
Xiang Yu shot Liu Bang with an arrow, Liu Bang did not die, and since then there has been an unwritten rule in Chinese chess


Thousands of years ago, on the ancient battlefield on the land of China, the huge conflict between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu burst out with a deadly arrow. This arrow, although it failed to take Liu Bang's life, created a profound and unwritten rule for Chinese chess, adding a veil of mystery to this gaming world.

Heroic hegemony: the origin of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu

With the summer sun shining on the earth and the river flowing like silk, a fierce change is brewing in the ancient land of China. It was an era full of legends and glory, and two great heroes, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, were destined to create immortal legends on the stage of history.

Xiang Yu shot Liu Bang with an arrow, Liu Bang did not die, and since then there has been an unwritten rule in Chinese chess

The origin of the story can be traced back to the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, when the rule of the Qin Dynasty in China was like a star in the night, shrouding the lives of the common people in darkness. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang led the anger of the peasants, lit the torch of hope, and set off a wave of resistance. However, the wheel of fortune doesn't always go as one wishes.

Xiang Liang, an excellent leader, won the support of the rebel army, he had wisdom, courage, and courage. Liu Bang was slightly inferior, although he was also ambitious, but he seemed slightly hesitant and took a slow step. This delicate gap dooms the fate of the two heroes to different trajectories.

At first, Liu Bang was inferior to Xiang Liang in terms of power, and his recruitment was slightly weaker, while Xiang Liang continued to grow his power, attracting more and more like-minded people, including brave men such as Chen Ying and Wu Rui. Liu Bang's small forces were forced to be helpless, he had no choice but to defect to Xiang Liang, and the two heroes had to meet on the stage of history.

This time of cooperation is legendary. Xiang Liang was righteous and awe-inspiring, and sent troops to help Liu Bang and help him regain the lost territory. During this period of time, the two heroes formed a deep friendship, swept away the rebel Qin army together, and regained a glimmer of hope for the people. Their armies were unstoppable.

Power Dispute: The battle of fate between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu

It was a chaotic era, and there were many heroes in troubled times, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, two strange heroes of the Mandate of Heaven, concluded an epic cooperation, but in the end it evolved into a thrilling confrontation.

On the battlefield ravaged by wind and sand, Xiang Liang was like a storm, leading his formidable army all the way forward, and everywhere he went, the territory was seized one after another. Xiang Liang's name was like thunder, and he was praised everywhere, and he was the true overlord of that era. However, on this ever-changing historical stage, there is another person, and that is Liu Bang.

Xiang Yu shot Liu Bang with an arrow, Liu Bang did not die, and since then there has been an unwritten rule in Chinese chess

Liu Bang, a young general with great ambitions, chose to watch silently in the shadow of Xiang Liang. He could have chosen to join Xiang Liang's camp and become a member of it, enjoying a relatively high status, but his inner ambition made him unwilling to be ordinary. He saw Xiang Liang's radiance, but he would rather his own light come later, but he should have his own independent glory.

However, the gears of fate are always elusive. In a moment of battle, Xiang Liang died unexpectedly, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, plunging the world into chaos. The vacuum of political power has made the competition for power in full swing. Xiang Yu, Xiang Liang's younger brother, regained his ascension to the throne and proudly proclaimed himself King of Chu, an equally ambitious ruler who aspired to dominate the world.

This change is the opportunity that Liu Bang has been waiting for for a long time. He saw the instability of the situation, seized the opportunity, led his army, and began his own journey. His ambition and determination made him unwilling to be ignored, and he wanted to stand at the pinnacle of history and become an immortal legend.

As a result, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, two heroes whose fates are intertwined, embarked on a path of irreversible confrontation.

Liu Bang successfully captured Guanzhong and seized important strategic territory. However, Xiang Yu unexpectedly violated the agreement and divided the land in Guanzhong, which caused Liu Bang's dissatisfaction. This act of betrayal is like a blow

Liu Bang tried to fight back, trying to reclaim the dispossessed land, but ultimately failed. This series of events ignited a bloody dispute between Chu and Han, and the confrontation between the two sides was like the Chu River and Han boundary on a chessboard, which could not be crossed.

Brotherly feud: Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's deadly arrows

In the ancient land of China, a thrilling battle of power and intrigue is being staged. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, two heroes, are not only entangled in the struggle for power, but also cast a legendary story because of the teasing of fate.

Xiang Yu shot Liu Bang with an arrow, Liu Bang did not die, and since then there has been an unwritten rule in Chinese chess

Guangwu Stream, that is a picturesque place, however, in this quiet place, there was an earth-shattering confrontation. Liu Bang finally surrounded Xiang Yu here, but he did not rush to attack further, but chose to be calm and waited for the opportunity. At this moment, Liu Bang stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the enemy camp, and he narrated Xiang Yu's mistake.

Liu Bang stood on the top of the Guangwu Stream, overlooking Xiang Yu's camp. His ambitious voice was like thunder echoing in the mountains, clear and firm: "Xiang Yu, there are flaws in your decision-making, and your failure is inevitable!" Liu Bang's words were defiant, but his words were full of wisdom, because he saw through Xiang Yu's weakness.

However, just when Liu Bang thought he could defeat his opponent with words, an arrow suddenly flew and hit him in the shoulder accurately. The arrow came like an angry dragon, with the threat of death, Liu Bang screamed miserably, fell to the ground in pain, blood gushing out like a spring. There was a look of disbelief in his eyes, because he didn't expect Xiang Yu to make a move at this critical moment, let alone in such a despicable way.

Liu Bang's face was distorted, not only because of the pain in his body, but also because of the pain of betrayal in his heart. He had hoped for cooperation and reconciliation, but now it seems that Xiang Yu's betrayal was merciless. At this moment, Liu Bang experienced the pain of betrayal and also realized the cruelty of the world of conspiracy.

However, this is not the end of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's fate. A few years later, when Liu Bang ascended the throne as emperor, he was shot again by an arrow. This arrow wound not only weakened his body, but also triggered the recurrence of his old wounds. The pain raged like a flame, Liu Bang's physical condition deteriorated sharply, and his fate seemed to be entangled like a curse.

These two fatal arrow wounds engraved the conflict between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu on the stone tablet of history. Liu Bang moved forward strongly in pain and betrayal, and his fate was as heartfelt as that arrow, but he still held on to his beliefs and walked to the top of the glorious empire.

Xiang Yu shot Liu Bang with an arrow, Liu Bang did not die, and since then there has been an unwritten rule in Chinese chess

The story is not just a battle of intrigue and betrayal, but also about the tricks of fate and the birth of the rules of chess. Legend has it that the conflict between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu eventually led to the formulation of chess rules, as the coaches of both sides could not meet, otherwise one side would lose.

This rule has become the cornerstone of the ancient wisdom game of chess, and it has also become a symbol of the indissoluble bond between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. This is a story full of tragic elements, and the two heroes have a feud with one arrow, which will be remembered for a lifetime.


Although this arrow did not end Liu Bang's life, it still has a profound meaning on the chessboard of Chinese chess thousands of years later. Xiangqi, an ancient game of wisdom, is not only a game and entertainment, but also a symbol of the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

Every game is a contest of thinking and wisdom, and every step carries the wisdom of wise men for thousands of years, and also inherits the legend of the feud between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu.

The rule that the boss and the handsome in chess are hopeless to meet each other comes from the fate duel between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. This rule makes chess a game full of wisdom and strategy, and every game is a tradition and history.

Just like Chinese culture, chess is broad and profound. It reflects the idea of yin and yang in ancient Chinese philosophy, and also echoes the strategy and wisdom in military strategy. The feud between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu left a far-reaching mark in this game and became a part of chess culture.

Xiang Yu shot Liu Bang with an arrow, Liu Bang did not die, and since then there has been an unwritten rule in Chinese chess

Today, as we sit in front of the chess board and think about each move, perhaps we should recall Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, whose stories remind us that betrayal and setbacks are an indispensable part of life, and how to move forward strongly in adversity is the real way to victory.

On this chessboard, history and tradition, culture and wisdom are intertwined into a magnificent picture. Whether it is the conflict between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu or the rules of chess, they all tell us that Chinese culture is broad and profound, and contains a wealth of wisdom and lessons.

Xiangqi is not only a game, but also an experience that delves into the essence of Chinese culture, which bears witness to the inheritance of history, carries the wisdom of wise men, and is also the link between us and the ancient heroes. This arrow may have flown thousands of years ago, but its meaning is forever engraved in the charm of Chinese chess.

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