
Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

Friends who are familiar with chess know that there is an unwritten rule in the chess world. When playing chess, it will be placed face to face with the shuai. This theory is said to have originated from the Chu-Han dispute, when Xiang Yu and Liu Bang were at war, Liu Bang was injured by Xiang Yu with an arrow. There is a rule that the manager does not appear in battle, so chess has the Chuhan River boundary.

Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

It is rumored that the inventor of chess was Han Xin, but it has not been confirmed. The earliest excavations of chess-like artifacts were unearthed in Chaturanga, India. The most likely source is the Silk Road that introduced chess to China and was loved, and then according to the customs of the Chinese, a unique Chinese style of Baoying chess was formed during the Northern Song Dynasty, and has been passed down and developed to this day. In fact, chess itself is also full of myths in China, and to this day there is no clear answer in academia.

Ark Zi, who preached himself as a "fighter against counterfeiting" in his senior year on the Internet, caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet because of a remark about chess. Fang Arkzi is also a member of the academic community, his original name is Fang, and he studied at Michigan State University in the United States.

Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

Since 2000, he has been famous for "professional counterfeiting", and he has fought many cases of counterfeiting, such as the "Hanxin Incident", "Gene Queen" and "Tang Jun's Academic Qualifications Fraud" and many other historical fights, and his remarks caused an uproar on the Internet, and also made him famous.

For chess, he also came out to play fakes. He said that there were no elephants in ancient China, so how could people at that time create a species out of thin air that they had never seen before? He believes that the birthplace of chess is most likely India.

Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

Fang Zhouzi is a real supporter of Western culture, not only that, he is also quite opposed to Chinese traditional Chinese medicine, fanatically supporting Western transgenic science. In addition, he also held an opposing attitude towards some traditional cultures. This chess is one of them.

In our mythology, chess originated in the yandi period of the long history, and can also be called an ancient activity. The monk Nian of the Yuan Dynasty often recorded the object chess in his book "The General Biography of the Buddha". He said that "Shennong takes the sun, moon and stars as elephants", and the Northern Song Dynasty poet Huang Shuzhi said in his literary poem "Guangxiang Drama Ge · Preface" that "elephant drama soldier drama, elephant, beast male also." ”

Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

The game of chess is not only recorded in ancient texts, the most famous game activity in the pre-Qin period is called LiuZhi play, according to the excavated cultural relics, the chess pieces used in these six gui are made of ivory, and there are six black and white sons on the chessboard, and even Qu Yuan also recorded in the "Chu Ci Summoning Soul": "There are six zi to cover the elephant trees." ”

These works can surface that ancient China had chess, but Fang Arkzi's remarks are not unreasonable, and even Hu Shi once questioned how China, without elephants, named this game of chess "chess" in his works. Fang Ark's statement has also been supported by many people on the Internet.

Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

As we all know, elephants are native to East Asian countries such as India and Africa, the number of elephants in our country is very small, the species is also very small, the ancient elephant is a treasure, those ivory products are foreign tribute, but does not mean that the ancient people did not know the elephant species.

Chess was invented by Indians? "Fighting fake fighters" Fang Arkzi said bluntly: Because There are no elephants in China

Moreover, the abbreviation of Henan is "豫", and the text contains the word "elephant", and even the "Shuowen" mentions, "Yu, the great elephant." "Asia is also the origin of Asian elephants, and the Yunnan area is the activity zone of Asian elephants for thousands of years, and it is too hasty to conclude that chess is not a Chinese thing based on the scarcity of elephants." Readers, what do you think?

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