
Ark: There were no elephants in ancient China, chess originated in India, expert: do you know history?

Chess, a traditional Chinese chess puzzle game, has a long cultural history, although the specific origin of chess has been impossible to confirm, since ancient times there are many opinions, there is no consensus. However, according to the excavated literature, it is certain that chess originated in China. However, Fang Arkzi firmly believes that chess originated in India and not China, only because there were no elephants in ancient China.

Ark: There were no elephants in ancient China, chess originated in India, expert: do you know history?

Fang Zhouzi said that although the Song Dynasty's chess pieces were written with "elephant" on the front and elephants painted on the reverse, there were no elephants in China's history, and it could not be said that there were elephants there because Henan was referred to as "Yu", and Yu was the meaning of Henan's ancient name "Yuzhou", taking the meaning of ease. In addition, elephant soldiers are one of the characteristics of India, and even if Chinese chess has elephants, it is also a remnant of Indian chess. Later, the "elephant" of the Chinese chess red square was changed to "xiang", as if to remove this remnant, but how could the prime minister protect the general?

Ark: There were no elephants in ancient China, chess originated in India, expert: do you know history?

In this regard, experts simply laugh off the teeth, the origin of chess is actually based on whether there is an "elephant" to determine, not to mention whether the evaluation criteria are correct, from the perspective of elephants alone, who said that there were no elephants in ancient China? The Chinese Shang Dynasty Elephant Statue, which is now treasured in the Freer Museum of Art in the United States, is one of the bronzes made according to the pictogram, which is covered with animal face patterns, hammer patterns and four-petal patterns, which is a rare treasure and represents China's long historical and cultural heritage.

Ark: There were no elephants in ancient China, chess originated in India, expert: do you know history?

In addition, the Gilded Bronze Elephants and Elephant Training Figurines of the Western Han Dynasty exhibited at the National Museum of China can also prove the existence of elephants, and the Western Han people at that time were already able to "train elephants", which shows that the existence of elephants in China must not be short. The Book of Han once recorded: In the second year of the Yuan Hunt, Nanyue sacrificed the taming of elephants; the allusion of "Cao Chong called an elephant" in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is well known to the world, if there were no elephants in ancient China, wouldn't it be that Cao Chong went to India to call the elephant?

Ark: There were no elephants in ancient China, chess originated in India, expert: do you know history?

The most important of these is that the image of the ancient Chinese people is not only not unfamiliar with the object, but is very familiar, and the Book of Jin records: After Emperor Wu Taikang ping Wu, the South Vietnamese offered to tame elephants and commanded them to be driven by large carts... Enter the courtroom with an elephant. Therefore, it is an imprecise act for the Ark to infer that there are no elephants and no elephant soldiers in the Central Plains to deduce that chess originated in India. In 1972, the Yugoslav historian Bijiv discontinued in the book "Chess - Symbol of the Universe" that chess originated in China in 569 AD, when chess was called "elephant play".

Ark: There were no elephants in ancient China, chess originated in India, expert: do you know history?

Elephant opera first appeared in the fourth year of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the Book of Zhou Benji records: Tianhe four years, May Yi ugly, the imperial "Elephant Classic" was completed, and the collection of Bailiao lectures was written. In addition, the ancient books of Chinese dynasties and dynasties have been recorded in chess, and xiaobian will not list them here. In fact, in Chinese chess, "phase" and "elephant" represent the same meaning, there is no "elephant" is a war elephant, "phase" is the meaning of xiang, because "phase" is still in a certain period of time, corresponding to "like". It is not advisable to hope for the righteousness of wensheng, traditional Chinese culture is also unquestionable, and chess does originate in China.

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