
Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

author:Cao Jingming

Wen 丨 Cao Jingming

Title丨 Chinese chess was invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

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Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

In the previous article, the author shared with you a view of Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University, saying that eating Chinese New Year's Eve meal is a barbaric and backward behavior and should be abolished by legislation.

This article will take on an idea of the previous article, and continue to talk about the representative who negates our country's own excellent traditional culture - Fang Arkzi.

In fact, at the beginning of writing this article, I wanted to talk about the porcelain that South Korea had encountered in those years, and as a result, when I checked the information, I found that there were public figures who took the initiative to push the national essence outward, and all of a sudden the mood came up, not spitting out unhappiness.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

The famous anti-counterfeiting fighter Arkzi, in the early years, published a dynamic on his personal online platform, publicly stating:

Chinese chess was invented by the Indians because there were no elephants in ancient times!

The origin of Chinese chess is not impossible to discuss. If it is in the spirit of "seeking truth from facts", if the Ark zi really has any high opinions, it can also be shared with everyone, so that everyone can see the style of intellectuals.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

However, this reason given by Fang Arkzi left the author speechless and completely blinded!

Fang Zhouzi was also an intellectual, and at the time of the college entrance examination, he was still the head of the language discipline in Fujian Province, so didn't he remember the text of "Cao Chong Called Elephant"? What does Cao Chong call it? Isn't it an elephant? Is it still the ancestor of the Ark? If this is the case, Fang Ark zi remembers to hate Cao Chong, thus deliberately erasing this text, which is also understandable and inclusive.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

"Cao Chong Called Elephant" is a text of the fourth lesson of the second grade book compiled by the Ministry of Humanities and Education, which is based on the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu, and Biography of The Prince of WuWenshi", also known as "Weighing Elephants".

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, as one of the Twenty-Four Histories, was written by the Western Jin Dynasty historian Chen Shou, which records the history of Cao Wei, Shu Han, and Eastern Wu in the Three Kingdoms period of China. Although the specific time of the writing of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms can no longer be traced, according to the contents of the book, it is not difficult to infer that the book was written after the destruction of Wu in the first year of Taikang, that is, between 280 and 300 AD, and has a history of more than 1,000 years.

In other words, even the students in the second grade of primary school know that there were elephants in ancient China, so why doesn't Fang Arkzi, the provincial leader of the college entrance examination, know? Is knowledge eaten by dogs?

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

This is a very simple historical knowledge, and there is no need to turn to the history books at all.

Moreover, the "elephant pit" was found in the eastern area of the Yin Ruins Tombs excavated in 1935, which is enough to prove that there were elephants in ancient China, but due to some objective reasons, it gradually disappeared into the long river of history.

But disappearing does not mean that there is not, these are two very different concepts, do not be confused.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

Taking ten thousand steps back, doesn't the Ark know the word "豫"? That is, the abbreviation of Henan!

In other words, what does "豫" mean? Xu Shen, a famous scribe, philologist, and linguist of the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote in the book "Explaining Words in Speaking Texts", and he clearly wrote that "Yu, the great one who is like the elephant". To put it bluntly, Henan is rich in elephants, and now the active areas of ancient elephants have been found.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

It is no wonder that as Fang Arkzi's remarks continue to ferment, it has angered many friends in Henan, and with the help of everyone, successfully scolded Fangzhouzi on the hot search.

Don't blame Henan's friends for not being able to control their emotions, after all, Fang Arkzi's point of view is really too absurd, and there is no need to analyze it at all, so you know that there is no reason, and it is untenable at all. Believing such a ridiculous statement, even Fang Ark himself did not believe it, knew that it was wrong, but why did it still express it in a dignified manner? Aren't you afraid of being scolded?

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

Or rather, the reason why Fang Arkzi would say this was simply to find a scolding! Hope to be scolded!

If the author says this, it may arouse the curiosity of many melon-eating masses, why would the Ark zi himself find a scolding, I am afraid it is not a fool! If you really think so, you are very wrong.

In this era of laughing at poverty and not laughing at prostitutes, how can a public figure make money? Perhaps the channels are diverse, but they are all based on popularity.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

So how can you quickly attract a lot of popularity? Perhaps the most straightforward approach is grandstanding.

Fang Ark's remark that "chess was invented by Indians" is itself sensationalism. For The Ark Zi's behavior of doing everything in order to sensationalize the public, perhaps it is more accurate to describe it as "literary traitor".

What is "civil traitor", to put it bluntly, is a cultural traitor, directly pushing out the excellent traditional culture of our nation and our country, which is simply worse than some Koreans.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

Finally, let's talk about the "Indians applying for heritage", which is very popular on the Internet, saying that India has applied to the United Nations more than once for Chinese chess as their intangible cultural heritage.

Regarding this statement, the author also checked on the Internet and found that it is very popular on the domestic network, but if you look at the external network over the wall, you will find that there is not much news. In particular, India's development as a country is uneven, especially in terms of culture, and rarely applies to the United Nations for intangible cultural heritage.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

Therefore, this statement, with a high probability, is the rhythm of some domestic marketing numbers, which is a rumor.

In any case, we must pay more and more attention to traditional culture, and we can no longer get by like before, thinking that our country is rich in land and has a long heritage, and we don't care about anything.

What is cultural self-confidence? It is not only to fall in love with the culture of our own nation, firmly believe that only the national is the world, but also to protect the culture of our own nation and actively carry it forward, in peacetime, the cultural field is the biggest battlefield.

Chinese chess invented by Indians? The sophistry of the "literary traitor" Fang Arkzi was scolded by the people of Henan on the hot search

Similar to the "literary traitors" like Fang Arkzi, there are still fewer and fewer, and once they are discovered, they will definitely have to pay the price of the other party. The Internet is not a lawless place, and it is not some obscure knowledge, so the simple truth is wrong, and the high probability is deliberate!

1) "Eating Chinese New Year's Eve meal is a barbaric and backward custom"! Peking University professor Kong Qingdong based on 3 points, which caused public anger

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This article is [Cao Jingming] original, picture source network! #Brick Home ##文化 #

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