
The three parties (Fang Ark, Fang Fang, and Jiang Fangzhou) represent the three stages of China's anti-public knowledge movement


The Jiang Fangzhou incident has attracted attention, and it must be understood in the context of the entire anti-public knowledge movement. We must understand that since the 21st century, there has been a spontaneous anti-public knowledge movement in China, and one of its important manifestations is that "public knowledge" has become a derogatory term, and "public knowledge" has been pejorative, which is actually the product of a folk anti-public knowledge movement.

On the whole, this anti-public knowledge movement can have three stages, and these three stages have three iconic figures, which can be summarized by "three parties": Fang Ark, Fang Fang, and Jiang Fangzhou, and these "three parties" can represent the three stages of the anti-public knowledge movement. They are the three "well-known".

The Jiang Fangzhou incident is a new stage in the anti-public knowledge movement, or the deepening of the anti-public knowledge movement. Let me explain to you this anti-public knowledge movement.

First of all, what happened to the Jiang Fangzhou incident, in fact, if a few years ago, this matter is actually not a thing, because now this anti-public knowledge movement has reached a new stage, so this is a thing, and jiang Fangzhou this thing has happened a few years ago, probably in 2016, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Exchange Foundation funded some Chinese scholars, let them go to Japan as visiting scholars, now it is about twenty thousand yuan a month, but they also have the task of writing something about Japan. Of course, it is a good thing to say about Japan and improve the image of Japan in the Chinese. Jiang Fangzhou did take money from others to publish a book "One Year in Tokyo", in fact, this matter has passed, it is 17 years, this is already four or five years ago.

It is just that the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an audit of the fund, the audit report is published, published on the website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it mentions the funding of Chinese scholars, a total of more than 100 people, named 5 people, of which the most famous is Jiang Fangzhou, then there are other 4 people who are not so famous.

After netizens found the information, they began to discuss that Jiang took Japanese money and wrote good words about Japan, then the fairness and objectivity of the content written in this book were questionable. In fact, in the early years, this matter was not a thing, and it seemed normal to be funded. For example, to study in the United States, American universities will give some financial support, it seems to be very normal, we did not care very much before, and even said that many people will think that this is an honorable thing. If we get a scholarship, we will feel that it is an honorable thing, because of excellence, we have received funding.

Why is it that now suddenly domestic public opinion is very disgusted with this matter?

This involves the changes in the general environment of our country, the current cultural environment and four years ago are fundamentally different, and I will now talk about the three stages of the anti-public knowledge movement.

From the perspective of the entire Cultural Environment of China, we have entered the third stage of the anti-public knowledge movement.

The three parties (Fang Ark, Fang Fang, and Jiang Fangzhou) represent the three stages of China's anti-public knowledge movement

What is well-known? Why does public knowledge become a derogatory term?

We hate public knowledge, in fact, the core of public knowledge is to worship the West and deny China. To suppress China by Western standards, the West is right, and China is wrong, which is a typical feature of public knowledge.

This characteristic affirms that the West denies China, that our China began after the Xinhai Revolution, that it was fully Westernized from the New Culture Movement, and that we should review China's well-known history and that it was a product of the introduction of Japanese culture into China after the Xinhai Revolution.

The basic spirit of Japan's Meiji Restoration at that time was to break away from Asia and enter Europe, Japan wanted to leave Asia, Asia was actually mainly China, and Japan wanted to get rid of Chinese culture and completely Westernize.

After the Sino-Japanese War, we lost to Japan, and at that time China began to turn its learning from the West to Japan.

The Hundred Hundred Days Restoration, the Penghu Reform Law is actually a study of Japan, hoping to make the Qing Dynasty strong through institutional adjustments. But the failure of the retreat method has spurred China to learn more from Japan. A very important phenomenon is that China began to send young people to Japan to study, and it became a trend, setting off the first wave of study abroad fever in China's modern history, and our earliest study abroad fever was not to go to The West europe and the United States, but to Japan.

From 1900 to 1906 was the climax, there are data records, before 1900 there were about two or three hundred people, in 1906 the number of students studying in Japan reached about 8,000, is the peak.

Japan's traditional culture before Meiji is also dominated by Confucian culture, Japan has been studying China for more than 1,000 years, and Chinese students studying in Japan is to learn the Meiji Restoration, the culture of breaking away from Asia and entering Europe, that is, to deny Chinese culture, and then completely Westernize.

After these international students completed their studies, they brought the Japanese Meiji Restoration culture to China, and the Xinhai Revolution and the New Culture Movement appeared.

The Xinhai Revolution was a complete negation of the Chinese system, and the New Culture Movement completely negated our culture and our history. Therefore, if we look at it from the origin, it appeared after the Xinhai Revolution.

But why don't we think that after the Xinhai Revolution, these people in the Republic of China were well known? Instead, we think of them as "masters of the Republic of China." In fact, they also have the attribute of public knowledge, that is, to completely negate Chinese culture and completely Westernize.

The complete denial of China, and then the complete Westernization, is a very deformed state, it is not suitable for China, and its representative is the Kuomintang.

The Kuomintang was the product of this current of learning from Japan. The Kuomintang was founded in Japan, and the period of the most serious worship of the West in China's modern history was the Republic of China period, which was not suitable for China's reality, so the Communist Party emerged. We are now saying that the Communist Party and the Kuomintang may stay on the surface, thinking that the Kuomintang is the capitalist line and the Communist Party is the socialist line.

The deepest thing is that the Kuomintang is actually completely Westernized. The Communist Party actually has two stages, the early stage it is actually Westernized, but the direction is different, relative to the Kuomintang to take the capitalist line, the early Communist Party studied the Soviet Union, talked about Marxism, communism also came from the West, took the Westernization, worshiped the Soviet Union, took the Soviet Union as the basis, until Chairman Mao became the leader, the Communist Party was actually Westernized.

Chairman Mao's greatest contribution to the Communist Party was the integration of theory with practice. It can be said that the real founder of the Communist Party is precisely Chairman Mao, and without Chairman Mao the Communist Party could not have done anything. Chairman Mao's becoming the real leader began at the Zunyi Conference in 1935, which was the real beginning of the Communist Party.

Linking theory with reality means opposing Westernization and Westernization represented by the Kuomintang, and linking theory with practice requires that Western theories serve China's reality and take China's reality as the basis, rather than Western theory as the basis.

Therefore, it is a negation and correction of the Westernization faction represented by the Kuomintang after the Xinhai Revolution.

Of course, Chairman Mao said that theory is integrated with practice, and "theory" mainly refers to Marxist theory, and at the same time it includes not only Marxism, but all the Western theories that we have introduced since the Xinhai Revolution.

It is not to use Western theories to transform China, but to serve China, to take China's reality as the basis, Western theory is only a servicer, so the theory is combined with practice It is actually an adjustment and correction of the previous blind worship of the West.

The core of the Communist Party represents China, that is, in practice, for example, we say that China is actually China's culture.

After the Xinhai Revolution, we introduced Western culture, negated Chinese culture at the academic level, hit things like Confucius, but at the practical level, we did not deny our Chinese culture, the core of Chinese culture, not in the academic layer, but in the practice layer.

I have to say again and again that when we look at China, we must look at the academic line and the practice line, and Chinese society is divided into two layers, one is the academic layer and the other is the practical layer.

The cornerstone of our Chinese culture is in practice, especially in the grassroots practice of ordinary people.

The core of Chinese culture is righteousness, simple expression is to be reasonable, to talk about people's hearts, our civilization is based on righteousness, based on the heart, the people talk about doing things to be reasonable, according to conscience. And The Confucians also talk about the Four Books and Five Classics, and they also talk about family affection, but it does not mean that the Four Books and Five Classics talk about the mind, and we ordinary people know this.

Instead, the common people first reasoned and talked about their mental nature, and then there were the records and circulation of the Four Books and Five Classics. Therefore, the cornerstone of Chinese cultural inheritance is here in the people, even if they have not read, they also know this truth, that is, to be reasonable and to rely on conscience.

Therefore, Chairman Mao said that theory should be integrated with practice and should take China's reality as the basis, which is actually at the level of practice, inheriting the core of Chinese culture, that is, righteousness, that is, mentality, including at the level of our politics, but also inheriting this culture, our system design is based on the core of the Yao Shun Way, and the "benevolent government" that Kong Meng talked about is designed by the political system and social governance with righteousness as the core.

I call it "the politics of righteousness", the way of Yao Shun is the politics of righteousness, and it is not an empty statement of our system, it is designed by the system, ensuring that our politics is the politics of righteousness. "University" says that the country does not take profit as profit, and righteousness as profit, it is not an empty word, it has institutional guarantees, I also talked about it earlier, I will not expand on it here, in short, when Chairman Mao said that theory is integrated with reality, he is actually taking China's reality as the basis, and at the practical level, he inherits our traditional culture, inherits the culture of righteousness, the culture of the heart, inherits our way of Yao Shun, and the culture of the heart is still the core of Chinese society.

Whether it is our political system, or our economic practice, the form of our economy, its core is still righteousness, so we must understand this, only by looking at this layer can we really see China, so this is the difference between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The Communist Party represents the Chinese tradition more, the Kuomintang is Westernized, it can also be said that the Kuomintang is a well-known party, and the top level of the Kuomintang has a very strong public knowledge attribute and is not suitable for China's reality, so the Kuomintang failed.

The Communist Party represents the reality of China and inherits traditional Chinese culture, so he succeeded. This is fundamental, so we must see this clearly, that is, the public knowledge began to appear after the Xinhai Revolution.

The Communist Party, especially Chairman Mao's theory, is anti-Westernization at the practical level. There has actually been no breakthrough in academia. Although in practice the Communist Party has inherited our traditional culture, academically, since the Xinhai Revolution and the New Culture Movement, China's academic paradigm has still been Westernized.

We have completely introduced Western scholarship with science as the center, forming this academic paradigm, including the educational paradigm. This paradigm is still in use today, so this leads to the whole society in China being divided and divergent, that is, we are Westernized academically and traditional in practice. So now with the rise of China's economy, we are seeing more and more clearly that the divergence between our academic and practical is becoming more and more serious.

This is also one of the reasons why public knowledge has become a pejorative term, because public knowledge is actually inconsistent with China's reality and deviates from China's reality.

So why did the public knowledge exist after the Xinhai Revolution, but it was only after the 21st century that the public knowledge became more and more derogatory, and we hated him more and more.

First of all, the Kuomintang is actually a well-known party, and the kuomintang-communist conflict is also an anti-Kuomintang and anti-public knowledge.

Secondly, China's technological backwardness and economic backwardness at that time were also a fundamental problem since the Opium War. We are invaded by the West, and we cannot defeat him because our weapons are backward, our technology is backward, and our economy is backward, and this is a fundamental problem. Especially in the Battle of Jia-Wu, when we lost miserably to Japan, there was a sense of fear that the whole nation would perish and perish.

So we hope to be able to catch up quickly, to achieve the rise of the economy, the rise of technology.

There are different understandings of the rise of the economy and the rise of technology. In the late Qing Dynasty, the technology economy and culture were separated, so it was called "Shiyi Long Skill to Control Yi". I studied Western technology, but not Western culture. However, in Japan, the Meiji Restoration believed that Western culture was advanced, so it was technologically and economically advanced, so one of its inevitable conclusions was that in order to achieve economic rise, Western culture must be adopted.

Because we are influenced by Japan, we also use this logic, which is actually not the case, so because when our economy and technology are very backward, we don't have much antipathy to the public perception, but we just feel that something is wrong, but our feelings are also reasonable.

When our economy rises and technology rises, at this time we don't envy the West. Facts have proved that China's economic rise and technological rise are not based on total Westernization.

Because the Communist Party wants to integrate theory with practice, we insist on ourselves at the practical level and inherit traditional culture, so our institutional model, cultural model and the West are fundamentally different, and we have been adhering to this point in very difficult times, and we have not completely Westernized.

The fact that China's economy is rising and technology is rising has proved that the development of the technological economy is entirely because it is a product of Western culture, and if you want to develop the economy, you must develop technology in a complete way.

When we look at the West now, the more we look at the level of his culture, the more we feel that there is a problem, the barbarian attributes are prominent, especially since the new crown epidemic, the way and effect of china and the West control the epidemic are very different.

This contrast makes us more confident in China's own culture and our own system. We identify with ourselves from the bottom of our hearts, so, relatively speaking, we will see a growing trend towards a more and more derogatory nature of public knowledge, which is parallel to the following two phenomena.

The first phenomenon is that with the rise of China's economy, the pejorativeization of public knowledge began to appear. Another phenomenon is cultural self-confidence, that is, we are becoming more and more confident in our own history, our own culture, and our own system. We no longer think the West is good and ours is not as good as we used to be.

Note that cultural self-confidence, economic rise, and the pelitation of public knowledge, all three phenomena occurred simultaneously, all beginning in the 21st century.

After China's accession to the WTO in 2001, China began to participate in the global market, and the economic rise is accelerating, because no one has the competitiveness of the international economy as the development of China's competitiveness in the world.

Therefore, after entering the 21st century, there are three major phenomena that appear in parallel, one is the rise of China's economy, the second is the beginning of cultural self-confidence, that is, we say that the return to tradition, including the enthusiasm for traditional Chinese studies, is also a manifestation, and the third is inevitable, that is, to hate public knowledge, hate the practice of always worshipping the West and then denying China.

We Chinese receive the same education, why some people have become well-known and some people have not become well-known, which involves the split between the academic and practical layers I talked about earlier.

In fact, every Chinese is educated twice, and the first education is the education of the school and the academic education. Then academic education Academic education is Westernized, it is advocating the West, denying us China. At the same time, we have to be exposed to another kind of education, which is practical education, our family education, our life practice, including our political practice, which is traditional.

In fact, there is a contradiction between these two aspects, the academic layer is Westernized, the practical layer is traditional, and school education is Westernized, which makes you advocate the West against China, but practice will make you oppose the West and advocate China. The more one integrates into China's practice, the more he will have a correction to this kind of school education, and he will not be so admiring the West and will love China. To understand China through practice, you will receive a second education.

Conversely, a core feature of becoming a well-known person is that it is outside of Chinese practice. Although it is said that he is a Chinese, and even said that he was born and raised Chinese, and he did not even go abroad, but his education was Westernized, because school education was not integrated into China's practice, so we will see that the most well-known field is writers, they are not integrated into China's practice, they are not involved in China's practice, there are some professors, because they generally go to school, until the doctorate, and even say that they have to stay abroad to study, and then they can become professors, he did not participate in the Chinese world. These are the two hardest hit areas. There are also some media. In short, practice has proved that the well-known group generally has more university professors and more writers.

Why is it said that the anti-public knowledge movement has three stages, Fang Arkzi, Fang Fang and Jiang Fangzhou, all three of whom are writers. In the first stage, we look at Fang Arkzi, who is known as a popular science writer, and Fangfang and Jiang Fangzhu are also writers, so they have become typical public knowledge.

Fang Ark Zi he is a popular science writer, in fact, with the "science" self-respect, what is the West's good China is not OK, especially typical of his opposition to Chinese medicine, in the era of Fang Ark Zi, or in the first stage of the anti-public knowledge movement. At that time, our economy did not fully rise, in fact, many people are still very envious of the West, especially envious of the United States, we think that the United States has developed technology, and the economy is developed because of its cultural development. So I said it was an initial stage, and the Ark was actually initially embraced.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated our anti-public awareness movement. And the new crown epidemic is divided into two stages, the first stage is that when the epidemic is only serious in China, the West has not yet realized the outbreak of the epidemic, this time there is a Fang Fang, she advocates that China is not good, accusing us of some exploration and mistakes in epidemic prevention, but with the sharp turn of the situation, as the West begins to break out, the United States and Europe are out of control, such a comparison, we know how well China's epidemic prevention work is done, and our mistakes are simply not called mistakes. Obviously, Fang Fang is also a well-known person, and everyone hates her.

Jiang Fangzhou is the same, if a few years earlier is not a matter at all, why do we have to mention this matter now, and public opinion should mention this matter?

It is That China has changed, through the new crown epidemic, China's perception of the West has changed, china's own understanding has changed, so we are more sensitive, and we began to tolerate this so-called borrowing the name of scholars, accepting funding from others, and writing about things that deny China's admiration for the West.

The Jiang Fangzhou incident proves that the world has not changed, and the public knowledge has not changed, but it is only to say that China has changed, that China has become more and more intolerant of this kind of public knowledge, that it has become more and more culturally confident, that it hates the West more and more, and of course that it hates public knowledge more and more.

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