
Who is the Shadow? Providing intelligence to the Communists, he twice intercepted plans to assassinate Stalin

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the 19th Route Army and the Japanese Army held out with the Japanese army for more than 20 days on the outskirts of Shanghai. In the context of such a crisis, the CCP underground organization received an intelligence that the Japanese army had mobilized 10 divisions and regiments to Shanghai, accompanied by 80 warships and 200 aircraft. Signature: Shadow.

Who is Shadow, why is he so mysterious, and the intelligence is accurate and timely!

Who is the Shadow? Providing intelligence to the Communists, he twice intercepted plans to assassinate Stalin

This "shadow" is Takeda Takeo, the head of the International Special Sciences Operations Group, who was then the deputy chief of staff of the Shanghai Dispatch Army and the head of the China Section. In any way, his position is quite high, and it can be seen from here that Takeda's is not simple.

Takeda Takeo, from the name point of view, everyone may think that he is a Japanese, in fact he is a Chinese, formerly known as Wang Yixiong, born in Dalian, 5 years old followed his father to Japan, after the death of his parents, was adopted by a Japanese doctor Takeda Koichi, so named Takeda Takeo.

In 1929, Takeda graduated from the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School, served as a staff officer in the Japanese Army, and in 1934 became a military attaché at the Embassy in the Soviet Union.

In 1934, in the Soviet Union, Takeda Met the person who changed his life, Zhang Hao, and after reading a large number of progressive books, Takeda accepted communism and, under zhang Hao's introduction, joined the Communist Party of China, and later joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

In September 1935, under the introduction of Li Lisan, Takeda Joined the Red Special Branch organization of the Comintern. After three months of training, under the organization's arrangement, he formed an intelligence reconnaissance group with The Japanese progressive youth Nakanishi, and Takeda Tooko's code name was "Shadow".

In 1938, Shadow made a great contribution to intercepting a plan to assassinate Stalin.

Who is the Shadow? Providing intelligence to the Communists, he twice intercepted plans to assassinate Stalin

From the mouth of a Soviet defector, Takeda received a very shocking news.

Beginning in 1930, every three years Stalin personally went to visit his father's grave, then to the Sochi Sanatorium for a few days, to the Massenastad Hot Springs for a bath, which was a perfect opportunity for assassination.

Liusikov told the Japanese that the hot spring water that Stalin bathed would flow into the river through a sewer, and at night, the amount of water used was relatively small, and the water in the sewer was just below the knee, and along the sewer, it could lead directly to the boiler room of Stalin's special bathroom.

According to the plan, the Japanese sent an assassination squad to infiltrate through the sewers, looking for an opportunity to clear out 6 guards first, and finally kill Stalin. When Takeda heard about this plan, he realized the seriousness of the matter, so he spoke at the meeting: assassination opportunities must choose some reliable people, if it fails, Japan's situation in the Far East will be very passive, should be cautious, need to carry out special training for assassins, in case it is foolproof.

The Japanese took Takeda's advice and postponed the assassination plan. Takeda immediately informed Nakanishi to place his own men in the assassination procession and keep an eye on them at any time.

It turned out that the assassination team was captured as soon as it entered the Soviet border.

Who is the Shadow? Providing intelligence to the Communists, he twice intercepted plans to assassinate Stalin

Liusikov, naturally unwilling, soon planned another assassination.

Unfortunately, at this time, Takeda was sent to Berlin, Germany, and at a meeting, the German SS leader Heid schiri planned a plan to assassinate Stalin in Red Square.

This assassination, very technical, used a new type of explosives - Black Sokin.

This explosive, which can be wrapped in resin and animal glue, is ideal for concealment in various dance halls. According to the plan, this assassination, the explosives were glued to the flower buds and flower stems, and the delay technology was used, and the explosion could be detonated after 8 hours.

Because he was in Germany at the time and had limited mobility, Takeda immediately approached another member of the international special science group, Hidemito Ozaki, and asked him to pass on the news.

Who is the Shadow? Providing intelligence to the Communists, he twice intercepted plans to assassinate Stalin

As a result, As soon as Liusikov was excited, he was captured as soon as he entered the Soviet Union, and Liusikov also committed suicide.

Later, the Shadow provided the Soviet Union with a lot of intelligence, but in 1942, when he went to Fengtian on a mission, he disappeared.

After the founding of New China, many parties with the Soviet Union searched for the whereabouts of Takeda Takeda, but there has been no news until now.

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