
Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

By Hay's Bakery


Low gluten flour 150g

5 eggs

Caster sugar 94g

Corn oil 22g

Honey 19g

Cooked white sesame seeds to taste

Butter to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

1, 1, weigh and prepare all ingredients for later.

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

2, 2, eggs into the cooking bowl, add fine granulated sugar and honey, first mix at low speed, and then turn high speed to send until fluffy white, lift the batter to draw 8 words will not disappear immediately.

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

3, 3, then add sifted low gluten flour, stir well with a spatula, no dry powder and no particles.

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

4, 4, pour in the corn oil, stir well, pour into the flower bag.

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

5, 5, the cake mold brushed with a layer of butter, the batter squeezed into the mold 9 points full, sprinkled with white sesame seeds on the surface (if there is no cake mold with cake paper cups can also be)

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

6, 6, put into the preheating to the upper and lower heat of 170 degrees in the oven, bake for about 20-25 minutes, after the oven to cool and seal and save.

Crispy chicken cake | Soft on the outside and soft on the inside, delicious in golden yellow, taste of childhood

7, 7, can be sealed at room temperature preservation, it is best to eat within 5 days.


1, if there is no cake mold with cake paper cups can also be.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of low gluten flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, and treat dirty, irritable, thirst-

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