
"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

author:The new number of Star's Strange Brigade
"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Hello Aloha, I am Feng Jingjing, the founder of Star Wonder Brigade. I am very happy that everyone likes my new book series, and also tells you a good news, our "13 Moon Calendar Happy Self-Study Group" has begun to recruit!

Friends who like "Meet Maya Is Happier" and want to get a physical book, you are welcome to join our community. Because this physical book is only given as internal materials of the community for free to the group members of the "Happy Self-Study Group"!

Our official account will still serialize all the contents of the new book on the whole network, and we welcome everyone to help us spread the law of time

Thank you, I love you.

——Feng Jingjing, founder of Star Wonder Brigade and author of "Meet Maya Happier"

20 Totem Evolutionary Apocalypse

13 In the lunar calendar, the totem tone alone can make people study for a long time, and can also give people a lot of inspiration and guidance.

Next to this subsection, we will focus on the "+1" totem. The "+1 totem" is our shortest evolutionary direction, through which each of us can see our own spiraling small targets.

What is a "+1 Totem"?

First, explain what a "+1" totem is.

This is my self-coined term, not in the official discourse system of the Law of Time.

As we all know, in the 13th moon calendar, there are a total of 20 totems, arranged in order of 1-20. "+1 totem" is the one with the totem serial number Big 1. For example, White Wind No. 2 is the "+1 Totem" of Red Dragon No. 1, Blue Night No. 3 is the "+1 Totem" of White Wind No. 2, and so on until The Yellow Sun no. 20, which is the "+1 Totem" of Blue Storm No. 19.

Because the Mayans were 20 decimal and the number 20 was equivalent to 0, the No. 1 Red Dragon was also the "+1 totem" of the 20th (i.e., No. 0) Yellow Sun.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Why is the "+1 totem" the shortest evolutionary direction?

Based on my years of practicing the 13 Moon Calendar, I feel more and more that the "+1 totem" is our shortest evolutionary direction.


Because when a totem is the first square of a wave character, the "+1 totem" is located exactly at the second square challenge bit of the wave character named after this totem.

For example, the first square of the Red Dragon Wave is the Magnetic Red Dragon, and the second square is the Moon White Wind. The White Wind happens to be the Red Dragon's "+1 Totem", and it also happens to be in the Challenge Grid of the Red Dragon Wave.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

We often say that when we complete the challenge, we also evolve. The "+1 totem" located in the waveform challenge grid is to help us evolve and also points out the shortest direction of our evolution.

So, you just have to look at what your galaxy imprint main totem is, and then follow the table of 20 totem keywords above to see what the next totem of this main totem is, and you can know what your "+1 totem" is.

Of course, one might ask, it seems that there are many evolutionary directions in the calendar, such as the guiding forces in the galactic imprint, such as Psi, the inner goddess, such as the opposite power of each person, etc., who should I listen to, where should I evolve?

I personally feel that evolution is multidimensional, not just one direction. So the key is not which direction to go, but you can do it simultaneously, or you can also observe which direction you feel the most at this stage, and you go here first.

The "+1 totem" indicates the direction of evolution

Next I will use short sentences to describe the evolutionary direction indicated by the 20 pairs of "+1" totems, and I will remind you again, such an explanation is a thousand people, you don't have to take my statement as a standard, just for your reference, you yourself can also think of a set of versions of your own justification, and I myself am more welcome to think about your version.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of the Red Dragon to the White Wind:

From heavy to light. The red dragon is the power at the beginning of birth, carrying ancient memories and karma, while the white wind carries a flexible and light energy, from the red dragon to the white wind, which just means that a person puts down the heavy memories of the past, lightly packs up, and lives out his true self.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of white wind to blue night:

From the need to interact with the outside world to face it alone. The energy of the white wind is flowing and needs to communicate with the outside world, while the blue night is just the opposite, it is the power of the dark night, the power of stillness, the power of inspiration in silence. When a person begins to move from the white wind to the blue night, it means that he has evolved from "needing feedback from others" to "being the source of inspiration for everything".

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of blue night to yellow seeds:

From dream to reality. Blue night is the power of dreams, when a thought becomes a dream, it has the power to guide people forward, however, if the dream wants to become a reality, it must be connected to the ground, it must be formulated into a practical and feasible small goal, step by step to complete, and this down-to-earth attitude is exactly what the yellow seed carries.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of yellow seeds to red snakes:

From endless darkness to the passion that activates life. For the seed, darkness is a very habitual thing, but if you get used to the darkness from now on, you will forget the feeling of the sun, and you will lose the desire to be born, and you will disappear into the dirt from then on, as if you have never been. From yellow seeds to red snakes, it symbolizes the enthusiasm and desire to find life again from the darkness, activate the kinetic energy of life, and truly live for yourself.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of the Red Snake to the White World Bridge:

Wisdom from the warmth of life to the wisdom of death. The red snake symbolizes the instinct of survival, while the White World Bridge represents the power of death, from the Red Snake to the White World Bridge, it is the experience from birth to death. "Death is not the opposite of life, death is the continuation of life", when the Red Snake Man can read this sentence, he also takes a solid step towards the White World Bridge.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of the White World Bridge to the Blue Hand:

From zero to creation. The White World Bridge experiences death, looking down on detachment from everything, and it begins to know that death is another term for birth, the gateway to the galaxy across dimensions. After everything has returned to zero, it is necessary to start creating with the hands again, as if all the past is emptied, whether it is glory and greatness, or obscenity and smallness, the past is gone, the future is still looming in the light, and what the future is, depends on what the hands create.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of blue hands to yellow stars:

From hustle and bustle to savoring the beauty of life. The energy of the blue hand is low-key, hard-working and simple, not asking the way forward, burying its head in hard work, just like the hands on each of us, diligent and earnest, busy and busy. The Blue Hand easily forgets about life itself and lives only for work. As the blue hand evolves toward the yellow star, it begins to realize the beauty of life everywhere, it no longer makes everything so efficient and serious, it begins to know priorities, to look up at the brightest star in the night sky, because it is the rainbow dream of a tired hero.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of the Yellow Star to the Red Moon:

From "a moment" to a gush. The sparkle of the yellow star is very bright, but sometimes it is short-lived, and after a bright blind display, it is hidden again. And the energy of the red moon is running endlessly, cannot be broken, the flow of water does not compete, the contention is endless. As the yellow star evolves toward the red moon, the stars begin to shine continuously.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of the Red Moon to the White Dog:

From cooperating with others to being loyal to yourself. To say that the integration of the environment, and the integration of the outside, the red moon dares to say the first, no one dares to say the second, but the red moon often disregards the real feelings of the heart, cooperates in order to cooperate, and finally cooperates with itself into a "four unlike". When the Red Moon evolves to the white dog, the Red Moon begins to learn what it means to be loyal to itself, that is, no matter what, always take your own feelings as a priority, not what the heart really wants to do, then don't do it.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The evolution of white dogs to blue monkeys:

From clinging to love to not being trapped by love. The white dog is addicted to love, will devote himself wholeheartedly, tolerate understanding, love unconditionally, cling to this, and set a dilemma for himself. When the white dog evolves towards the blue monkey, the white dog begins to loosen its love, just as the Buddha's mark is a magnetic blue monkey, it understands sentient beings, but it is not trapped by love, it cares for sentient beings, but it does not abuse emotion. When the white dog realizes that in love, nothing is impossible, nothing is certain, and even the definition of love in various ways is an illusion, there is also evolution.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The evolution of the Blue Monkey to the Yellow Man:

From animals to people. Monkeys jump in the woods and run in the mountains, but they are not happy and comfortable, and before they become human, all development is not perfect. When the blue monkey evolves to the yellow man, it can be understood as the process of monkey evolution into an adult, drilling wood for fire, using tools, increasing wisdom, and walking independently, behind not only the change of the body, but also the comprehensive evolution of the body, mind and spirit. When the monkey finally became a human being, the monkey also had a soul, and the light of free will began to shine.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of the Yellow Man to Red Skywalker:

From man to awakened man. The yellow man fell to the ground, his teeth learned to speak, and his head was overhanged with a cone and thorny strands, and he experienced experience in human society. As the Yellow Man marched towards the Red Skywalker, humanity finally opened its sleeping eyes and became an awakened human being. The yellow man begins to see the wounds rooted in the collective subconscious in himself, and when the yellow man begins to see the darkness within himself, awakening, healing, and creating, the yellow man evolves, and at this time, all the doors of exploration are opened for themselves.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of Red Skywalker to White Wizard:

From space to time. Red Skywalker is a time-traveler who constantly explores and advances in the three-dimensional world, with the greatest possibilities. Evolving from the Red Skywalker to the White Wizard, the exploration of space evolved into the exploration of time, which is a kind of understanding that no longer sticks to how far the external body needs to move, an evolved Red Skywalker instead understands the power of stillness, and between time and space, awakening becomes eternal.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of the White Wizard to the Blue Hawk:

From focusing on yourself to focusing on the big picture. The white wizard is penetrating inside, if he does not move, he knows everything in his heart, it is relaxed and spiritual, when the white wizard marches towards the blue eagle, the wizard begins to have a global vision, it begins to focus not only on its own acres and acres, but also in its heart there is a family and a country, it begins to put the future of the whole planet into the heart.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of the Blue Eagle to the Yellow Warrior:

From talking on paper to getting into the game. Blue Eagle has a big pattern, has its own unique vision of the overall situation, but when it falls into the shadow side, it is easy to talk on paper and be ambitious, understand everything, and take the first place, but it has not been done in depth, nor has it been exercised at the grassroots level. When the Blue Eagle walked towards the Yellow Warrior, the eagle that was high above finally bent over into the game, personally went down, and experienced on foot.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of the Yellow Warrior to the Red Earth:

Engage in man-made to respect the laws of nature. The Yellow Warrior believes in his own strength, he has intelligence and courage, indomitable, cut through thorns, dares to be the first to eat crabs, and dares to challenge authority and pursue questions to the end. From the Yellow Warrior to the Red Earth, it is as if a person begins to realize that people have the ability and sharpness of people, but all of this is wrapped in the entire universe, and people are also people in nature, and people must conform to the laws of nature. If a thing does not conform to the laws of the universe, if it blindly emphasizes the power of man and goes against the current, then only oneself will be hurt.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of the Red Earth to the White Mirror:

From navigator to inclusive home. The Red Earth is the navigator, holding the laws of celestial movement in hand, with a clear direction in its heart, it is tolerant, atmospheric, and has a stable rhythm, when the Red Earth evolves to the white mirror, it means that the Red Earth needs to be open to all the truth, and that reality may have everything, not necessarily the ones that they believe in. The Red Earth will understand more deeply that all the call of synchronicity is the outward projection of inner beliefs, the introspection begins, the self-illumination goes deeper, and when everything is true and there are no lies in this world, can the Red Earth continue to accommodate and continue to move forward? This is the "problem" that the white mirror gives to the red earth.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

The Evolution of the White Mirror to the Blue Storm:

From order cleanliness to disorder breaking. In the eyes of the white mirror, everything presents order and rules, and if it is slightly different from what was expected, it will be chaotic, like a great enemy. When the sometimes inelastic white mirror can accommodate more unpredictable changes and changes, it means that it has taken a step towards the blue storm. After all, in the world of Blue Storm, where do the rules and regulations come from?

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of blue storms to yellow suns:

From stormy storms to warm sunshine. The blue storm carries the catalytic power of electric light and flint, which is the manifestation of all energy, uprooting all the energy that does not conform to the future, under this energy, it is inevitable that the waves will be turbulent, and it is inevitable that there will be big changes. When the blue storm evolved towards the yellow sun, the violent and rainy beating gradually became the silent illumination of the moist.

"Meet the Maya happier" is serialized in the 40:20 totem evolutionary apocalypse

Evolution of the Yellow Sun to the Red Dragon:

From enlightenment to birth. The yellow sun is the last of the 20 totems, a stage ending, representing the enlightened cosmic fire power, as it is, illuminating all things, the evolution from the yellow sun to the red dragon, lies in whether the yellow sun is willing to go further, when everything seems to be perfect, do I dare to be reborn, so that I have a new power?

Updated daily, to be continued

This article is written by Feng Jingjing

Official account responsible team:

Editor-in-Chief: Feng Jingjing

Editor-in-charge: JingJing, Hanwen

Art Editor: PandaYung

Proofreader: Han Wen

Pictured: From the Design Department of Star Wonder Brigade

You will be happy to meet Maya

All texts are original All rights reserved

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