
"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?


In the ancient mountain village, there is a magnificent temple dedicated to the gods that have been passed down from generation to generation. The elders of the village often gather in front of this temple to talk about the little things in life and share ancient traditions and wisdom. There is a common saying that they have passed down from mouth to mouth, that is, "women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of coming at midnight".

This proverb seems to be just a seemingly simple old proverb, but there is a profound truth behind it, and it is a life story full of wisdom.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?

The story takes place a long time ago, in a poor mountain village, there is a young couple who longed to have a healthy and happy child. The elders of the village told them that the time of birth could affect the child's personality and fate, so the couple began to pay attention to the time of day and night.

His wife's name is Meihua, and she has bright eyes and a bright smile. She often toiled between the housework and the fields during the day, and the sun's rays shone on her body and illuminated everything about her. The villagers call her "Sunshine Girl" because her happiness and vitality are always like sunshine, warming the whole village.

The husband's name is Li Long, and he is a tough and responsible man. Whenever night falls, Li Long always can't wait to leave his home and run to the mountains and forests to participate in the village's night patrol. The silence and mystery of the midnight always inspired his indomitable courage and tenacity. The villagers hailed him as the "Dragon of the Night" because he guarded the peace of the village in the darkness of midnight.

However, Meihua never got pregnant, and as the days passed, the villagers couldn't help but worry. On the stone steps in front of the temple, the elders once again talked about the old saying: "Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight." "

A wise man quietly walked up to Plum Blossom and whispered to her, "Plum Blossom, maybe we are wrong. He explains, "The wonder of life is its diversity. Perhaps, instead of being born at noon or midnight, your child should be born in one

Meihua and Li Long understood that they were no longer anxious and began to cherish every day, live a happy life, and enjoy each other's company. And at some point in the day, when they were basking in happiness, Meihua suddenly felt a wave of warmth and joy, and she knew that the child was about to be born.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?

Life should not be tied to a specific moment, and each baby has its own unique destiny and character, intertwined with the traits and love of their parents. The saying "women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight" may be just an ancient concept, and the magic of life is far beyond the scope of our understanding. Just like this young couple, cherish every moment of life in order to usher in the best time.

01 The wisdom of the proverb: the words of the people, the mirror of history

In the long history of thousands of years, the proverb is known as the words of the people and the mirror of history. Although they are not as elegant as the prosodic aphorisms or the teachings of the sages, these popular and vulgar words have always been loved and inherited by the people because of their simple and easy-to-understand expressions that are close to the people's livelihood. This article will explore the wisdom of colloquialisms and their special function in presenting historical dynasties and social truths.

The reason why colloquialisms have such a deep cultural value is, first of all, their popularity. The colloquial language is in the vernacular, not the obscure classical Chinese, so it can be easily understood by rich and poor, young and old, illiterate, and cultured.

This makes colloquialisms a cultural medium that transcends social levels, conveying wisdom in an approachable way and conveying life lessons to the general public.

The second characteristic of the colloquial saying is the simplicity and directness of its expression. A sentence or phrase can often contain a wealth of meaning and philosophy. For example, the proverb "sharpen the knife and don't mistake the woodcutter" succinctly tells us that preparation and planning are the keys to success, and this concise expression makes the proverb easy to remember and quote, and becomes a wisdom proverb in life.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?

However, colloquialisms are not just empty words, they are the essence of profound social wisdom. These phrases are often historical witnesses, reflecting deep insights into life, ethics and values of people at a particular historical moment and in a social context. By examining these sayings from different eras, we can get a glimpse of what society was like at that time and the way people thought about the world.

These sayings are like a mirror that reflects the cultural, moral, and mental outlook of a society at a particular historical stage. They are not just expressions of language, they are a transmission of human experience, containing wisdom about how people respond to life's challenges, what values they hold, and how they relate to others.

For example, the saying "I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail" reflects the class concept of ancient Chinese society and people's pursuit of official positions, which is a mirror of the social values of that era.

In addition, colloquialisms also carry the unique function of historical dynasties. Over time, some colloquialisms fade out of people's lives, while others are replaced by new ones.

This change reflects the evolution of society and the transformation of culture. Through the study of colloquialisms in different periods, we can understand the social changes and cultural development in different historical stages, and proverbs have become a vivid history book of history.

02 The mystery of the years: a girl is born at noon, and a man is approaching at midnight

For thousands of years, an ancient proverb has been passed down, leaving a profound cultural connotation and historical background, this proverb is "women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight". Behind this seemingly simple sentence is people's deep thinking about the importance of the time of birth of the baby.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?

Thanks to the wisdom of modern medicine, we have been able to control the timing of the baby's delivery to a certain extent. However, this proverb still teaches us that despite the tremendous advances in technology, the laws and fate of nature are still factors that we cannot fully control. The timing of a baby's birth can be affected by various factors, which can also affect their health and life safety.

Although we can't trace the exact historical origin of this saying, it may have been a warning created by ancient wise men to remind people of the time of birth of newborns. The birth of a girl at noon and the arrival of a man at midnight have a unique symbolic meaning.

Noon is the time of day when the sun is at its strongest, representing the vitality and power of life. Therefore, giving birth in the middle of the day may imply the inheritance and continuation of women's vitality, and women need more care and attention to ensure that they can smoothly give birth and raise the next generation.

Midnight, on the other hand, is the deepest time of the day and the beginning of the night. The temporary birth of a male in the middle of the night may symbolize the secrecy and mystery of life. Men need extra care and pampering as their journey in life can be challenging and unknown.

Throughout the ages, this ancient proverb is not only a profound symbol, but also a true portrayal of the ancient society's deep appreciation for gender differences and fertility. In those distant years, the division of roles between men and women was clearly and firmly inscribed, and childbearing was considered a sacred duty of the family and society as a whole.

Therefore, the hour of birth is not just an ordinary moment, it carries some kind of mysterious foreshadowing of fate, determines the sex of the child, and also determines their future path and destiny.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?


For thousands of years, the ancient saying "women are afraid of being born at noon, men are afraid of children" has been lingering in people's ears, it bears the imprint of time, reflecting

At noon, it is the peak of the day, when the sun is blazing and life is abundant, representing the ultimate in vitality and strength. In ancient times, women were often thought to be gentle and effeminate in household matters, and should not be too masculine.

Therefore, the proverb warns that baby girls should not be born at noon in order to emphasize the special nature of this hour. The strong midday sun tends to make female babies show too strong traits too early, and society expects women to be more involved in family and emotional relationships.

When the stars twinkle, the curtain of night slowly descends, just as men face the difficulties and challenges of life. This moment contains the beginning of life, and a boy is born at this moment, which seems to be infused with the courage and determination to fight the darkness and overcome adversity.

Ancient societies regarded men as the pillars of the family and society, and they were given great responsibilities to take on more social missions in this world. Therefore, the boy born in the child is regarded as a warrior of life, destined to take on the mission of maintaining family and social order in the alternation of sun and night.

Therefore, the proverb admonishes that a baby boy should not be born at the time of the child in order to emphasize the special nature of this hour. The darkness and silence of the child are seen as the tenacity and unyielding qualities that men should have in their upbringing.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?

This proverb also reflects the unequal perception of gender roles and character traits in ancient societies. At that time, there was a clear division of social status and responsibilities between men and women, with women mainly engaged in household chores and men taking on more social responsibilities. This concept was deeply rooted in the values of feudal society at that time, and created a basis for the social status of gender differences.

Although modern society has become increasingly focused on gender equality and infant health, the old saying "women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of children when they are born" still makes us reflect on ancient values and cultural traditions.

It is not just a mantra, but also a window into time, which shows through the dual concept of gender and destiny in ancient society. This old proverb will continue to be passed down through the ages, leaving us room for reflection and interpretation.

04 Epilogue

In a complex world, we often encounter incomprehensible things, and in the face of setbacks and difficulties, we can't help but have doubts and question the fairness and morality of life. However, "Being is Reasonable" reminds us that the essence of life is the interweaving of diversity and uncertainty, and that every being has its own rational way of being. This is not an avoidance of a dilemma, but an acceptance and understanding of reality.

Whether it is the ecological balance of nature or the contradictions and conflicts in human relationships, "existence is reasonable" reflects the operation of the universe to a certain extent. Just as the survival of the fittest in nature, every existence has a value and meaning for its existence, even if we cannot immediately understand or explain it.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", is there any truth to this common saying said by the ancestors?

This proverb encourages us to not only seek ways to solve problems when faced with difficulties, but also to cultivate a receptive and tolerant mindset to face the twists and turns of life with a peaceful attitude.

In the pursuit of wisdom and truth, "being is being is reasonable" also reminds us of humility and prudence. Our cognition is limited, the mysteries of the universe are endless, and it is impossible for us to understand everything. Therefore, we should explore and understand the world with a humble heart, acknowledging that our knowledge and wisdom are limited, while the universe is infinite.

Finally, "existence is reasonable" also calls on us to cherish life and be grateful for every existence. The diversity and wonder of life lies in the fact that it cannot be simply summarized or explained, and it is this uncertainty and mystery that gives our world infinite beauty and value. Whether it is the blossoming and falling of flowers, the ups and downs of wind and clouds, or the ups and downs of interpersonal emotions, it is a valuable experience and wealth in life.

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