
Pu Yi returned to the Forbidden City and shouted that his photo was hung up wrong, expert: impossible, Pu Yi: That's my father


On a quiet afternoon, the sun casts dappled shadows through the ancient walls of the Forbidden City. Pu Yi, the last emperor of the past, has now lost his clothes and food and has become an ordinary citizen of New China. However, this afternoon, he returned to the Forbidden City, the former royal palace, for a photo, a photo that shocked him.

He slowly walked along the bluestone paved roads in the Forbidden City, reminiscing about the days he spent here as a child. However, when he came to an old palace, his steps suddenly stopped. There was a picture hanging in front of him, an emperor wearing a dragon crown and a dragon robe, but it was not himself.

Pu Yi returned to the Forbidden City and shouted that his photo was hung up wrong, expert: impossible, Pu Yi: That's my father

"That's wrong!" Pu Yi suddenly shouted loudly, his voice echoing through the ancient palace.

The experts were working in the palace, and they couldn't help but be stunned when they heard Pu Yi's call. An elderly expert, dressed in an ancient scholar's robe, slowly turned his head, his eyes full of doubt.

"There can be no mistake, this is an accurate portrait restored based on historical documents and photographs, there is no problem at all," the expert replied firmly.

However, Pu Yi will not give up easily. He approached the photograph and took a closer look at the emperor's face. Then, he suddenly smiled, a smile with a hint of bitterness.

"That's my father," Pu Yi said calmly.

This sentence caused a commotion. The experts looked at each other in disbelief.

01 Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty: a bitter and helpless half of his life

The wind rises and falls, the years shuttle, and the life of an emperor is destined to be full of suffering and helplessness. This is a story full of legends and grievances, and it is Pu Yi's life.

For the first time, he was only three years old when he ascended the throne, and the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, like a tender lotus, floated and sunk in the muddy deep pool of history. He sat in the Dragon Court, but he could not change the fate of the Qing Dynasty and bore the responsibility for the fall of the Qing Dynasty. His childhood was surrounded by powerful ministers, and he was powerless.

The second time, the accession to the throne was brief and chaotic. Although he once again wears the robe of God, real power is out of reach, and court intrigues are rife. He seems to be a pawn in the court chess game, moved, exploited, and eventually forced to abdicate. The glory of the past is like a dream.

Pu Yi returned to the Forbidden City and shouted that his photo was hung up wrong, expert: impossible, Pu Yi: That's my father

The last time he ascended the throne was in the puppet position of the Japanese, becoming the titular emperor of the puppet state of Manchukuo. He wears an ornate dragon robe, but he can't control his own destiny. He became a tool of Japan, betraying his ancestors and destroying his dignity. His status as an emperor is nothing more than a gorgeous illusion.

His whole life is almost under the control of others, like a tragedy, and he does not really control his own destiny. He used to be an emperor, but he often felt lonely and helpless. He was once an emperor, but he could not defend his country. He was once the master, but he was reduced to a puppet.

The end of the Qing Dynasty, he could not stop it. His own destiny, he could not control. The torrent of history swept him in, and he was just a speck of dust. His life is a tragic symphony, a microcosm of an era, and a lament of an emperor.

02 Bumpy Road and New Life: Puyi's years of labor reform

The smoke of World War II has just dissipated, the world has been rebaptized, and in this chaotic era, there is one person, his fate has also changed completely, he is Pu Yi.

He once sat on the throne, but after the end of World War II, he spent five years of captivity under the interception of the Soviet Union. The cold of Siberia locked his freedom, but also forged his mind. This period was a major turning point in his life.

In the cell, his life was not easy. The boring labor and monotonous diet once made him feel loveless. However, it was during this time that he began to reflect on his past and think about the meaning of life. Fame, fortune and power used to be his yearning, but now, he looks so small. Gradually, he began to pursue inner peace and the true meaning of life.

Five years of suffering tempered his will and honed his character. He learned to be patient, he learned to endure, he learned to find hope in the midst of adversity. This bumpy road, although difficult, has also achieved a new Puyi.

Pu Yi returned to the Forbidden City and shouted that his photo was hung up wrong, expert: impossible, Pu Yi: That's my father

Finally, one day, he was released and sent back to China. This return to his homeland is a new beginning, a new chapter in his life. He did not stand still because of his former status as emperor, but actively integrated into the new society.

A modest job became his new life. Life was still poor, but it felt more real to him than the luxury he had been. He learned to be ordinary, to be simple, to cherish every green leaf and every drop of clear spring.

During this time, he gradually understood a truth, although fame and fortune used to be his yearning, they are not the whole of life. He began to pay more attention to the inner wealth and cherish the contribution of his family and country more.

Ten years of labor reform have tempered his physique and tempered his mind. His destiny is no longer dictated by others, but in his own hands. He became an ordinary Chinese citizen, but that was exactly what he was after.

Fame and fortune are no longer his lofty goals, what he pursues is something more profound, a real contribution to his family and country, and a peace of mind. In his ordinary work, he found the meaning of life and found the abundance of his heart.

03 The Emperor Who Stood Firm

Ten years of labor turned the former emperor Pu Yi into an ordinary citizen of New China. He tasted the charm of ordinary life and enjoyed the rights and interests granted by New China, however, his inner obsession with history has never weakened.

One day, Pu Yi was given a special opportunity to visit the Forbidden City, which was once his royal home and had a special meaning for him. The moment he stepped into the Forbidden City, his mood was indescribable, as if he had gone back in time and returned to the glory and dignity of the past.

However, during a visit, he found a wrong photo hanging in the former residence of Emperor Guangxu. This wrong photo made him angry, because it was not only misleading to tourists, but also disrespectful to history. He insisted on being right, regardless of his identity and status, and stood up to correct this mistake.

Pu Yi returned to the Forbidden City and shouted that his photo was hung up wrong, expert: impossible, Pu Yi: That's my father

This small incident sparked a heated debate. Experts and historians have questioned the authenticity of the photographs, but Pu Yi has stood by and provided a wealth of historical documentary evidence to support his opinion. The controversy intensified and became the focus of the media.

In the end, the experts had to admit their mistake and correct the information of the photo. This event shows Pu Yi's perseverance and struggle with history, and also shows his excellent qualities. He is not only a former emperor, but also a man with full respect for history. He defended the truth with a firm attitude and deep historical knowledge, and became the guardian of history.

This small controversy represents the last emperor's last struggle and determination. He is no longer the emperor who sits on the throne, but his attachment to history and his dedication to truth are forever engraved in the corridor of history. This is the perseverance of an ordinary citizen, and it is also the pride of a witness to history.

04 Epilogue

In his later years, Pu Yi looked back on his life journey and couldn't help but feel emotional. His life seems to be a speck of dust in the long river of history, he has had glory and experienced wind and rain, but in the end, under the embrace of New China, he found the home of life.

He knew very well that all of this was the heart of the Party and the people, and it was their compassion and tolerance that enabled him to start anew and find a way to coexist with dignity and ordinariness.

On the new land of China, Pu Yi did his best to contribute his meager strength to the country, society and the people. He no longer pursues fame and fortune, but pays more attention to inner wealth and cares more about social harmony. He is immersed in ordinary life, savoring the warmth of fireworks in the world, and cherishing every moment of gathering with family and friends.

Pu Yi returned to the Forbidden City and shouted that his photo was hung up wrong, expert: impossible, Pu Yi: That's my father

In his later years, he was like a mature towering tree, with deep roots and lush leaves, and a peaceful state of mind. He understood that the true meaning of life does not lie in prosperity and wealth, but in inner peace and contribution to society. His perseverance and struggle are not only an explanation of his life, but also a responsibility to the country and history.

In the end, he passed away peacefully in this eventful season, bidding farewell to the hustle and bustle of the world. However, his spirit has forever remained in the hearts of the people and has become a model and example for a generation. His story, like an ancient hymn, will always be sung on the land of China.

In his later years, Pu Yi was no longer a symbol of power and glory, but an ordinary Chinese citizen who adhered to his inner beliefs, pursued inner peace, and silently contributed to society and the country.

His life is a magnificent life and a legend of history. His ending, despite its twists and turns, is a perfect ending, adding a touch of magnificent color to the starting point of China's new era.

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