
Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

Sasha today in its history.

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

【Sasha Lecture Hall No. 1635】 (Lecture 522 of the Military Series)

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the Battle of Stalingrad of World War II began.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

Many people do not know that during the Battle of Stalingrad, a large number of Soviet puppet troops participated in the battle.

In World War II, the country with the most puppet armies was not China, but the Soviet Union.

The total number of Soviet puppet armies of various factions exceeded 1 million.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

The protagonist we are talking about today is a female puppet army named Makarova.

The Soviet KGB spent more than 30 years hunting her down and eventually shooting her.

Why would the Soviets hunt down a woman at all costs?

Let's look at the main text.

Antonina Makarova was originally an ordinary Soviet girl, born in a village in the countryside in 1921.

At the age of 19, Makarova came to Moscow to study, and within a year the Soviet-German War broke out.

At this time, Makarova was more patriotic and volunteered to join the Soviet army.

It should be noted that Makarova was originally called Pavlova.

A mistake occurred when the recruit was registered, confusing her name with another female soldier. At that time, the Soviet army was defeated in successive battles, and it was in a hurry to replenish its troops, and it was not possible to care about such a small matter as the name. So she joined the army under makarova's name.

The Soviet Union has always had female soldiers, mainly Soviet women who are very strong.

Makarova is a young girl from the countryside, who can bear hardships and stand hard work, react quickly, and has great strength, and is often no less than a man.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

In the Soviet countryside, these well-rounded women were also the main labor force.

However, these female soldiers do not participate in combat and work mainly in the army in logistics and civilian jobs, or as nurses.

Just 3 months after the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, the Soviet army lost millions of troops. The front-line army collapsed so badly that Stalin, anticipating a serious shortage of troops, began to consider the integration of some female soldiers into combat units and direct participation in the battle.

The Soviets began to train a number of female soldiers to become female snipers, female pilots, female machine gunners, female anti-aircraft gunners and the like. One was to publicize that the Soviet people fought men and women, and the other was that they could indeed replenish the loss of soldiers.

In particular, the Soviet air defense force later had 500,000 female soldiers, which was the backbone of the operation.

Makarova was in good personal condition, very intelligent, quick to react, tall and strong, and was selected as a heavy machine gunner.

Makarova received more than a month of heavy machine gun training and developed a good shooting technique.

Subsequently, Makarova followed the troops in the 1941 battles of Viazima and Bryansk.

This was a peripheral battle of the Battle of Moscow, which resulted in another defeat for the Soviets. The Soviets were surrounded by the Germans and annihilated 800,000 people, and 680,000 were captured.

Makarova's troops were in charge of reinforcements, and just after reaching the front line in October, they encountered a total collapse of the Soviet army.

Makarova's regiment, which did not have time to participate in the great battle, began to retreat.

Makarova followed the troops in a daze and did not fire a single shot.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

The German encirclement had been formed, and soviet officers were required to disperse in squads and break through to the rear on their own, or to stay on the spot to fight guerrillas.

The officers told Makarova not to surrender to the Germans casually, as most prisoners of war would be tortured to death or shot on the spot.

The first time Makarova participated in the war, she encountered this situation and was immediately confused.

She hastily discarded the heavy machine gun that was difficult to carry, and retreated with several comrades.

While resting in one village, a group of Germans surrounded the village and captured the unarmed Makarova.

Makarova was just 20 years old when she was captured.

Makarova, who was sent to a prisoner-of-war camp, began to rejoice that she had not been summarily executed and had not been raped or beaten. However, this joy did not last long.

The Soviet troops in the prisoner-of-war camp were treated very poorly.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

At this time, the German army was struggling to attack Moscow, and it was encountered with heavy snow, and it was still short of food and clothing, where was willing to care about the death and death of prisoners of war.

Stalin had long ago declared that the prisoners of war were traitors to the Soviet Union and would not give any help.

Soviet prisoners of war had very little food a day, and they starved and froze. Infectious diseases were rampant in the camps, but there were no medicines, and a large number of prisoners of war died of disease. The slightest dissatisfaction or resistance of the PRISONERs of war would be dragged out and executed publicly. Everyone fell into despair, thinking that they would die a painful death.

Just when Makarova also thought that she was bound to die, something happened that determined her fate.

A German officer asked to speak to her individually.

In the office, after handing Makarova a large piece of white bread and a piece of chocolate (in the POW camp at the time, this was a fortune), the officer smiled and asked her if she would cooperate with the Germans and continue to be a soldier.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

Be a puppet army? Makarova hesitated.

She had long heard that the German army was organizing a puppet army, and some prisoners of war had joined this army in order to survive.

If they refused to join, the prisoners of war would be shot.

Here, the German officers sweetly promised the Germans preferential treatment of women, believing that women were simply coerced into the army by Stalin. As long as Makarova agrees to join the puppet army, she can be treated well and can be free.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

At the end of the conversation, the officer suddenly narrowed his smile: if you refuse to cooperate with the Germans, then you are the enemy of the Germans. You know for yourself what the outcome will be.

Apparently, Makarova chose to refuse and was likely shot on the spot.

Even if the German officers were kind enough not to shoot her, Makarova might not survive for months in the harsh conditions of the prisoner-of-war camp.

Makarova was only 20 years old and certainly didn't want to die. After a slight hesitation, Makarova expressed her willingness to cooperate and become a puppet army, saving her life first.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

To Makarova's surprise, she was transferred to a heated single cell that same day.

She received the daily rations of the German soldiers, not only was she well fed, but also gave her many cigarettes, vodka, clothing, and even women's products.

Such a high standard of preferential treatment made Makarova nervous, thinking that even if she was a puppet army, she could not be treated in this way.

She speculated that it was not possible to cook for the Germans, do laundry, or the likes, but to sleep with a military prostitute.

Makarova was puzzled. Although she is tall and strong, her appearance is very ordinary, and she has no posture to speak of. Among the captured Soviet female soldiers, there were quite beautiful and sexy young beauties. Even if you sleep with you, it will not be Makarova's turn!

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

A few days later, Makarova finally knew the answer to that question.

One morning, Makarova was suddenly woken up by the Germans and taken to an execution ground.

The Germans handed her a familiar Soviet-made heavy machine gun and said it was her job.

The prisoners standing on the execution ground, all partisans opposed to the Germans, members of the underground and their sympathizers, must be executed.

Makarova was a heavy machine gunner, and the Germans asked her to kill them with machine guns.

Makarova was taken aback and trembled.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

Although she was a machine gunner, she had never killed a single person, not even fired a single shot at anyone.

So Makarova stammered, saying that her shooting skills were not good.

The German interpreter told her: If you don't want to shoot someone, you will be shot and killed, and you will not survive this morning. Of course, you are free to choose, and no one will force you.

In a life-and-death situation, Makarova was frightened.

In the end, she chose to slaughter her own countrymen and serve the Germans: it was better for them to die than for me.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

So Makarova trembled and manipulated the heavy machine gun, strafing indiscriminately, knocking down more than a dozen people on the execution ground.

After this execution, Makarova's spirit was greatly stimulated, and she stayed up all night for 3 consecutive days and could not eat anything.

However, after several executions, Makarova quickly became numb.

Before each shot, she would drink several times more vodka and sweep everyone down.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

In return, the Germans did not treat him badly.

In addition to giving her good living conditions, the Germans also allowed her to sell the clothes of the prisoners she killed for money.

The clothes had bullet holes and blood stains on them, and Makarova could only sell some shoes and hats.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

The Germans did not take care of Makarova and let her live in the camp of the puppet army and move freely.

Makarova thus became a tool of murder, participating in an execution every few days to sweep and shoot prisoners.

Gradually, she noticed that the prisoners began to change. At first they were all young adult men, then there were teenagers and old men, and finally there were women, especially older women. They should all be partisan sympathizers and family members, not guerrillas.

Even so, Makarova showed no mercy and beat them all to death.

Like AQ, Makarova mentally hypnotized herself: Even if I don't kill them, someone else will kill them. They certainly can't live, they're dead.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

This murderous life was repeated for 2 years.

By the time the Soviets counterattacked the Bryansk region, Makarova had killed more than 800 or even thousands of people.

In order to pressure the guerrillas to submit, the Germans often faked shots of them. That is, to drag people to the execution ground and pretend to be shot, hoping to use the fear before death to make them rebel.

Makarova participated in many fake executions, and a large number of guerrillas remembered her and hated the female traitor to the bone.

Naturally, Makarova is not a fool either.

Before the German rout in 1943, she changed into the clothes of ordinary people she had prepared and fled home disguised as refugees.

Along the way, she was repeatedly intercepted and interrogated by the Soviet army. Because she was a young woman, the Soviet army gave her permission.

After returning to her village, Makarova lied that she was working as a female worker in Moscow and had been trapped by the war until now.

The villagers were more simple and believed her.

Makarova was horrified, believing that if she was arrested, she would be executed by the Soviet government.

However, the name she used when she joined the army was Pavlova, which was also the name when she was an executioner.

And the people in her hometown did not know that she had used a pseudonym, nor did they know his crimes.

The Soviet KGB, which hunted her, did not know Makarova's real name and the exact location of her hometown.

Even so, Makarova was restless day and night.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

Before the victory in the war in 1945, Makarova married a wounded and disabled veteran, thus leaving her hometown for a small town in Belarus.

The veteran thought that Makarova was just an ordinary country woman, and had no idea that she had been a puppet army, and certainly did not know that she had killed so many people.

The couple had a fairly harmonious relationship and had several children.

After the victory of the war, under the complaints of many guerrillas and their families, the Soviet government continued to hunt down the executioner Makarova.

However, Makarova used a pseudonym, had no physical features, and did not know where she had escaped, and could not be caught.

The KGB interrogated more than 250 women named Makarova to no avail.

However, the KGB did not stop arresting Makarova, which lasted more than 30 years.

Skynet was restored without leaking, and Makarova eventually fell into the net.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

In 1976, a POW camp survivor who had been in contact with Makarova was passing through the town where she lived on a business trip.

At this time, Makarova was an activist in the town, loudly promoting party policies on the podium and giving passionate speeches.

Nearly killed by Makarova, even after 30 years, the survivor still has a very deep memory.

He thought that the woman looked exactly like Makarova, especially the tone of voice and habitual movements, and was also very similar.

More importantly, when she saw herself, the woman was extremely flustered and fled the stage despite the fact that the speech was not completed.

He immediately asked the surrounding crowd about the woman's identity, and then found the local KGB.

Who is Makarova, which the KGB has been hunting for 30 years? On August 19, 1942, the war began in Stalingrad

When the KGB and the police came to arrest Makarova, she did not panic. For more than 30 years, she has been waiting for this day.

After investigation and many survivors identified the 55-year-old woman as the female demon who killed more than 1,000 Soviets that year.

In prison, Makarova confessed to the crime, but argued that it was a last resort. If she refused to do such a thing, she would be killed by the Germans. It was the German who committed the murder, and she was only forced to execute the crime, similar to the heavy machine gun that carried out the execution.

The court did not accept this set of arguments. The judge believes that people may do something out of the ordinary in order to protect themselves in a life-and-death situation. No one with a modicum of humanity would shoot at hundreds of women, children, old and young, or even kill thousands of people for their own survival.

On August 11, 1978, Makarova was shot two years after her arrest.


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