
As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors


It was shortly after the death of the old emperor, and the atmosphere in the court was still gruesome. The candles in the palace hall burned out, and the hall was filled with sorrow and mourning, because the end of an era had come.

The death of the old emperor plunged the entire dynasty into a panic, and the uneasiness between the government and the opposition filled the air. However, it is at this critical juncture that the fate of a young prince will be rewritten, and his actions will impress the world.

The young prince is only 13 years old. He is petite and has a handsome face, but he has wisdom and intelligence beyond his years. Not so long ago, he was an innocent teenager, but now, he is standing at the crossroads of history, facing unavoidable responsibilities and challenges.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

01 Burning Lights: The glorious revival of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty

In the 6th century, the northern land fell into chaos, with smoke and war. The accession to the throne of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yuwen Yong, was not all smooth sailing. He faced a dilemma similar to that of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, with the disintegration of the country, the division of forces, and the intertwining of external and internal troubles. However, he was a remarkable statesman and military commander with a tenacious determination.

Yu Wenyong's first task is to defeat his powerful opponent, the powerful minister Yu Wengo. This Yuwen Hu tried to usurp the throne several times in an attempt to seize the ruling power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. But not only did Yuwen Yong not give in, but also gathered a loyal army to resolutely fight against Yuwen Go's rebellion. In a thrilling decisive battle, Yuwen Yong successfully defeated Yuwen Hu, established his independent position, and consolidated the rule of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

However, Yu Wenyong was not content with just consolidating his rule, he had a much bigger vision. He embarked on a series of reforms aimed at strengthening the upper and lower layers of the country.

He promoted the cultivation of farmland and improved agricultural techniques to ensure the food and clothing of the people. He also strengthened the institutional and management systems of the central government to make the country more orderly and stable. Yuwenyong's reform measures not only improved the people's lives, but also strengthened the national strength of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Under the rule of Yu Wenyong, the state of the Northern Zhou Dynasty gradually emerged, and the light of the unification of the north was once again ignited in a short period of time. His leadership and political wisdom made him a shining jewel in the troubled times of the North.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

However, fate is often unpredictable, and Yu Wenyong has not been able to escape his fate. Despite his great ambitions, he lived a relatively short life. This news plunged the entire country into deep sorrow, because it was known that he was the pillar of the Northern Zhou and that his death would bring great uncertainty.

What is even more worrying is that Emperor Zhou Xuan, the crown prince of Yuwen Yong, is not a reliable successor. Although he was the son of the emperor, he lacked his father's political wisdom and decisiveness. The predicament left by Yu Wenyong is not only an external challenge, but also an internal political struggle and power struggle.

02 Emperor Dream Rhapsody: Emperor Zhou Xuan's rebellious childhood

In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Xuan of Zhou, a young prince, was a troubled child. The story of his rebellious childhood is like a beautiful fantasy in the history books, which makes people laugh.

The story takes place in the palace, on a sunny morning. The crown prince Emperor Zhou Xuan was playing hide and seek in the courtyard of the palace, his immature figure shuttling among the verdant flowers, hiding behind ancient trees for a while, and then rushing to the flower bed. His playmates shouted after him, but he always nimbly dodged away.

Suddenly, a palace attendant hurriedly walked over and eagerly told the prince: "Your Royal Highness the prince, the emperor is holding an important meeting, you need to return to the palace as soon as possible." ”

When Emperor Zhou Xuan heard this, his brows furrowed, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Let the old thing wait, he's always so busy, why don't we play a little longer." The crown prince replied unconcernedly, as if the affairs of the emperor had nothing to do with him.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

The prince's rebellious move did not stop there. He frequently caused trouble in the palace and was mischievous, which caused headaches for the attendants and court ministers around him. His father, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, had also tried to teach him many times, but with little success.

However, the most impressive scene occurred at a time when the old emperor's health was deteriorating. Emperor Xuan of Zhou was only thirteen years old, but he had already planted the seeds of rebellion in his heart. When he heard that the old emperor was about to die, he did not show sadness or worry, but went around looking for people to celebrate the old emperor's passing.

When the old emperor's last breath was approaching, the entire court fell into deep mourning. The ministers wept one after another, and a mournful atmosphere permeated the palace. However, Emperor Xuan of Zhou behaved extremely indifferently. He silently walked to the old emperor's mausoleum, his face was indifferent, and suddenly the corners of his mouth curled, and a mouthful of spit sprayed on the mausoleum, and cursed: "The old guy died well." ”

This scene stunned everyone, and some people couldn't help but exclaim. Emperor Xuan of Zhou didn't seem to care, and quietly left, leaving a chaotic court.

03 The Cancer of Power: The Little Emperor's Path of Obscenity

In the court of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the demeanor and behavior of the crown prince Emperor Xuan of Zhou were striking. He has just ascended to the throne, but he has fallen into a life of debauchery, and there is a shocking story behind this historical legend.

After Emperor Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, he seemed to immediately indulge in lewd pleasures. He frequented the harem and extended his claws to his stepmother, an act that was not only unrestrained, but also shocking, as it was seen as serious disobedience and moral turpitude in the court.

The concubines in the court were affected by the crown prince one after another, and the glory and wealth of the past were fleeting. His promiscuous life caused shock and criticism inside and outside the imperial court, but Emperor Xuan of Zhou seemed to turn a deaf ear to this.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

However, Emperor Xuan Zhou's madness did not stop there. He began to search for beauties of the people in large numbers, bringing them into the court by any means necessary. This act not only caused discontent in society, but also caused deep unrest in the imperial court.

Inside and outside the court, there was a lot of talk about the young emperor's promiscuity. The reputation of the court was seriously damaged, and social order was in jeopardy.

04 Emperor's Heart: The court drama of Emperor Xuan of Zhou

In the Northern Zhou court, after Emperor Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, a reign full of treacherous clouds was about to kick off. His relationship with Yang Lihua, the empress of the main palace, was destined to be discordant from the beginning, and his actions shocked the government and the opposition.

Emperor Xuan's ambition and lust made him decide to openly appoint five empresses, intending to make the concubines of the court take turns to become empresses. This move was simply unbelievable and caused an uproar inside and outside the court. Rivalries in the court had never been more intense, jealousy and feud between the queens escalated, and chaos within the court was plunged.

Every concubine dreams of becoming an empress, and the desire to compete for the throne ignites a fire in their hearts. The feud broke out not only in the harem, but also spread to the courtiers, each of whom fought openly and secretly in order to support their favorite queen.

The turmoil inside and outside the court swept up huge waves, and the reign of Emperor Xuan of Zhou was full of unstable factors. The battle in the deep palace and the change of favor have plunged the court into chaos, and the struggle for power is so cruel that it is staggering.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou's desires and ambitions seemed endless. His plan to set up a Hongmen banquet was intended to kill the father of Empress Yang Lihua in order to eliminate her influence. The plan was fraught with danger and adventure, and the ministers were anxious about it, both inside and outside the court.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

As the day of the Hongmen Feast approached, the atmosphere in the court was extremely tense. The ministers expressed their concerns and persuaded the emperor to think twice. However, Emperor Zhou Xuan's heart was full of contradictions and hesitations. He had once been a young and energetic emperor, but this time, his determination seemed to run into an insurmountable obstacle.

In the end, when the time for the Hongmen banquet came, Emperor Zhou Xuan did not take that step. He hesitated, abandoned the dangerous plan, and let the ministers go. This incident not only made his reign more chaotic, but also weakened his prestige in the hearts of his courtiers.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou's reign became dangerous and chaotic, strife inside and outside the court escalated, and the prospects for the unification of the Northern Zhou Dynasty fell into uncertainty. His behavior is incomprehensible, psychologically twisted, and seems to be caught in a kind of self-destructive spiral.

05 The Storm of Conspiracy: The Political Drama of Yang Jian and the Northern Zhou Court

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, a storm of intrigue was set off in the court, and the starring role was Yang Jian, who was given the title of a relative of the Yang family. This is a gripping story about how he plotted to protect himself and seek power behind the absurd behavior of the little emperor Zhou Xuandi.

Yang Jian was not an important minister in the palace from the beginning, but he knew how to form a gang in the inner palace. Through careful planning and skillful interpersonal relationships, he gradually rose to prominence and became a high-profile figure in the Northern Zhou court.

In the court of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yang Jian faced unprecedented challenges and turmoil. The absurd behavior of the minor emperor Emperor Xuan of Zhou became a heavy burden on the state and the court, and Yang Jian and his comrades had to take decisive action to safeguard their own interests and the stability of the country.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou's absurd behavior plunged the entire imperial court into chaos. There was a lot of discussion inside and outside the court, and the courtiers were worried about the future of the country. In this turbulent time, Yang Jian and his comrades gathered to discuss how to deal with the situation.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

The little emperor's health became weaker and weaker due to illness, which became an opportunity for Yang Jian and his comrades to take action. They decided to tamper with the edict and make Yang Jian a prisoner in order to stabilize the situation in the country. The plan was fraught with danger and risk, but they knew that if decisive action was not taken, the country would fall into an even greater crisis.

On a tense night, Yang Jian's comrades acted secretly and tampered with the content of the edict. They faced great risks, but they were determined and did not hesitate to give everything for the sake of the peace of the country.

The death of the little emperor opened a new chapter in Yang Jian's seizure of power, and he left a deep mark on Chinese history, establishing the dynamic and innovative Sui dynasty, ushering in the Kaihuang era, and the policies and reforms under his rule had far-reaching implications, continuing into the Kaiyuan and Tianbao years of the Tang dynasty.

06 Epilogue

History is a magnificent picture in the long river of time, full of countless stories, decisions and wisdom. And in this long history, power intrigue and political struggle have often been the key driving force for the evolution of history.

From ancient times to the present, both emperors and generals and ordinary people have played an important role in this complex political game. Their choices, determinations, and efforts have forged a chapter in history and shaped the pattern of the world.

In the arena of political struggle, every character is chasing power, status, and glory. They may have experienced ups and downs, but whether they succeeded or not, they added layers and thickness to history. It is these political struggles that have promoted social progress and reform and shaped the destiny of the country.

As soon as the old emperor died, the 13-year-old prince "pampered" his stepmother, but unexpectedly achieved a thousand ancient emperors

However, there is not only one side to the story. Behind the scheming and wrestling, it is often accompanied by the suffering and sacrifice of the people. Sometimes political struggles are a clash of blood and fire, and sometimes a contest of hearts and minds. But it is undeniable that it is these struggles that have given birth to new policies, new laws, and more fairness and justice to society.

Intrigue and political struggle are also arenas of wisdom. Scheming and decisive politicians are often able to lead countries to prosperity and strength. Their wisdom and vision have made the wheel of history continue to roll forward, creating one glorious era after another.

In the end, political struggle is a mirror of history, reflecting the beauty and ugliness of human society. It reminds us that as a member of society, our choices and actions will affect the development and progress of the whole society.

The lessons of history also tell us that power and political struggle are important, but more importantly, for the well-being of the people and social harmony, we should pursue wisdom, fairness and justice. This is the goal of the truly great political struggle and the key driving force behind the evolution of history.