
Ark: Inspiration for the Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon

author:Gene Farming Network

(This article is the speech of popular science writer Fang Arkzi at Peking University on December 10, 2015 on the "Huangmen Dialogue Expert Theme Forum - Genetically Modified Organisms, How We Choose")

Recently, a big deal has taken place in the field of genetically modified organisms, with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approving genetically modified salmon for marketing. Most of the salmon on the market refers to Atlantic salmon, which is the Atlantic salmon. Atlantic salmon grow slowly, and even the best species take about 3 years to market. Transgenic salmon is transferred to the growth hormone gene of the fast-growing large-scale salmon, and in order to allow the growth hormone gene to be expressed in the cold season, it is also transferred to the promoter of the antifreeze protein of American woolly wrench. The domestic media translates the American woolly fish into ocean cod, which is not right, the American woolly ray looks like an eel, belongs to the order Perch, whether in form or classification, it has nothing to do with cod. After such a modification, the growth rate of genetically modified salmon has become very fast, and it can be marketed in about a year and a half, and it can improve the utilization rate of feed.

Why is this a big deal? This is the first genetically modified animal approved for marketing for consumption. There have long been genetically modified animals in the U.S. market, such as a few genetically modified tropical fish that emit red, yellow, and blue fluorescence at home, which were bought from Walmart in the United States, but they were pets, not used to eat. The U.S. market has long been genetically modified food, in 1994 the first genetically modified food has been listed, several major crops in the United States, including corn, soybeans, cotton, rape, sugar beet, 90% or more of the seeds are genetically modified varieties, now about seventy to eighty percent of the packaged food on the U.S. market contains genetically modified ingredients. But the GM foods on these markets are all from GM crops, not from GM animals.

Genetically modified salmon had applied to the FDA for marketing in 1995, but it took 20 years before it was approved by the FDA. The GM salmon was developed by a small company with only 21 employees, which almost dragged out the long approval time and went bankrupt. Why did approvals drag on for so long? That's because the FDA doesn't regulate GM crops and GM animals differently. For genetically modified crops, the FDA does not require that it be approved before they are listed, but only that if the R&D enterprises are willing, they can voluntarily consult with the FDA, and the FDA can give a reply whether it meets the requirements for food safety. All companies voluntarily consult with the FDA before putting genetically modified foods on the market for the sake of prudence. However, for genetically modified animals, the FDA requires approval before it can be listed, which is because the FDA manages genetically modified animals as veterinary drugs, and the procedures for veterinary drug approval are strict, and the delay is relatively long.

The first is to prove that it is safe to eat. The previous two guests talked about how to define food safety. Absolutely safe food is almost non-existent. Even so-called natural foods contain toxic, harmful, and unhealthy ingredients. So security is relative. So how to determine whether the genetically modified foods developed are safe? The FDA adopts the so-called "substantial equivalence" principle in this regard, that is, to prove that compared with similar non-GMO foods, there is no significant change in biological composition and chemical composition, and it is actually the same, which is considered safe. Fda determined that the chemical composition and biological composition of genetically modified salmon are no different from ordinary salmon, and that they are as safe and nutritious as ordinary salmon, and if they are listed, they can not be specially marked.

The second is to prove that it has no impact on the environment. Animals and plants are not the same, they will run around, and it is necessary to worry that if the genetically modified animals escape into the wild, they will destroy the ecology. To this end, the R&D company has taken a series of measures, such as their plan to farm GM salmon only in a closed environment on land, to minimize the possibility of GM salmon escaping. They also treated the eggs so that the genetically modified salmon became sterile triploids so that even if a few escaped, they would not reproduce in the wild. These practices met the REQUIREMENTS OF the FDA, so they were approved.

In the process of approving genetically modified salmon, the FDA has encountered great resistance, and the voice of opposition is very high. This is mainly from so-called environmental groups, as well as members of Congress from salmon producing areas, who are concerned about the adverse impact of GM salmon on the local salmon industry, and have joined forces to oppose it and threaten to pass a special bill banning the approval of GM salmon. However, the FDA resisted the pressure to approve the listing of genetically modified salmon.

China also has a similar kind of genetically modified fish, which is a transgenic Yellow River carp, and its developer, Academician Zhu Zuoyan, also came today. The transgenic Yellow River carp is transferred to the grass carp growth hormone gene, which grows twice as fast and can be marketed in one year. Last Sunday, I attended a seminar with Academician Zhu that was also about genetic modifications, and we tasted the genetically modified Yellow River carp together. Everyone will be very concerned about whether the fish that grows so fast is not delicious? However, the texture and taste of genetically modified Yellow River carp are very good. The same is true of genetically modified salmon, research and development companies have done a trial test, and people who try it can't tell whether it is genetically modified salmon or ordinary salmon that is eaten. The transgenic Yellow River carp was developed earlier than the transgenic salmon, it has been almost thirty years, and I don't know how many more years it will be before it can be approved for marketing.

The approval of genetically modified salmon from the US FDA for marketing can give us a few points of inspiration.

First, the controversy over GMOs is not mainly within the scientific community, but comes from the non-scientific community, especially the so-called environmental protection and political circles. They are all laymen. The problems that laymen can take into account have long been taken into account by professionals. Problems that the layman does not consider, professionals can also take into account. So don't be a layman, feel that you know better than scientists, and blame scientists who study GMOs irresponsibly.

Second, careful promotion does not mean inaction. The FDA reviewed for 20 years to approve the marketing of genetically modified salmon, which can not be described as careless, and even too cautious. As the first genetically modified animal for food, there is no precedent, it is understandable to be cautious, and it is believed that the speed will be much faster to approve such products later. But in any case, the FDA approved it and did not act inaction. And China also said that genetically modified crops should be vigorously developed, cautiously promoted, and in fact, it is developed out of the delay without approval of promotion, there have been ten years of Time China's Ministry of Agriculture has not approved the planting of any new genetically modified crops, the actual planting of only genetically modified cotton and genetically modified papaya two, and the United States is approved every year genetically modified crops planting, most of the major agricultural species are genetically modified varieties. The so-called prudent promotion in our country is actually not to promote and not to act. Transgenic technology is an application technology, not promoted, can not be applied, researchers without motivation, it is impossible to vigorously develop.

Third, professional management institutions should have the courage to only look at scientific evidence and not be afraid of social controversy. In the process of approving genetically modified salmon, the FDA has a publicity period to solicit comments from the public. The vast majority of public opinion is against it, as the general public has no professional judgment. Just now Mr. Huang said that his parents did not know what genetically modified organisms were. This is true not only for the General Public in China, but also for the General Public in the United States. Don't think that the United States is a technologically advanced country and the public has a high degree of scientific literacy. The United States has done a survey and found that most Americans are reluctant to eat foods that contain DNA. They don't even understand what DNA is, let alone genetically modified. Without professional judgment, they are susceptible to being seduced by so-called environmental organizations, and those who oppose it are more willing to speak out. But there is no scientific basis for these objections, and the FDA does not care about it, no matter how many and how strong the objections are. There is also pressure from the political community, and the FDA has not yielded. When the FDA approves, it only looks at the scientific evidence that there is no problem with safety, and does not consider other factors, such as political factors, social factors, cultural factors, religious beliefs, etc., it is all disregarded, at least on the surface.

Fourth, professional issues should be decided by professional management bodies. When the FDA approves the genetically modified salmon, a committee of scientists conducts research, they think it is safe, they pass, do not have to ask Oba President Ma to dare to approve, Obama which experts understand genetically modified organisms? Our country is different. China has a genetically modified organism safety committee, which is also composed of scientists, but they believe that it is safe and does not work, just give a safety certificate, whether it can be promoted, listed, but also by the administrative officials who do not know how to decide. Lower-level officials wait for instructions from higher-level officials, and finally for instructions from the highest levels. Therefore, even the question of whether a genetically modified crop can be promoted must be decided by the highest level. The highest level does not make a decision, only vaguely says that it is necessary to "vigorously develop and promote carefully", and it will not be promoted.

China and the United States are both big agricultural countries, the United States genetically modified crops are the first in the world, while China is only the sixth in the world, even Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India are not as good. If China does not change the approval system for genetically modified organisms, does not loosen the shackles on genetically modified crops and genetically modified foods, and continues to do nothing, the gap between China and the United States will become wider and wider, which will be very harmful to China's agricultural development and scientific progress.


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