one I love, the whole thing I miss.

Leaning on the wind, watching the leaves fall and flying, the fallen leaves have become the thoughts in the heart, the thoughts are as old as ever, the heart is still the same, the tears wet the sleeves, and the remote asks the king whether he knows?

Do you know or not, there are thousands of encounters in the world, and I only pour my heart on you, because, in the midst of strangeness, only you can set off ripples in my heart, make my heart move, make my heart ache.

I am sad to lose you, I can't let go of you, it is the knot of my life, you are love, it is a thought, it is my most worthy of devotion, I am powerless to keep you, just in my heart to miss a lifetime.

Honey, I love you, keep an old dream, think of you for the rest of your life, you are my eternal spiritual lover, you are love, you are thinking, it is my most worthy of devotion to each other, you are my true lover who has no reason to stay in this life, it is my love for a lifetime without regret thinking of you, I want to miss you very much

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > you are my true lover who has no chance to stay in this life, and you have no regrets in my life</h1>

Hide at a certain time and miss the palm prints of a certain time; hide in a certain place, miss a person who makes me worry.

Because of you, I like Qing ning, choose a quiet place, not be disturbed, just to miss you.

A place of sunshine, a place of leaves falling, a lovesickness in the heart entangled, I know that the thoughts in the heart are not because of the seasonal flowers and leaves, but with you in the heart, the seasonal flowers and leaves will always be stained with the sorrow of thoughts.

Hiding in a certain place, missing a you that makes me worry, conceiving a picture of being dependent on you, no matter what kind of story the world of missing, having you is my most beautiful entanglement.

You are my true lover who has no reason to stay in this life, it is my lifelong love without complaint and no regrets, I have the honor to love you deeply, I can spend the rest of my life to read, to think, for me, this life is enough!

Honey, I love you, keep an old dream, think of you for the rest of your life, you are my eternal spiritual lover, you are love, you are thinking, it is my most worthy of devotion to each other, you are my true lover who has no reason to stay in this life, it is my love for a lifetime without regret thinking of you, I want to miss you very much

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > miss you and miss you</h1>

I can't refuse to miss you, just as I can't refuse to breathe, you are not around, and the thoughts are scattered into autumn leaves, flying all over the world.

Thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you, tears and breezes fluttering in the depths of the season, lovesickness and sorrow in the depths of the soul.

Thinking of a person, falling in love with an old time, there is no marriage in this life, but you are addicted to my heart, no matter how many people will meet in the world, no one can replace your position in my heart.

Time is like water, and there are too many past events, but your memory is always so clear, you have cried, you have been painful, and in the end it still keeps you in my heart, because I really can't refuse to miss you.

Imprisoned heart, locked for a lifetime of care, secretly love you in the heart, quietly wait for you in the dream, you promise me a ride together, I give you a lifetime of love.

Fate gave us a sad ending, I can only love you in my heart, the song will eventually disperse, I will not change my love for you.

A thought becomes delusional, delusional and regretless lovesickness will always give you only one person, dear, I love you, can not keep each other, I am willing to fall into the world of thoughts for you.

Thinking of you, the person I love the most, has always been deeply in love, but the fate is shallow, I still have the most genuine attachment of my life, thinking of you in the depths of the years.

Fate is no longer difficult to allow me a full love, the rest of my life in the depths of the soul to miss each other for a lifetime.

Thinking of you, thinking of you, keeping an old dream, reading a original heart, you are in or not, will always be the only lover in my heart!

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